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Pioneer Valley All-Day Singing

Leyden Town Hall, Leyden, Massachusetts

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The 9th session of the Pioneer Valley Singing was held in the Leyden Town Hall in Leyden, Massachusetts, on Sunday, August 30, 2009. The class was called to order by Matthew Wojcik leading 171. The opening prayer was offered by Louis Hughes.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Matthew Wojcik; Vice Chairperson—Sheila Kelly; Secretary—Linda Shea.

Leaders: Sheila Kelley 318; Linda Shea 448b; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 205; Jeremy Galvagni 186; Jan-Erik Steel 274t; John Holbrook 52t; Yael Tarshish and Kelsey Sunderland 547; Julian Damashek 81t; Cheri Hardy and Marquela Stevenson 128; Brian Collett 474; Mary Gowins 77t; Laura Timmerman 475; Myles Dakan 385b; Dawn Chang 198; Deidra Montgomery 481; Chris Holley 133; Joanne Fuller 121; Terry Ryan 347.


Joanna Lampert called the class to order leading 32t. Leaders: Kelsey Wessels 87; Caitlin Caulfield 506; Ines Lüttgen 373; Barbara Swetman 125; Peter Golden 137; Philippa Stoddard 440; Anne Kazlauskas 201; Sarah Whites-Koditschek 36b; D.J. Hatfield 430; Judith Parker 300; Kevin Griffin Moreno 425; Corrone Bryant 73b; Cindy Bean 163b; Nicola Collett 245; Richard Schmeidler 254; Barb Ames 77b.


Julian Damashek called the class to order leading 47t. Leaders: Kitty Kagay 195; Oona Coy 565; Daniel Hunter 211; Jean Seiler 142; Jennie Brown 505; Tim Eriksen 442; Elizabeth Stokes 126; Lauren Bock 405.

Cassie Allen opened the memorial lesson by reading the list of deceased as follows: Jimmie Denney and Margaret DeBolt—Georgia; Richard Altman, Bob Guida, Lewis Ryan, and Katherine Ann Warren—New York; Kristin Coates—Vermont; Shirley Mascey—Arizona; John Etheridge—Florida; James Hare—Wisconsin; Doris Parr—Maine; Herb Hammerman—Virginia; Sandy Paton—Connecticut; Jim Couza—England; Arthur Dobias—Massachusetts. She led 288 in their memory.

Allison Schofield led 384 for the following sick and shut-ins: John Pratt, Curtis Smith, Victoria Bolles, Eric Huther, Alice Blanchard, David Blanchard, David Bornick, Ron Bornick, Margaret Bornick, Diane Ober, Nancy Davis, John Plunkett, Richard DeLong, Lonnie Rogers, Miles Schofield, Aaron Wootten, Josie Hyde, Kim Collins Moreno, and Cindy Kissee. Blake Sisemore closed the memorial lesson with prayer.

Leaders: Elizabeth Stoddard 330t; Kelsey Sunderland 521; Jim Bean 189.


Deidra Montgomery called the class to order leading 76b. Leaders: Nora Dunn 500; Diane Mennella 218; Brittany Tanedo and Deidra Montgomery 59; Anna Mays 208; Blake Sisemore 196; Louis Hughes 348b; Cassie Allen 419; Oliver Kindig-Stokes 416; Mary Elizabeth Lee 344; Aldo Ceresa 428; Judy Caudle 216; Martha Henderson 287; Richard Ivey 187; Phillip Langley 215; Kelly Macklin 473; Cheyenne Ivey 129; Paula Picton 148; Rodney Ivey 550; Lela Crowder 436; Michael Mosley 512; April Dell 58; Sarah West 88t; Blake Tanedo 282; Kevin Griffin Moreno 228.


Linda Shea called the class to order leading 75. Leaders: Rick Johnston 392; Leonard Spenser 260; Peter Amidon 31t; George Seiler 68b; Joanna Lampert 431; Katherine Collett 40; Peter Irvine 82t; Allison Schofield 448t; Kelly Taylor 111b; Rosalie Elkington 229; Kate Richardson 429.

The business meeting was called to order by Matthew Wojcik. Secretary Linda Shea reported 87 songs had been lead by 77 leaders. Aldo Ceresa and Martha Henderson, for the Resolutions Committee, thanked all those who contributed to the success of the singing. Matthew Wojcik announced that the 2010 Pioneer Valley Singing would return to its normal schedule: the Saturday before the first Sunday in July. The business meeting was closed.

Following announcements, Matthew Wojcik, Sheila Kelly, and Linda Shea led 62 as the closing song. Laura Timmerman offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Matthew Wojcik; Vice Chairperson—Sheila Kelly; Secretary—Linda Shea