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Chattahoochee Convention

Wilson Chapel, Carroll County, Georgia

August 5-6, 2023

Saturday, August 5

The 171st session of the Chattahoochee Convention was held on the first Sunday and Saturday before in August, 2023, at Wilson Chapel, Cross Plains, Georgia. The class was called to order by Chairman Sheri Taylor, who welcomed everyone, and led songs 32t and 59. Bill Dupre offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Laura Frey 163b, 178; Jenna Frey 454, 408; Lisa Webb 222, 361; Bill Dupre 378b, 171; Glenda Collins 63, 99; Bert Collins 97, 399b; Barbara Brooks 339, 162; Brent Deboard 56t, 282; Karen Rollins 84 (in memory of Philip Denney), 345t; Winfred Kerr 283 (in memory of Rebecca Over), 36b; Dave Farmer 65, 455; Lisa Bennett 30t, 64 (in memory of Jerry Kitchens).


Laura Frey called the class to order by leading 145b. Leaders: David Smead 303, 464; Oscar McGuire 573, 556; Nathan Rees 345b, 440; Taylor Warren 410t, 318; Jonathon Smith 274t, 417; Dick Plunkett 45t, 47t; Christian Webb 82t, 89; Erica Hinton 204, 141. Gene Duke offered the blessing before the noon meal.


Lisa Webb and Christian Webb brought the class to order leading 87. Leaders: Matt Hinton 112, 275t; Janet Shepherd 384, 155.

The convention held a business session. The following officers and committee members were elected or appointed to serve for the 2023 session: Chairman—Sheri Taylor; Vice Chairman—Laura Frey and Lisa Webb; Secretary—Jenna Frey; Chaplain—Bill Dupre; Arranging Committee—Laura Frey and Jenna Frey; Finance Committee—Lori Goode and Christian Webb; Memorial Committee—Lisa Webb and Lori Goode; Resolution Committee—Oscar McGuire.

Leaders: Bill Dupre 195; Oscar McGuire 229 (for Cecil Roberts); David Smead 501; Karen Rollins and Matt Hinton 365; Jenna Frey 445; Glenda Collins 300; Winfred Kerr 146; Brent DeBoard 268; Lisa Bennett 149; Dave Farmer 302; Riley McKibbin 79; Taylor Warren 143; Lottie Hinton 542; Nathan Rees 448b (in memory of Mattie Hinton); Donna Duke and Gene Duke 159; Dick Plunkett, Micheal Crafton, and Lisa Crafton 186; Erica Hinton 187; Matt Hinton 203; Jonathon Smith 196; Janet Shepherd 114. Announcements were made.

Sheri Taylor and Laura Frey led 323t as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer offered by Bill Dupre.

Sunday, August 6

The Sunday session of the Chattahoochee Convention was brought to order by Sheri Taylor leading 39t. Leaders: Laura Frey 65; Laura Frey and Riley McKibbin 133; Lisa Webb 163b, 566; Jenna Frey 445, 82b; Oscar McGuire 34b, 515; Karen Rollins 540, 35; Helen Bryson 77b, 227; Abigail Cannon 100, 343; Winfred Kerr 294, 59; Samuel Williams 101b, 378b; John Plunkett 378t, 354t.


Laura Frey led 162 to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Cecil Roberts 30t, 37b; Chrissy Brown 455, 72b; Gene Duke 303, 56t.

The memorial lesson was led by Lisa Webb and Lori Goode. Lisa read Deuteronomy 31 (t? b?):6 Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

A year has come and gone. As we look around there are many who are not with us, due to health reasons or the Lord has called them home. Please remember those who are sick or lonely and send them a word of encouragement by card, phone or visit. The names of the sick and shut-ins are Margaret Thacker, Ed Thacker, Wesley Ivester, Lucy Garner, and Clay Kierbow. Lisa led 30b in honor of the sick and shut-ins.

Lori Goode continued the memorial lesson for the deceased by reading the following names: Philip Denney, George Burnette, Virginia Dyer, Doyle Wilson, Gary Herring, Jackie Preston, Eula Webb, and Cathy White—Georgia; Norma Green, Jerry Kitchens, and Ann Simpson—Alabama; Cheryl Foreman—Texas; Ted Mercer and Melanie Hauff—Illinois. Lori led 282 in loving memory of the deceased.

Leaders: Riley McKibbin 46, 401; John Plunkett 71, 69b; Lori Goode 358, 45t. Cecil Roberts offered grace before the noon meal.


Christian Webb brought the class back together by leading 120 in memory of Philip Denney, and then 87. Leaders: Dick Plunkett 268, 47b; Samuel Williams 345b, 271b; Abigail Cannon 472, 270; Winfred Kerr 225t, 549; Lisa Webb 477, 269; Lori Goode 82t, 345t; Christian Webb 334, 323b; Cecil Roberts 76b; Dick Plunkett 186; Oscar McGuire 344, 229; Gene Duke 569b, 542.

A motion was made and passed that the convention proceed into a business session for the purpose of hearing various reports. The Finance Committee, Lori Goode, read the financial report for the two days. Oscar McGuire submitted the following resolution from the Resolution Committee: First we thank God for allowing us to meet and sing praises to Him at the 171st session of the Chattahoochee Convention. We also thank Him for protecting us through this continuing covid pandemic. Secondly, we are thankful for all the members of the Wilson Family for their continuing support of the Chattahoochee Convention and for providing all of our needs. We also give thanks to everyone that came and helped sing because it takes singers to have a successful singing. Also, many thanks for all the food provided. Last but not least, be it resolved that we meet again on the first Sunday and Saturday before in August for the 172nd session of the Chattahoochee Convention. And in closing, I quote: Lord in the morning thou shalt hear, my voice ascending high. To thee will I direct my prayer, to thee lift up mine eye. Motion was made and carried that the reports be accepted as read and added to the convention’s minutes. The business session was closed. Announcements of future singings were made.

Chairman Taylor and Laura Frey led 62 as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer offered by Cecil Roberts.

Chairman—Sheri Taylor; Vice Chairman—Laura Frey and Lisa Webb; Secretary—Jenna Frey