Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Old Flatwoods Primitive Baptist Church

Nauvoo, Alabama

May 9, 1999

The annual Sacred Harp singing at Old Flatwoods Primitive Baptist Church was held on the second Sunday in May. The class was called to order by Joshua Keeton leading songs on pages 30t and 108t. Earl Warren led the congregation in prayer.

The class organized and the following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Ashley Keeton; Vice Chairman—Glenn Keeton; Arranging Committee—Arthur Gilmore and Joshua Keeton; Secretary—Pamela Keeton.

Ashley Keeton led songs on pages 144 and 300. Leaders: Bill Hogan 297, 30b; Odie Horton 204; Cassie Franklin 99, 475; Billy Williams 154, 438; Parnell Berry 177, 306; Wilton Donaldson 317; Margaret Keeton 455; Elmer Conwill 31t, 137; Pamela Keeton 200, 222; Jimmie Gilmore “Cleansing Fountain” (for her parents, Garnsey and Ethel McGough who are in the nursing home, and for her son, Philip Gilmore who is sick), 276; Jimmie Gilmore and Glenn Keeton 225t.


The class was called back to order by Ashley Keeton leading song on page 196. Leaders: Sarah Beasley Smith 290, 406; Harrison Creel 111b, 512; Brenda Merritt 76b, 270; Cindy Franklin 269, 198; Delores Canaday 294, 85; Gene Wakefield 168, 284; Mae Conwill 314, 74b; John Merritt 358, 45 (t? b?).

A memorial lesson was held with Jimmie Gilmore, Arthur Gilmore, Glenn Keeton, Pamela Keeton, Joe Gilmore, Leslie Gilmore, Tim Gilmore, Joshua Keeton, and Ashley Keeton leading songs on pages 146 and 143 for the deceased, and also for the sick and shut-ins.


The afternoon session was called to order by Glenn Keeton leading songs on pages 59 and 64. Leaders: Joe Gilmore 388, 186; Ila Ingle 434, 436; John Hyde 61, 90; Leslie Gilmore and Joe Gilmore 36b, 371; Joe Gilmore 442 (in memory of Uncle Tom Harper); Tim Gilmore 142 (in memory of his mother, Lavada Gilmore), 328, 189; Travis Keeton 400, 179; A.C. McGough 454; Lena Keeton, Gwen Cornelius, and Katie Key 34b, 498; Ivalene Donaldson 288, 73t; John Hocutt 272, 211.


The class was called back to order by Arthur Gilmore leading songs on pages 569 (t? b?) and 496. Leaders: Kermit Adams 67, 426t; John Beasley 335, 47b; Marlin Beasley and Juanita Beasley 336, 337; Gary Smith 47t, 565; Gladys Bonds 68b, 499; Dwight Ingle and Karen Wiggins 294, 445b; Velton Chafin 35; Ricky Beasley 39b, 566; Chuck Beasley 33b, 235; Bunk Beasley and Marlin Beasley 81t.

Ashley Keeton and Glenn Keeton led song on page 62 as the closing song. Arthur Gilmore dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Ashley Keeton; Vice Chairman—Glenn Keeton; Secretary—Pamela Keeton.