Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Nebraska Singing

Lions Park, Blair, Nebraska

Saturday, October 7, 2023

The 23rd session of the Nebraska All-Day Singing met at 10:00 a.m. at Lions Park in Blair, Nebraska, on Saturday before the second Sunday in October. The class was called to order by Steve Schmidgall leading 36b. Frances Hall offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Steve Schmidgall 59; Shana Wenger 344, 163t; Jenny Solheim 40, 276; Eleanor Haase 155, 270; John Ramsey 143, 240; Sue Pearson 66, 142; James Solheim 299, 192; Kathy Wood 415, 64; Steve Schmidgall 24b, 120; Shana Wenger 30b, 183; Jenny Solheim 148, 112; Eleanor Haase 203, 272; John Ramsey 348b, 385b; Sue Pearson 503, 384; James Solheim “Revontulet” (by Shana Wenger), “Moonlight” (by Jenny Solheim); Jenni Wallace 373, 200; Steve Schmidgall 156, 496; Shana Wenger 216, 81t; Jenny Solheim 421, 532; Jenny Solheim 117 (requested by Delta Eske); Shana Wenger 186; Justin Solheim and Frances Hall 277; Justin Solheim and Carol Gilbert 288; Shana Wenger 523; Eleanor Haase 522, 472; John Ramsey 224, 442. Frances Hall asked a blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with Sue Pearson leading 497 and 273. Leaders: James Solheim “Joyce” and “Now Take Your Golden Lyres” (by James Solheim); Kathy Wood 87; Jenni Wallace 163b; Steve Schmidgall 47t, 473; Shana Wenger 378b, 400; Jenny Solheim 474, 441; Eleanor Haase 454, 352; John Ramsey 153, 451; Sue Pearson 350, 104.

Frances Hall gave the memorial lesson in memory of Lydia Lewallen from North Carolina and Jody, Ellie, and Bob from Nebraska. She spoke on behalf of the sick and shut-ins, including Donna Gunderson-Rogers, Jeff Bell, Lois Lee Ramsey, Barb Hall, and Miriam Seaver.

Leaders: Eleanor Haase 274t; James Solheim “Infinity” (by Jenny Solheim); Kathy Wood 448b; Jenni Wallace 228; Steve Schmidgall 136; Shana Wenger 549. The class rose to share 414 as the closing song. Frances Hall offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—James Solheim; Secretary—Justin Solheim