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Chattahoochee Convention

Wilson Chapel, Carroll County, Georgia

August 3-4, 2024

Saturday, August 3

The 172nd session of the Chattahoochee Convention was held on the first Sunday and Saturday before in August at Wilson Chapel, Cross Plains, Georgia. The class was called to order by Sheri Taylor, who welcomed everyone, and led 334. Bill DuPre offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Laura Frey 178; Jenna Frey 163b; Lisa Webb 222; Glenda Collins 566; Bill Dupre 32t; Lisa Bennett 52t; Barbara Brooks 72t; Karen Rollins 171; Bert Collins 168; Jim Neal 421; Judy Chambless 454; Winfred Kerr 516; Oscar McQuire 573; David Smead 372; Jane Cannon 328; David Carlton 332; Robert Chambless 335; Riley McKibbin 46.


Laura Frey called the class to order by leading 162. Leaders: Nathan Rees 96; Jonathon Smith 329; Jose Camacho and Erick Rubro 163t.

The convention held a business session for the purpose of electing or appointing officers and committee members. The following officers were elected: Chairman—Sheri Taylor; Vice Chairman—Laura Frey and Lisa Webb; Secretary—Jenna Frey; Chaplin—Bill DuPre; Arranging Committee—Laura Frey and Jenna Frey; Finance Committee—Lori Goode; Memorial Committee—Lisa Webb and Oscar McGuire; Resolution Committee—Lisa Bennett and David Smead.

Leaders: Jenna Frey 45t; Alan Blake, Nelda Hadaway, John Blake, and Karrick Blake 82t, 72b; Judy Mincey 468; Lori Goode 358; Joyce Hath 82b; Daniel Williams 404; Erick Rubro 47b; Glenda Collins 100; Bill DuPre 86; Lisa Bennett 341; Jeremiah Ledbetter 498. Daniel Williams offered the blessing before the noon meal.


Lisa Webb, Riley McKibbin, and Christian Webb brought the class to order leading 369. Leaders: Jesse Roberts Jr. 149, 338; Barbara Brooks 119; Karen Rollins 120; Bert Collins 124; Jim Neal 406; Judy Chambless 282; Winfred Kerr 294; Oscar McGuire, Maryland Porterfield and Mary Maynard 503; Christian Webb 63; David Smead 564 (in memory of Susan Fetcho); Jane Cannon 546; David Carlton 481; Robert Chambless 354t; Nathan Rees 268; Jonathon Smith 57; Jose Camacho 274t; Riley McKibbin 133; Judy Mincey 320; Daniel Williams 102; Erick Rubro 277; Jesse Roberts Jr. 373. Announcements were made.

Sheri Taylor, Laura Frey and Lisa Webb led 323t as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer offered by Gene Duke.

Sunday, August 4

The Sunday session of the Chattahoochee Convention was brought to order by Sheri Taylor leading 37b and 39t. Bill DuPre offered the opening prayer. Leaders: Laura Frey 49b, 159; Jenna Frey 231, 163b; Lisa Webb 142, 334; Riley McKibbin 323b, 348b; Winfred Kerr 59, 45t; Bill DuPre 349, 426t; Oscar McGuire 515, 485; Karen Rollins 227, 327; Esther Williams 224, 270.


Laura Frey led 451 to bring the class back to order. Leaders: John Plunkett 470, 230; Samuel Williams 547, 477; Jesse Roberts Jr. 498, 163t; Chrissy Brown 68b, 455.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Oscar McGuire and Lisa Webb. Lisa read the following names of the sick and shut-ins: Beverly Rollins Thompson, Pam House, and Don Bowen. Lisa encouraged everyone to reach out to those on the list to let them know they are loved and pray for quick healing. She led 452 in honor of the sick and shut-ins.

Oscar McGuire continued the memorial lesson for the deceased by reading the following names: Clay Keirbow, Lettie Ann Driver, Rudy Allen Webb, Jerry Shadinger—Georgia; Earl Ballinger, Henry Guthery, and Tommie Spurlock—Alabama; Dan Brittain—Arkansas;, Susan Fetcho and Jeff Begley—California; Tom Tucker—Pennsylvania; Eva Striebeck—Germany. Oscar led 285t in loving memory of the deceased. Jesse Roberts Jr. closed the memorial lesson with prayer. The class was dismissed with Gene Duke offering grace before the noon meal.


Laura Frey, Jenna Frey, Riley McKibbin, and Sheri Taylor brought the class back together by leading 297. Leaders: Jonathon Smith 108b, 324; Nathan Rees 325, 436; Lisa Bennett 43 (in memory of the W.D. Jones family), 70t; David Smead 339, 40; Lori Goode 551, 176b; Cecil Roberts 30t, 491 (in memory of Stanly Edwards); Judy Mincey 501, 473; Gene Duke 373, 434; Bill DuPre 500; Oscar McGuire 512; Esther Williams 33t; Jonathon Smith 112; Nathan Rees 313t: Lisa Bennett 313b (in memory of Dan Brittain); David Smead 236; Cecil Roberts 76b; Judy Mincey 33b; Gene Duke 101t.

The convention went into a business session for the purpose of hearing reports. The Finance Committee, Lori Goode, read the financial report for the two days. Lisa Bennett and David Smead submitted the following resolution from the Resolutions Committee: We, the singers and members of the 172nd session of the Chattahoochee Convention thank God for the many blessings He has given to us. We are filled with gratitude for Sacred Harp, for the joy of singing and for the opportunity for fellowship with friends from near and far. We give thanks for all those singers who have gone before us and those who have kept this tradition alive and growing. We thank all the singers who participated and joined us in the fellowship, especially those who introduced new friends to Sacred Harp this weekend. We are grateful to all whose work made for a wonderful weekend of singing. We are thankful to the caretakers of Wilson Chapel for hosting us. We resolve to meet here on the first Sunday and Saturday before in August for the 173rd session of the Chattahoochee Convention. Motion was made and carried that the reports be accepted and added to the convention’s minutes. Announcements were made.

Sheri Taylor, Laura Frey, and Jenna Frey led 47b as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer offered by Cecil Roberts.

Chairperson—Sheri Taylor; Vice Chairpersons—Laura Frey and Lisa Webb; Secretary—Jenna Frey