Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
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Helwig-Coghlan Memorial Singing
Alameda, California
Saturday, November 9, 2024
The 3rd session of the Helwig-Coghlan Memorial Singing met on Saturday before the second Sunday in November at the California Historical Radio Society. The class was called to order by Lindy Groening leading 492. Dave Barber offered the opening prayer.
A business meeting was held and the following slate of officers elected: Co-chairpersons—Lindy Groening and Pat Coghlan; Secretary—Leah Coffin; Treasurer—J.T. Harechmak; Chaplain—Dave Barber; Registration—Dami Osoba; Resolutions—Linda Selph; Food and Beverages—Susan Widule and Paul Hsi. Lindy Groening announced that Pat Coghlan was hospitalized and that she would chair on his behalf. The business session was closed.
Leaders: J.T. Harechmak 276; Heather Purdy 40; Hugh McGuire 42; Vivian McBride 273; Maggie Zhou 319; Leigh Cooper 225t; Sumie Arnold 178; Dave Barber 35; Jenny Solheim 400; Linda Selph 426b; Hannah Blair 87; Mark Godfrey 299 (for Pat Coghlan); Joel Chan 480; Peter Schinske 217; Joe Coghlan 501; Kate Fine 507; Ellen Lueck 317.
Mark Godfrey led 82t to bring the class together. Leaders: Leah Coffin 384; Thom Fahrbach 214; Evelyn Lamb 132; Mia Alvarado 49b; Bob Schinske 89; Matthew Siefert 464; Betsy Jeronen 564; David Schmidt 547; Nancy Novotny 181; Kevin Barrans 444; Kate Coxon 80t; Dami Osoba 538; Kim Lusk 378b; Susan Widule 277; Laura McMurray 39t; Paul Hsi 30t; Helen Cepero 99; Lindy Groening 112.
The class was brought back to order by Hugh McGuire leading 275b. Leaders: Heather Purdy 204; Leigh Cooper 213t; Sumie Arnold 47t; J.T. Harechmak 155; Nancy Novotny 200; Hannah Blair 51; Matthew Siefert 500; Bob Schinske 522; Jenny Solheim 455; Mia Alvarado 565; Thom Fahrbach 291; Laura McMurray 512; Dave Barber 113; Evelyn Lamb 69t; Ellen Lueck 30b. Dave Barber asked a blessing before the meal.
The first afternoon session began with Maggie Zhou leading 67. Leaders: Rachel O’Leary 290; Peter Schinske 306; Rebecca Edwards 336; Joe Coghlan 49t; Kate Coxon 411; Carolyn Deacy 286; Kevin Barrans 80b; Betsy Jeronen 392; Jonathan Scher 330t; Kim Lusk 445; David Schmidt 440; Dami Osoba 183; Peter Ross 163b; Leah Coffin 193; Evelyn Lamb 173; Kate Fine 532; Linda Selph 349; Thom Fahrbach 312t; Bob Schinske 110; Hugh McGuire 402; Nancy Novotny 419; Mia Alvarado 352; Matthew Siefert 225b; Laura McMurray 48t.
Ellen Lueck brought the class back to order leading 312b. Leaders: Rebecca Edwards 542 (for Thom Fahrbach); J.T. Harechmak 111b; Mark Godfrey 351 (for Pat Coghlan); Peter Schinske 313t; Kate Fine 472 (for Pat Coghlan); David Schmidt 414; Susan Widule 274t; Dami Osoba 85; Lindy Groening 101b; Kevin Barrans 101t; Kate Coxon 228 (in memory of Steve Helwig); Betsy Jeronen 330b; Heather Purdy 270; Peter Ross 146; Jenny Solheim 29t; Dave Barber 569b; Leigh Cooper 372; Linda Selph 129.
The business meeting was reopened to hear reports from officers and committees. J.T. Harechmak reported as treasurer that expenses had been met. Leah Coffin as secretary reported that forty-six singers from five states led ninety-eight songs. Lindy Groening on behalf of the Resolutions Committee thanked all for their participation and the officers and committees for their service, and resolved to meet again on Saturday before the second Sunday in November next year. The meeting was closed. Announcements were made.
Lindy Groening led 347 as the closing song. Dave Barber offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.
Chairperson—Lindy Groening; Secretary—Leah Coffin