Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
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Shaker Meetinghouse and Francis Bliss
Memorial Singing
Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village, Maine
Saturday, June 1, 2024
The 2024 Shaker Meetinghouse and Francis Bliss Memorial Singing was held on Saturday before the first Sunday in June. Barb Ames called the class to order leading ‘The Shakers’, a hymn commemorating the 250th anniversary of Mother Ann Lee’s arrival in America. Chris Holley offered the opening prayer.
Leaders: Robert Stoddard 33b; Jonathan Spencer 77t; Pleasance Crawford 297; George Howe 148; Eric Sandberg 277; William Schuller 35; Erin Fulton 76t; Inga Buckland 168; George Sigut 38b; Jesse Vear 429; Owen Stoddard 430; Lizzie Sanders 227; Joan Frankel 171; Sara Sandberg 276; Bill Holt 274t; Catherine Bull and Elizabeth Stoddard 178; Anabel Gravel Chabot 98; Elizabeth Stoddard 564; Chuck Crawford 546; Ethan McNerney 512.
The class was brought back to order by Eric Sandberg leading 135. Leaders: Kerry Cullinan 348t; Derek Buckland 101b; Chris Holley 49b; Pleasance Crawford 193; William Schuller 426b; George Howe 36b; Jesse Vear 336; Robert Stoddard 300; Erin Fulton 197; George Sigut 448t; Anabel Gravel Chabot 385b; Inga Buckland 282; Jonathan Spencer 260; Catherine Bull and Elizabeth Stoddard 146; Joan Frankel 143; Owen Stoddard 198; Lizzie Sanders 47b; Pippa Stoddard 134; Bill Holt 224; Ethan McNerney 230; Sara Sandberg 313b.
The class was brought back to order by Pippa Stoddard leading 81t. Leaders: Chuck Crawford 480; Elizabeth Stoddard 411; William Schuller 56b; Anabel Gravel Chabot 111b; Jesse Vear 296; Kerry Cullinan 501; Inga Buckland 420; Jonathan Spencer 500; Erin Fulton 285b; Robert Stoddard 103; George Howe 209; Pleasance Crawford 222; Lizzie Sanders 131t; Joan Frankel 84; Chris Holley 271t; Sara Sandberg 354t; Bill Holt 376; Pippa Stoddard 399b; Patty and Ethan McNerney 354b; George Sigut 444; Owen Stoddard 569b.
Elizabeth Stoddard led 62 as the closing song. Chris Holley dismissed the class with prayer.
Co-Chairpersons—Elizabeth Stoddard and Barb Ames; Secretaries—Elizabeth Stoddard and Sara Sandberg