Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Bob Burnham Memorial Singing

Jacksonville, Alabama

February 7, 1999

The thirty-second session of the Bob Burnham Memorial Sacred Harp Singing was held the first Sunday in February, and was called to order by Ruth Brown leading songs on pages 59 and 63. Roy Nelson offered the opening prayer. Jeff Sheppard led song on page 75; Shelbie Sheppard 336; Margie Smith and Nancy Allen 111b.

The class organized with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Ruth Brown; Vice Chairman—Jeff Sheppard; Secretary—Shelbie Sheppard; Arranging Committee—Margie Smith.

Leaders: Ruth Brown 101t (in memory of Leonard Lacy); Nate Green and Norma Green 452, 438; Don Bowen 503; Carlene Griffin 548; Jimmy Cates 37b; Evelyn Harris 47t; Lamar Smith 76b; Cindy Franklin 454; Jimmie Denney 143; Charlene Wallace 532; S.T. Reed 125; Cassie Franklin 349; Randall Smith 36b; Pearl Guier 448b; Milton Oliver 314; Joan Aldridge 344.


B.M. Smith brought the class to order leading song on page 475. Ruth Brown recognized the mayor of Jacksonville, Dr. Jerry Smith, who gave everyone a very warm welcome to the city. Ruth Brown and Dr. Jerry Smith then led song on page 45t. Leaders: Louis Hughes, Sr. 565b; Linda Sides 29t; Jim Carnes 436; Karleen Williams 373; Bud Oliver 73t; Mattie Townsel 61; Paul Wyatt 147b; Jewel Wootten 283; Rodney Ivey 168; Laura Ackerman 192; Henry Johnson 288; Judy Mincey 464; Bobby Jackson 282; Lee Rogers 130; Roy Nelson 434. Lonnie Rogers offered the blessing for the noon meal.


Jeff Sheppard called the class to order leading song on page 186. Leaders: Betty Wright 347; Felton Denney 523; Elene Stovall 99; Lonnie Rogers 389; Eloise Avery 35; Jackie Tanner 208; Mary Florence Smith 334; Coy Ivey and Don Bowen 384; Linda Thomas and Louise Nelson 350; Daphene Causey “The Great Roll Call”; Penny Bosarge 270; B.J. Harris 303; Hilda Morrison 285t; Freeman Wootten and Jewel Wootten 49b; Alice Edwards 104, 73b; John Plunkett 280; Sylvia Holland 348b; Buell Cobb 330t; Dennis George 196; Lou Cotney 218; Sherrell Durand 335; Ola Martin 215; Ruth Daniels 378t; Lovella Campbell 161; Sonja Randall 87; Nancy Allen 146; B.M. Smith 276; Josephine Denney 32t; Coy Ivey 358; Louis Hughes 142; Cassie Franklin 217; Elene Stovall 222; Linda Sides 448t; Penny Bosarge 535.

Announcements were made. Ruth Brown and Jeff Sheppard led song on page 147t in memory of Millard and Pearl McWhorter, and then led song on page 146 as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer led by Felton Denney.

Chairman—Ruth Brown; Vice Chairman—Jeff Sheppard; Secretary—Shelbie Sheppard.