Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
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Vermont Sacred Harp Singing
Norwich, Vermont
Saturday, May 4, 2024
The 42nd session of the Vermont All-Day Sacred Harp Singing was held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Upper Valley on Saturday before the first Sunday in May. The class was called to order by Colleen Hayes leading 35.
Leaders: Dan Hertzler 68b; Larry Bingham 47t; Margaret Graver 112; Paul Gauthier and Tallulah Stolper 40; Anabel Gravel Chabot 90; Grant Cook 285b; Sara Sandberg 556; George Sigut 86; Lisa Sieverts 452; Charles Biada 108b; Sue Dwelle 84; Eric Sandberg 277; Magdalena Zapedowska 146; Sage Chase-Dempsey 183; Rachel Rudi 217; Icarus Tyree 299; Elea Regembal 272.
The class was called back together by Carol Dempsey leading 162. Leaders: Mark Williams 269; Nicandra Galper 99; Jeremy Galvagni 479; Mary Skidmore 236; Philippe Doyle-Gosselin 224; Anya Skibbie 228; Alec Collins 319; Esther Wade 506; Kerry Cullinan 200; Jean Rosenberg 198; Evan Landon 39b; Isabell Linhaves 551; Philou Fortier 569t; Will Harran 155; Anuhea Sebstad 378b; Nathan Ferguson 89; Emily Ekelund 94; Carole Crompton 189; Scott Luscombe 547; Jenny Wright 191; Kit Walsh 419. Dan Hertzler asked the blessing before the noon meal.
The afternoon session began with Sage Chase-Dempsey leading 312b. Leaders: Marie Brandis 564; Ariane Roberge 318; Erin Fulton 181; Rick Johnston 548; Michaela Natal 480; Stuart Jackson 566; névé dumas 76b; Hugh Thomas 64; Dan Hertzler 362; Larry Bingham 193; Margaret Graver 340; Paul Gauthier 324; Anabel Gravel Chabot 290.
Emily Ekelund led 73t for the sick and shut-ins and 341 in memory of the deceased.
Leaders: George Sigut 448b; Sara Sandberg 315; Grant Cook 82t; Lisa Sieverts 178; Charles Biada 462; Eric Sandberg 411; Magdalena Zapedowska 300; Sage Chase-Dempsey 271t.
David Rosenberg led 335 to bring the class together. Leaders: Rachel Rudi 500; Icarus Tyree 117; Nic Tuff 278t; Elea Regembal 351; Nicandra Galper 344; Jeremy Galvagni 192; Anya Skibbie 573; Philippe Doyle-Gosselin 400; Mary Skidmore 383; Alec Collins 445; Isabel Linhaves 288; Esther Wade 337.
Philou Fortier led 454 to bring the class to order. Leaders: Jean Rosenberg 254; Will Harran 63; Kerry Cullinan 562; Jenny Wright 106; Nathan Ferguson 504; Kit Walsh 505; Erin Fulton 378t; Scott Luscombe 353; Michaela Natal 384; Rick Johnston 58; Ariane Roberge 270; Sue Dwelle 503; Stuart Jackson 187; Marie Brandis 168; Hugh Thomas 276; névé dumas 421; Dan Hertzler 282. Announcements were made. The Secretary reported that eighty-one people registered from six states and two Canadian provinces, and that fifty-one leaders led ninety-six songs.
Colleen Hayes led 62 as the closing song. Margaret Graver offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.
Chairperson—Colleen Hayes; Secretary—Carol Dempsey