Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
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Mid-Michigan Singing
Faith Lutheran Church, Okemos, Michigan
Saturday, May 11, 2024
The annual Mid-Michigan Singing was held on Saturday before the second Sunday in May. Barb VanderJagt called the class to order leading 171. Wendy Wahn offered the opening prayer.
The following officers were appointed to serve: Chairman—Barb VanderJagt; Vice Chairman—Sandy Wong; Finance Officer—Anne Missavage; Secretary/Arranging Officer—Marian Mitchell; Chaplain—Wendy Wahn.
Leaders: Bob Borcherding 112; Cecelia Kramer 63; Anne Missavage 29t; Marian Mitchell 47t; Wendy Wahn 480; Catherine Brown 350; Martha Beverly 377; Barb VanderJagt 481; Hannah Resnick 122; Jessica Pokharel 72b; Grey Grant 163b; Ginnie Landgraf 415; Bob Borcherding 168; Gerald Schoultz 84; Cecelia Kramer 442; Anne Missavage 106; Marian Mitchell 189; Wendy Wahn 548.
Hannah Resnick brought the class back together leading 59. Leaders: Catherine Brown 66; Barb VanderJagt 128; Jessica Pokharel and Maverick Pokharel 452; Martha Beverly 528; Hannah Resnick 344; Grey Grant 254; Ginnie Landgraf 324; Gerald Schoultz 361; Bob Borcherding 110; Anne Missavage 440; Cecelia Kramer 71; Marian Mitchell 178; Wendy Wahn 547; Catherine Brown and Alexis Riley 313b; Martha Beverly 210.
Catherine Brown brought the class back together leading 162. Leaders: Anne Missavage 486; Hannah Resnick 117; Barb VanderJagt 155; Jessica Pokharel 282; Ginnie Landgraf 236. Wendy Wahn asked a blessing before the noon meal.
Grey Grant brought the class back together leading 49t. Leaders: Gerald Schoultz 505; Bob Borcherding 524; Cecelia Kramer 180; Anne Missavage 186; Marian Mitchell 268; Wendy Wahn 269; Catherine Brown and Brad Baughman 535; Martha Beverly 507; Barb VanderJagt 497; Hannah Resnick 42; Grey Grant and Cecelia Kramer 47b; Ginnie Landgraf 81t; Gerald Schoultz 198; Bob Borcherding 275b; Cecelia Kramer 39t.
Cecelia Kramer brought the class back together leading 40. Leaders: Alexis Riley and Ginnie Landgraf 146; Anne Missavage 148; Marian Mitchell 335; Wendy Wahn 501; Catherine Brown 385b; Barb VanderJagt 472; Hannah Resnick 192; Ginnie Landgraf 504; Gerald Schoultz 277; Wendy Wahn 500; Bob Borcherding 34t; Ginnie Landgraf 397; Barb VanderJagt 496. Announcements were made and thanks offered to the people who made the day a success.
Barb VanderJagt led 347 as the closing song. Wendy Wahn offered the closing prayer and the class was dismissed.
Chairperson—Barb VanderJagt; Vice Chairperson—Sandy Wong; Secretary—Marian Mitchell