Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Burnham and Brown Memorial
Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, Alabama
Sunday, February 4, 2024
The annual Burnham and Brown Memorial Sacred Harp Singing was held in the Wesley Foundation Student Center on the first Sunday in February. The class was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Kathy Williams and Tom George leading 36b. The opening prayer was offered by Tom George. Kathy Williams addressed the class, suggesting that today’s singing be dedicated to the memory of Pearl Guier. The class agreed.
Leaders: Tom George 72b; Judy Caudle 448b; Pam Nunn 186; Daniel Lee 302; Bert Collins 542; Gail Doss 448t; Cecil Roberts 312b; Winfred Kerr 77b; Susan Lee 300; Rodney Ivey 225t; Lisa Bennett 274t; Denney Rogers 345t; Cheyenne Ivey 222; Robert Chambless 303; Glenda Collins 63; Buell Cobb 417.
Kathy Williams led 151 to bring the class together. Leaders: Judy Mincey 497; David Smead 352; Alissa Eiesland 125; Tim Gregg 498; Shawn Taylor 564; Judy Chambless 282 (in memory of Tommie Spurlock); Alex Forsyth 138b; Tim Morton 279; Karen Rollins 120 (in memory of Philip Denney and Richard Mauldin); Lucey Rose Karlsberg and Meredith Ivey 196; Everett Ivey and Kelsey Ivey 37b; Nicholas Thompson 336 (in memory of Lydia Lewallen); Sarah George 212; David Brodeur 192; Racheal Geary 166; Bridge Kennedy 391 (for Max Berueffy); Elene Stovall 389; Jesse P. Karlsberg 90; David Ivey 92; Reba Windom 318; Richard Ivey 380; Rene Greene 436. Cecil Roberts asked a blessing before the noon meal.
The afternoon session began with Kathy Williams leading 155. Leaders: Kelsey Ivey 328; Andy Ditzler 353 (in memory of Dan Brittain); Daniel Lee and Susan Lee 278t; Alex Forsyth and Racheal Geary 142; David Smead and Lisa Bennett 96; Bert Collins and Glenda Collins 105; Robert Chambless and Judy Chambless 84; Tom George and Sarah George 546; Richard Ivey and Kelsey Ivey 187; David Brodeur and Andy Ditzler 450; Jesse P. Karlsberg and Shawn Taylor 553; Karen Rollins and Denney Rogers 143; Bridge Kennedy and Judy Caudle 500; Gail Doss, Lynette Spencer, and Christen Warner 501; Elene Stovall and Cheyenne Ivey 384; Judy Mincey and Alissa Eiesland 65; Tim Gregg, Nicholas Thompson, and Tim Morton 123b; David Ivey 93; Reba Windom, Rene Greene, and Pam Nunn 269; Kathy Williams 30b.
Kathy Williams and Tom George led 56t as the closing song. Tom George offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.
Chairperson—Kathy Williams; Vice Chairman—Tom George; Secretary—Judy Caudle