Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Jeremiah Ingalls and Sacred Harp Singing

Newbury Center Town House, Newbury, Vermont

Saturday, July 15, 2023

The 16th annual Jeremiah Ingalls and Sacred Harp Singing was held at the Newbury Center Town House in Newbury, Vermont, on Saturday before the third Sunday in July. The singing was conducted from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition and the 2005 four-shape edition of Jeremiah Ingalls’ The Christian Harmony (ICH). The class was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Tom Malone leading 31t. The morning prayer was then offered by Tom Malone.

Leaders: Justin Squizzero 39t; Joan Nagy 49t, 49b; Kerry Cullinan 70t; Evan Landon 38t, 38b; Linda Coppock 348t, 114; Traci Naylor 276, 107; Margaret Graver 187, 7 (ICH); Tarik Wareh 97, 63 (ICH); Jim Coppock 34b, 454.


Dan Coppock called the class to order leading 78 (ICH) and 114 (ICH). Leaders: Pattie Wareh 113 (ICH), 178; Jonathan Spencer 12 (ICH), 221 (ICH); Jenni Lund 180; George Sigut 448t, 448b; Sage Chase-Dempsey 86; Dorothy Wallace 479; Justin Squizzero 216; Colleen Hayes 282, 171; Kerry Cullinan 569t, 369; Traci Naylor 383, 288; Tom Malone 318. Tom Malone asked a blessing before dinner.


The class was returned to order by Rachel Rudi leading 176t and 142. Leaders: The Danby singers with Tom Malone 236; Margaret Graver 76b, 400; Jim Coppock 212, 344; Tarik Wareh 92, 120 (ICH); Joan Nagy 504, 162; Linda Coppock and Frances Coppock 146, 542; Pattie Wareh 72b, 228; George Sigut 56b, 376; Jonathan Spencer 46 (ICH), 43 (ICH); Colleen Hayes 89 (ICH); Tom Malone 175.


Dan Coppock led 35 (ICH) and 477 to bring the class to order. Leaders: Rachel Rudi 478, 285t; Sage Chase-Dempsey 47b, 163b; Dorothy Wallace 268; Ruthanna Hooke 299; Kerry Cullinan and Rachel Rudi 340; Margaret Graver 61 (ICH); Tom Malone 60 (ICH) (in memory of Elka Schumann). The secretary reported that sixty-nine songs were led by twenty leaders from three states. Announcements were made.

Tom Malone led 57 (ICH) as the closing song, and offered the closing prayer. The class was dismissed.

Chairman—Tom Malone; Secretary—Justin Squizzero