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Dallas Sacred Harp Singing

Cochran Chapel United Methodist Church, Dallas, Texas

Saturday, November 2, 2024

The Dallas Sacred Harp Singing Convention was held at the Cochran Chapel United Methodist Church on Saturday before the first Sunday in November. The class was called to order by Ivy Hauser-Hall leading 47t. She welcomed everyone and offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Tristan Gordon 178, 33b; Stina Sodering 56t, 171; Diane Ross 133, 300; Donna McKay 50b, 49b; Michael McBride 479, 230; Sonia Chin 573, 73t; Beverly Coates 55, 277; Ainsley Ross 189, 503; Jerry Ryan 274t, 145t; David Ivey 184, 210; Brooke Robb 32t, 270; Garrett Powell 30b, 77t.


Ainsley Ross brought the class back together leading 103. Leaders: Kristie Powell 203, 39t; Findley Ross 276, 185; Larkin Ross 40, 146; Ryan Lewis 122, 196; Owen Ross 538, 565; Gaylon Powell 528, 149; Leland Ross and Ainsley Ross 299, 319.

The memorial and sick and shut-in lesson was conducted by Owen Ross. Gaylon Powell led 45t for the sick and shut-ins. Owen Ross, after a brief devotional, led 285t in memory of the deceased. He closed the lesson with a prayer.

Leaders: Tom Owen 481, 500: Barbara Smith 323b, 504; Ryan Ross 168, 385b; Tammy Powell 472, 454; Rick Foreman 539, 475; Donald Ross 111b, 225t. Rick Foreman led the blessing for the mid-day meal.


The afternoon session began with Tristan Gordon leading 82b. Leaders: Ryan Lewis 347; Beverly Coates 107; Owen Ross 198; Kristie Powell 430; Donna McKay 86; Donald Ross 183; David Ivey 69b; Avon Miller 527; Sonia Chin 318; Gaylon Powell 240 (for Kevin Powell); Tom Owen 491; Ivy Hauser-Hill 349; Salomon Bautista 63; Diane Ross 480; Ryan Ross 120. Announcements were made.

Leaders: Stina Sodering 58; Jerry Ryan 111t; Brooke Robb 228; Michael McBride 201; Tammy Powell 163b (for Vivian Rogan); Barbara Smith 551; Rick Foreman 182; Tom Owen 532; Kristie Powell 142; Tristan Gordon 268; Gaylon Powell 448t; Beverly Coates 432. Ivy Hauser-Hill thanked all for coming and the closing prayer was led by Rick Foreman.

Chairperson—Ivy Hauser-Hill; Vice Chairman—Tristan Gordon; Secretaries—Diane Ross and Stina Sodering