Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Santa Cruz Sacred Harp Singing and Camp-Out

Pie Ranch, Pescadero, California

Saturday, October 7, 2023

The class was called to order by Fox Pettinotti leading 31t. The Chaplain, Anne Caswell offered the opening prayer. Nina Berry led 288, and welcomed everyone.

The business meeting was called to order and officers and committee members were elected or appointed to serve: Chairperson—Nina Berry; Secretary—Donna Thomas; Chaplain—Anne Caswell; Treasurer—Ruth McGurk; Registration—Kelly Archer, Jonathan Scher; Arranging—Janet Herman; Kitchen—Lila Steiner. The business meeting was adjourned.

Leaders: Dave Barber 64; Ellen Fluke 73t; Leigh Cooper 72b; Conall Barber 411; Jonas Powell 39t; Paul Kostka 38t; Janet Herman 40; Mark Godfrey 317; Tadhg Barber 500; Eric Gu 30b; Hugh McGuire 34t; Pat Coghlan 272; Jonathan Kaufman Scher 47b; Anne Caswell 127.


The class was called to order by Dave Barber leading 34b. Leaders: Fox Pettinotti 504; Ellen Lueck 74b; Leigh Cooper 440; Jonas Powell 228; Paul Kostka 528; Mark Godfrey 200; Eric Gu 344; Dave Barber 192; Ruth McGurk 532; Conall Barber 159; Nina Berry 274t; Hugh McGuire 409; Wren Hyde 400; Jonathan Kaufman Scher 148; Anne Caswell 547; Pat Coghlan 492; Tadhg Barber 203; Ruth McGurk and Kelly Archer 271t. Anne Caswell offered the blessing for the dinner on the grounds.


The class was called to order by Fox Pettinotti leading 45t. Leaders: Leigh Cooper 217; Hugh McGuire 216; Ellen Lueck 222; Jonas Powell 162; Paul Kostka 163b; Joel Chan 270; Mark Godfrey 384; Dave Barber 112; Pat Coghlan 299; Janet Herman 430; Wren Hyde 283; Nina Berry 186; Eric Gu 472; Jonathan Kaufman Scher 63; Conall Barber 385t; Anne Caswell 390; Fox Pettinotti 31b; Peter Ross 99; Tadhg Barber 114.


The class was called to order by Ellen Leuck leading 68b. Leaders: Wren Hyde 302; Leigh Cooper 434; Hugh Coghlan 196; Jonas Powell 29t; Paul Kostka 377; Joel Chan 86; David Barreda 272; Mark Godfrey 348b; Dave Barber 460; Eric Gu 442; Jonathan Kaufman Scher 182; Ellen Lueck 81t; Anne Caswell 77t; Peter Ross 84; Conall Barber 454. Announcements were made.

Treasurer Ruth McGurk reported that expenses were met. Secretary Donna Thomas reported that twenty-three leaders, all from the state of California, led fifty-one songs. Nina Berry thanked all for coming and gave recognition to the officers and committee members that served today. She hopes we will meet again at Pie Ranch. Hugh McGuire led 62 as the closing song. Anne Caswell offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairperson—Nina Berry; Secretary—Donna Thomas