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Australian Sacred Harp Convention

Brunswick Uniting Church, Brunswick, Australia

January 27-28, 2024

Saturday, January 27

The 7th Australian Sacred Harp Convention was held at the Brunswick Uniting Church hall in January, 2024. Shawn Whelan called the class to order at 9:30 a.m. leading 376. Shawn welcomed everyone to the convention, and acknowledged the traditional owners of this land, the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation, paying respect to Elders past and present. Chris Phillips offered the opening prayer.

Natalie Sims taught a singing school, which was followed by a business session. Leaders and members of committees were elected as follows: Chairman—Shawn Whelan; Deputy Chairman—Natalie Sims; Secretary—Morag Logan; Arranging Committee—Morag Logan, Natalie Sims, and Lauren Reader; Registration Committee—Myfanwy Godfrey and Lauren Reader; Treasurer—Melanie Albrecht; Food Coordinator—Naomi Colville. Shawn Whelan also thanked Morag Logan and Peter Rayner for having organised and hosted an excellent Friday evening social, including a walking-and-singing tour and dinner at their home.

Leaders: Peter Rayner 324; Angharad Davis 95; Shawn Whelan 276; Ruby Foster 319; Nick Hall 36b; Natalie Sims 448b; Tom MacDonald 163b; Lauren Reader 299; Caitlin McHugh 311; Morag Logan 472; Myfanwy Godfrey 535; Chris Phillips 504; Rachel Jordan 492; Meg Quinlisk 380; Peter Rayner 99; Angharad Davis 75; Shawn Whelan 168.


Meg Quinlisk called the group together by leading 30t. Leaders: Chris Phillips 267; Rachel Jordan 155; Peter Rayner 236; Caitlin McHugh 191; Ruby Foster 524; Morag Logan 442; Nick Hall 448t; Angharad Davis 39b; Myfanwy Godfrey 277; Tom MacDonald 240; Natalie Sims 26; Lauren Reader 163t; Shawn Whelan 56b; Chris Phillips 457; Meg Quinlisk 245; Rachel Jordan 200; Peter Rayner 84; Caitlin McHugh 142; Morag Logan 38b; Ruby Foster 171; Nick Hall 254. Chaplain Chris Phillips offered prayer before the meal.


Shawn Whelan called the class to order. Leaders: Ruby Foster 280; Angharad Davis 269; Natalie Sims 112; Tom MacDonald 550; Daniel Whelan 192; Morag Logan 551; Shawn Whelan 532; Lauren Reader 344; Meg Quinlisk 430; Chris Phillips 117; Rachel Jordan 189; Peter Rayner 217; Nick Hall 455; Caitlin McHugh 432; Ruby Foster 198; Angharad Davis 304; Natalie Sims 475; Tom MacDonald 384; Daniel Whelan 106; Morag Logan 86; Shawn Whelan 481; Lauren Reader 209; Meg Quinlisk 385b; Chris Phillips 268; Rachel Jordan 503.


Peter Rayner called the class to order leading 312b. Shawn Whelan led 383. Chris Phillips conducted the memorial lesson, and led 159. The following sick and shut-ins were remembered: Bob Colville, Emma Tennant, Margaret David, Ruth McNamara, Alex McNamara, Beth Warnes, Seth Dickens, Rob Mahoney, Robin Nicholson, Paula, Gail Walker, Cynthia Park, and Em Chandler.

Then we remembered those who have passed away in the last year: Julie Efron, Dan Brittain, Eva Striebeck, Julia Harilaou, Evan Harilaou, and George Cromarty. We spent some time in prayer and reflection. Chris Phillips led 63.

Leaders: Rachel Jordan 565; Morag Logan 66; Angharad Davis 30b; Chris Phillips 82t; Lauren Reader 70t; Ruby Foster 365; Nick Hall 313b; Natalie Sims 128; Tom MacDonald 474; Daniel Whelan 37b; Meg Quinlisk 425; Caitlin McHugh 29t; Peter Rayner 183; Shawn Whelan 274t; Rachel Jordan 228; Morag Logan 72b; Angharad Davis 96. Shawn Whelan led 62 as the closing song. Chris Phillips offered the closing prayer.

All present were invited to an evening social at the home of one of the local members and we enjoyed a very pleasant evening together, singing a number of songs from the Shenandoah Harmony.

Sunday, January 28

For the Sunday session of the Australian Sacred Harp Singing Convention, we gathered around a picnic meal in the grounds. Shawn Whelan called the class to order at 1:00 p.m. Chris Phillips offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Shawn Whelan 48t; Lauren Reader 482; Meg Quinlisk 47t; Rachel Jordan 52t; Jim Kilpatrick 178; Chris Phillips 76b; Jill Griffiths 146; Nick Hall 452; Caitlin McHugh 148; Peter Rayner 67; Ruby Foster 179; Morag Logan 34b; Tom MacDonald 271t; Angharad Davis 324; Natalie Sims 318; Shawn Whelan 362; Lauren Reader 512; Rachel Jordan 564; Meg Quinlisk 68b; Jim Kilpatrick 163b; Chris Phillips 415; Jill Griffiths 388; Ruby Foster 215.


Tom MacDonald called the class together leading 113. Leaders: Morag Logan 107; Angharad Davis 419; Natalie Sims 460; Shawn Whelan 348t; Rachel Jordan 187; Ruby Foster 553; Jim Kilpatrick 457; Chris Phillips 275t; Lauren Reader 122; Nick Hall 515; Caitlin McHugh 284; Angharad Davis 426t; Natalie Sims 32b; Peter Rayner 442; Shawn Whelan 224; Jill Griffiths 84; Meg Quinlisk 383; Tom MacDonald 193; Morag Logan 47b; Ruby Foster 195; Rachel Jordan 347; Jim Kilpatrick 155; Chris Phillips 79; singers from regional Victoria (Lauren Reader) 339; international visitors (Rachel Jordan and Nick Hall) 273; the Sydney singers, who participate in Morris dancing (Tom MacDonald, Caitlin McHugh, Ruby Foster) 254; Sydney singers who do not participate in Morris dancing (Meg Quinlisk, Angharad Davis, Lachlan Warner) 323b. Shawn Whelan thanked all those who worked so hard to make the convention a success, mentioning particularly the officers and committee members. The Secretary reported that over the course of the convention one hundred forty-one songs had been led by eighteen different leaders. Announcements were made for upcoming events.

Chris Phillips closed the day and the convention with prayer. Shawn Whelan led 340 as the closing song, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Shawn Whelan; Secretary—Morag Logan