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New England Sacred Harp Convention

South Kingstown Land Trust Barn, South Kingstown, Rhode Island

October 2-3, 2010

Saturday, October 2

The 35th annual New England Sacred Harp Convention was called to order by Justin Levi leading 33b. Liz Cantrell offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Lynne deBenedette 82t; Tom Padwa 40; Joanne DeVoe 31t; Liz Cantrell 107; Kelly House 171; Joanne Fuller 129; Bill Dunn 37b; Emma Rose Brown 205; Chris Holley 159; Erik-Derdan Ymeraga 36b; Paula Picton 32t; Mary Seem 162; Alvaro J.W. Duarte 332; Kshama Ananthapura 411; Aldo Ceresa 182; Natalie Jablonski 378b; Robert Dove 473; John Redman 236.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Justin Levi; Vice Chairperson—Lynne deBenedette; Secretaries—Joanne DeVoe and Tom Padwa; Memorial Committee—Joanna Lampert and John Plunkett; Resolutions Committee—Natalie Jablonski and Richard Ivey; Treasurer—Charles Cofone.


Kelsey Sunderland led 89 to bring the class back together. Leaders: Linda Shea 371; Bill Holt 150; Lauren Bock 298; Kiri Miller 349; Eric Hildebrant 362; Ron Trial 84; Lydia Vernon-Jones 326; Bob Ludwig and Lisa Ludwig 86; Paul Gauthier 542; Charles Cofone 66; Susan Jaster 485; Martha Rogers 106; Terry Ryan 486; Ross Vernon-Jones 99; Maura Burns 148; L.H. Spencer 260.


Joanna Lampert called the class to order leading 105. Leaders: Rosalie Elkinton 108b; Celia Devine 280; Jeremy Galvagni 440; Susan Louks 270; George Pomfret 38t; Pat Callahan 202; Chris Noren 300; Richard Schmeidler 254; Yael Tarshish 448b; Elizabeth Stoddard 173; Peter Golden 208; Cindy Bean 163b; Anne Kazlauskas 250. Louis Hughes offered grace for lunch.


Justin Levi brought the class to order leading 186. Leaders: Tom Malone 550; Deidra Montgomery 426b; Blake Sisemore 39t; Jean Seiler 142; Tim Eriksen 144; Oliver Kindig-Stokes 272; Allison Steel 480; Richard Ivey 556; Karen Freund 383; John Plunkett 112; Sheila Girling Macadam 442; Bradford West 269; Henry Johnson 111t; Pleasance Crawford 468; Nate Green and Norma Green 418; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg and Lauren Bock 396; Masti-Denise Mayrand 133; Edwin Macadam 528; Jennie Brown 436; Louis Hughes 512; Christina Penikis 183; Dan Hertzler 319.


James Baumgartner led 29t to call the class back to order. Leaders: Ian Quinn 193; Robert Stoddard 477; Barbara Swetman 114; Somer Goodman 569b; Ishmael Stefanov-Wagner 189; Ines Lüttgen 137; Elizabeth Stokes 123b; D.J. Hatfield 83t; Kathy Collett 474; Bob Parr 212; Mary Skidmore 218; Nicola Collett 245; Julie Shapiro 497; Andy Johnston 294; Ted Stokes 425; Diane Mennella 347; Emily Hancock 65; Sally House 146.

Justin Levi and Lynne deBenedette led 46 as the closing song. Blake Sisemore offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Sunday, October 3

The Sunday session of the New England Convention was called to order by Justin Levi leading 145t. Liz Cantrell offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Lynne deBenedette 32t; Tom Padwa 117; Joanne DeVoe 327; Liz Cantrell 101t; Kelly House 384; Bob Parr 215; Jean Seiler 448t; the Hawke family 274t; Dean Jens 45t; Evan Macadam 121; Karen Freund 30b; Oliver Kindig-Stokes 27; Allison Steel 399b; Nate Green and Norma Green 271t; Chris Noren 29t; John Redman 426b.


The class was called back together by Rosalie Elkinton leading 59. Leaders: Barbara Swetman 71; Bill Dunn 448b; Louis Hughes 181; Stephanie Fida 377; Julie Shapiro 217; Adam Simon 344; Celia Devine 474; Nicola Collett 547; Erik-Derdan Ymeraga 48b; Nate Zweig 439; Susan Greenberg 505; Kathy Collett 504; Charles Cofone 35; Sally House 503; Ted Stokes 292; D.J. Hatfield 558; Caitlin Caulfield 114.


Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg led 89 to call the class together. Leaders: Alvaro J.W. Duarte 77t; Deidra Montgomery 153; Peter Golden 361; Ines Lüttgen 429; Jim Bean 189; Elizabeth Stokes 328.

Joanna Lampert and John Plunkett led 73t for the following sick and home-bound: Wallen Bean, Aruilla Boswell, Phyllis Bruce, Lucy Chadwick, Brian Collett, William Crawford, Vera Dorzynsky, Steve Halbert, Annie Luttinen, Nicola Macadam, Bob Meek, Kim Merino, Bud Oliver, Kathe Pilobosian, Jane Rankin, Lonnie Rogers, Ellen Schumman, Tia Scully, Judy Simpson, Curtis Smith, Genny Whitworth, Connor Wilkins, Bill Windom, Lionel Wollenberg, and Aaron Wooten.

Kelly House spoke movingly about the life of George Seiler, and remembered his many kind actions on behalf of the Sacred Harp community. Kelly then led 68b in memory of the following deceased: Billy Williams—Alabama; Jeanette McCready—Connecticut; Kenny St. George—Florida; Jerry Enright, Rachel Elaine Morris—Illinois; Ann Kucera, Peter Shiras, Rosie Shiras—Maine; Victoria Bolles, George McGray, Betty Williams—Massachusetts; Jesse Buono—New Mexico; Ted Barnes, David Bornick, Phyllis Glick, George Loft, George Seiler—New York; Tybele Frankel—Ohio; Pat Pritchet—Vermont; Ron Wolff—Wisconsin; Jesse Buzell, Brian Kachur—Quebec. John Plunkett offered the memorial prayer.

Leaders: Elizabeth Stoddard 52b; Joanne Fuller 146. Liz Cantrell offered the blessing for the noon meal.


The afternoon session was brought to order by Justin Levi leading 138t. Leaders: Aldo Ceresa 532; Kelsey Sunderland 564; Richard Ivey 454; Linda Shea 168; Bill Holt 528; Emma Rose Brown 283; John Plunkett 517; Joanna Lampert 530; Dan Hertzler 340; Henry Johnson 406; Ian Quinn 333; Rachel Speer 298; James Baumgartner 76b; Paula Picton 475; Blake Sisemore 434; Doron Henkin 455; Jennie Brown 444; Tom Malone 500; Paul Gauthier 302; Maura Burns 180; Richard Schmeidler 268; Natalie Jablonski 481.


Mary Seem called the class back together by leading 348b. Leaders: Kshama Ananthapura 379; Sheila Girling Macadam 457; Robert Dove 515; Pat Callahan 369; Andy Lebrun 347; Emily Hancock 47b; Matt Wojcik and Rosie Wojcik 349; Anne Kazlauskas 304; Mary Gowins 208; Al McCready 34b; Kitty Kagay 72b; Mary Andrews 542; Mary Jo Shafer 335; L.H. Spencer 216; Yael Tarshish 472; John Travers 49t; Nellie Farrington 108b; Michael Nord 58b; Andy Johnson 29b; Mary Skidmore 277; Tom Oswald 269; Cathy Brochet 86; Bob Ludwig 178; Cindy Bean and Jim Bean 300.

A business meeting was held to hear committee reports. Secretaries Joanne DeVoe and Tom Padwa reported that 114 leaders had led 189 lessons. A total of 172 people were registered for the convention. Treasurer Charles Cofone reported that all expenses had been met, with a surplus to help fund next year’s convention. Natalie Jablonski and Richard Ivey, as the Resolutions Committee, offered thanks to all those who made the singing possible.

After announcements, Justin Levi and Lynne deBenedette led 62 as the closing lesson. Tom Malone offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Justin Levi; Vice Chairperson—Lynne deBenedette; Secretaries—Joanne DeVoe and Tom Padwa