Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Camp Fasola Europe, 2018

Wichrowe Wzgorze, Chmielno, Kaszuby, Poland

September 17-21, 2018

Monday, September 17

Arrival, Check-in, and Orientation

Campers arrived at Wichrowe Wzgorze to check in, receive their t-shirts, room assignments, and schedules. After supper in the Dining Hall, staff and campers met in Oaza Zdrowia for an orientation meeting with Camp Director David Ivey. This session of Camp FaSoLa Europe was dedicated to the memory of Steve Helwig.

Class Singing

7:30 p.m. The class was called to order by Carolyn Deacy, Eva Striebeck, and Betsy Jeronen leading 171. Kate Fine offered the opening prayer. Leaders: Justyna Orlikowska 59; Jan Geerts 535; Kerry Cullinan 70t; Victoria Elliott 76b; Kari Lundgren 344; Rachel Wemyss 39t; Katie Ahern 29t; Blandine Gaydon and Judy Whiting 47b; Gerben Vos 40; Marielle Minutella 84; Helen Brown 217; Margaret Gillanders 276; Constantin Dorsch 26; Isolda Heavey 42; Karen Ivey and Idy Kiser 475; Laurie Burk 481; Teresa Maguire 39b; Camilla Marie Widholm 65; Colleen Jones 436; Joshua Lant 548; George Simms 499; Dan Brittain 423; Richard Mayers 268; Gail Doss 148; Vella Dailey 75; Elisabeth Schallwig 564; Chris Brown 498; Malgorzata Perycz 428; David Carlton 64; Helen Peake and Aldo Ceresa 43; Eimear O’Donovan 124; Aldo Ceresa 112. Carolyn Deacy, Eva Striebeck, and Betsy Jeronen led 521 as the closing song. Harald Grundner gave the devotional, and Kate Fine dismissed the class with prayer.

Tuesday, September 18

Lesson: Rudiments I / Beginner

9:00 a.m. Teacher—Lauren Bock. Lauren welcomed the class, and asked campers to tell a little about themselves. She introduced the four shapes represented in the major scale. She reviewed basic information on page 13 of the Rudiments. The class sang the major scale, and then sang the major scale plus intervals. Class was dismissed.

Lesson: Rudiments I / Basics

9:00 a.m. Teacher—Samuel Sommers. The class was brought to order by Samuel Sommers leading 76t, and then he offered prayer. The class sang the major scale several times and with intervals. Sam talked about the modes of time: common, triple, and compound. He said every bar (measure) has a beginning, a middle, and an end. He demonstrated beating time, beginning with the hand up and ending with the hand up. The class practiced keeping time using the exercises on pages 15-=16 of the Rudiments. Campers led songs and there was discussion about the selections. Leaders: Inga Huebner 344; Amanda Parkes 269; Gerben Vos 268; Tom McTighe 50b; Teresa Maguire 30b; Helen Brown 370; Caro Stamm-Reusch 374; Samuel Sommers 301. Class was dismissed.

Lesson: Rudiments I / Advanced

9:00 a.m. Teacher—Aldo Ceresa. Aldo welcomed the class, and led 132. The topics of discussion were time, tune, accent, and miscellaneous. The class practiced singing the scales with intervals. Aldo taught concords and discords, and the class practiced singing various chords. The Rudiments on page 22 were reviewed. The following songs were used during the class: 32b, 214, 87, 276, 86, 268, and 385t. Class was dismissed.

Elective: Learning Songs

10:45 a.m. Teacher—Helen Brown. Helen welcomed the class, and led campers in singing scales and intervals. She and campers discussed several points that were to be the focus during the class (key, time, tempo, start, and end). Helen asked members of the class to lead songs in different modes of time, and then there was discussion between leaders. Leaders and selections: Inga Huebner 49t; Rosalind Oldham 63; Sue Peters 39t; Ted Brown 105; Helen Peake 143; Scott DePoy 65; Helen Brown 155; Kerry Cullinan 378t; Helen Brown 503, 138b; Camilla Marie Widholm 448t; Helen Brown and Marielle Minutella 48t; Scott DePoy 274t. Helen encouraged campers to listen to recordings, and to practice singing scales and intervals. Class was dismissed.

Elective: Team Tunesmith I / Sacred Harp Composition =101 (t? b?)

10:45 a.m. Teacher—Aldo Ceresa. Aldo welcomed the class and led 101t. He commented on the beauty and simplicity of the melody which uses only four notes. He introduced the theory of writing tunes in the Sacred Harp style as outlined in the handout. The class was divided into seven groups of three for the tunesmith challenge.

Elective: Songs of P. Dan Brittain

1:00 p.m. Teacher—P. Dan Brittain. During this class time, campers sang the songs of P. Dan Brittain. Dan talked about each of the songs used during the class, and also about his involvement in the publishing of the Missouri Harmony songbook. The class sang the following songs: “Iowa”, “Maquoketa”, “Cowling”, “Hauff”, “Kittery”, “Dean Street”, “Garden State”, and “Steel”. Class was dismissed.

Lesson: Time and Tempo

3:30 p.m. Teacher—David Ivey. David welcomed the class, and presented the focus of time, tempo, and accent. He referred to the Rudiments, page 16, section 15. David encouraged campers to think about proper accent within a chosen tempo, the time of day for particular songs, and the general tempo of the entire day. David led 269, 39b, 462, and 448t. Class was dismissed.

Elective: To Die No More—Death and Dying in The Sacred Harp

4:45 p.m. Teachers-Jeannette DePoy and Scott DePoy. The class discussed emotions/experiences associated with death, listing quite a few, then relating them to Sacred Harp songs. The teachers discussed ten themes in our songs about death. Participants were encouraged to relate experiences that they had had and lead songs of their choice that related to each theme. Themes and songs sung are as follows:

  1. Describe the place after death with no trouble or sorrow—Dan Brittain led 65, verse 3.
  2. What life is like after death—Helen Brown led 392.
  3. Theme of heavenly rest—Scott DePoy led 48t.
  4. Life here is hard—Richard Mayers led 457, v. 1 and 2.
  5. Longing to leave here and go to heaven—Karen Ivey and Elene Stovall led 384.
  6. Fear of dying—Teresa McGuire led 111b.
  7. The dead tell us not to cry—Ted Brown led 339.
  8. The dying say goodbye to us—Caro Stamm-Reusch led 410t, v. 1 and 2.
  9. Cautionary songs—what may happen to us after death—David Carlton led 332.
  10. Hope to meet again—Jeannette DePoy and Scott DePoy led 146.

Elective: Keying Music

4:45 p.m. Teachers—David Ivey and Lauren Bock. David began by saying that on one level, keying music can be simple: on another level, it can be an art that takes a long time to master. David referred to the sentences in the Rudiments about keying music (page 17; Chapter III, section 4). He said that in order to key for a class, one must have mastered the scale. Lauren said that it is possible to key with good pitch memory and knowing the music, but is much preferred to develop confidence in one’s ability by practice. People learn to key in order to be of service to the singing community. There was discussion with the teachers and campers about keying music, and then campers were given the opportunity to key and lead a song. Leaders: David Ivey 37b; Lauren Bock 29t; Rachel Wemyss 32t; George Simms 31t; Constantin Dorsch 28t; Ulrike Tietjen 312t; Ailish McMahon 39t; Laurie Burk 47t; Gail Doss 47t; Elisabeth Schallwig 37b. Class was dismissed.

Class Singing

7:00 p.m. The class was called to order, and Kate Fine and Betsy Jeronen spoke in remembrance of Steve Helwig. Phillippe Doyle Gosselin and Ruth Dennis led 144. The opening prayer was offered. Leaders: Werner Ullah 49t; Maureen Uney and David Brodeur 268; Judy Whiting 212; Mary Jane Wells and Lauren Bock 178; Eva Striebeck 377; Vella Dailey, Amy Pope, and Jared Pope 164; Andy Ditzler 545; Martha Kaczovowska and Gosia Perycz 274t; Ted Brown 56t; Jerry Brady and assistant 45t; Steve Brett 119; Liz Tarleton and Colleen Jones 198; Jakub Choinski 108b; Diane Heywood and Joyce Smith 146; Caro Stamm-Reusch 373; Samuel Sommers 54; Harald Grundner 459; Scott DePoy 277; Amanda Parkes 317; Tom McTighe 134; Oskar Kvasnes 297; Martha Beverly 430; Jared Pope 168; Kate Fine 228 (in memory of Steve Helwig); Derek Buckland 52b; Elene Stovall 436; Paul Kolenbrander 480; Carolyn Deacy 547; Johannes Sauer 385b; Jasmina Graf 332; Camilla Marie Widholm and Judy Whiting 441. Following the devotional, the class was dismissed.

Wednesday, September 19

Lesson: Rudiments II / Beginner

9:00 a.m. Teacher—Lauren Bock. Lauren welcomed the class. She talked about the varying duration of notes and rests in the modes of time. There was a question from a camper about beating time. Lauren described the up and down motion as moving along with an arm extended from the window of a car, and lifting the arm up to avoid a fencepost or mailbox (when beating time, the hand and arm move up and over each measure bar). The class practiced singing and beating time using the examples on pages 15-=16 of the Rudiments. The class turned to page 274t and discussed the markings and information found on the page, then sang the song. Then the class turned to page 48t and again discussed the information found there, and also, the differences in information. Helen Brown led 48t. The class practiced hand placement when observing a fermata. Class was dismissed.

Lesson: Rudiments II / Basics

9:00 a.m. Teacher—Samuel Sommers. Sam welcomed the class, and led 24b. He offered prayer. Sam selected songs with features such as changes in the modes of time; unusual repeats; bird’s eyes; and ties, slurs , and joined flags. The class sang song to practice these points. Leaders: Camilla Marie Widholm 227; Steve Brett 531; Johannes Sauer 165; Ingrid Raedargard 445; Constantin Dorsch 69b; Samuel Sommers 438, 193; Colleen Jones 550; Amanda Parkes 419; Justyna Orlikowska 163t; Samuel Sommers 207. Class was dismissed.

Elective: Singing Together

10:45 a.m. Teacher—Lauren Bock. Lauren welcomed the class, and posed the question of what makes a good singing. Campers gave answers and ideas including communication, support, appreciation, paying attention, and accent. Kate Fine led 131b, and Caro Stamm-Reusch led 84. Lauren taught that singing loud can be distracting, and actually harm the ability to sing together. She encouraged singing in full, natural voice, pronounce the shapes, listen to those around and match rather than blend. Discussion moved to good leading as a means of singing together, and Lauren and Aldo shared memories of Shelbie Sheppard’s leading boot camp from years past. Lauren encouraged campers to be considerate of one another, be aware, and be generous and helpful. Eva Striebeck led 501, and the class was dismissed.

Elective: Poetic Meter in Sacred Harp

10:45 a.m. Teacher—Samuel Sommers. Sam welcomed the class, led 146, and then offered prayer. Sam spoke briefly about the meter of the song on page 146, and demonstrated by singing different words to the tune. The class turned to page 21 of the Rudiments. Sam reviewed the information found there, and then there was discussion about the difference in poetic meter and musical accent. The class sang page 85, noting poetic stresses. Other songs used as examples were 151, 40, 455, and 216. Inga Huebner led 323b and Steve Brett led 422. Sam reviewed the musical forms on page 23 of the Rudiments. He led 512, and the class was dismissed.

Elective: Sight Singing

1:00 p.m. Teacher—Andy Ditzler. Andy welcomed the class, and stated the focus of the class was to help campers increase their confidence and enjoyment of singing by improving sight reading skills. Andy explained that a step is one move to the next note, up or down the scale. He spoke of intervals as the distance between two notes, and that a leap is moving more than one note up or down the scale. The class turned to page 22 of the Rudiments and sang the triad exercise. Andy led the song “Invitation”, written by E.J. King. Andy taught that melodic patterns can help in sight singing. Andy and the class analyzed the tenor line of several songs, noting triads and steps, looking at patterns that are repeated, and common endings. Some of these songs were sung, and some were not (112, 296, 522, 380, 293, 119, and 342). Andy led “The Goodly Land”, written by J.L. White, and the class was dismissed.

Elective: The Music of L.P. Breedlove

1:00 p.m. Teacher—P. Dan Brittain. Dan shared his knowledge of L.P. Breedlove, a Sacred Harp singing master and composer. Leaders and selections: Theresa Maguire 285t; Steve Brett 407; Philippe Doyle-Gosselin 354b; Martha Beverly 75; Dan Brittain “Meditation”; Johannes Sauer “Prosperity”; Caro Stamm-Reusch 342; Philippe Doyle-Gosselin and Caro Stamm-Reusch 326; Dan Brittain “Redemption”. The class sang 123b, first from the 1991 edition, and then from J.L. White’s 1909, 5th edition. Class was dismissed.

Lesson: A Window Into Paine (Denson)

2:15 p.m. Teacher—Aldo Ceresa. Aldo taught campers about the life and music of Paine Denson through stories, photos, letters, and newspaper articles. The class also listened to an audio recording of an interview with Paine Denson. Leaders: Josh Lant 392; Chris Brown 447; Kate Fine 294; Justyna Orlikowska 396; Amanda Parkes 292; Caro Stamm-Reusch 330t; Johannes Sauer 330b; Martha Beverly 502; Helen Brown 524; Gosia Perycz 518; Andy Ditzler 553; Aldo Ceresa 532. Class was dismissed.

Lesson: Leading Workshop

3:30 p.m. Teacher—Helen Brown. Helen led 34b, and welcomed the class. She said the aim of the workshop is to give leaders confidence while in the square. Helen referred to page 16, and section 12 of the Rudiments, which suggests marking time with modest downward and upward strokes, as opposed to winding, grabbing, and snatching methods. Scottie, the bad leader, showed up in leading class, and demonstrated several bad habits to avoid, including holding a bird eye’s too long and failing to indicate a repeat in good time. He led 48t and 171. Leaders and selections: Sue Peters 551; Hyke Sakaras 163b; Gerben Vos 111b; Derek Buckland 56b; Inga Huebner 120; Johannes Sauer 293.

Lesson: Accent

3:30 p.m. Teacher—Samuel Sommers. Sam led 147b, and offered prayer. He welcomed the class, and began a demonstration of accent using carryout containers with various weights inside, beginning with two glass bottles and decreasing to no weight. The containers look the same from the outside, but the weight inside makes them different. Accent is a stress or emphasis on one part, sentence, strain, or measure more than another. It’s about backing off the notes with no accent rather than shouting the notes with accent. Sam led 147b again, with heavy accent. He stated that practice will help the sense of accent. Sam reviewed the primary and secondary accents in each mode of time, and the class sang various songs for practice. Leaders: Philippe Doyle-Gosselin 515; Justyna Orlikowska 506; Sam Sommers 87, 170; Richard Schmeidler 49b; Joyce Heath 33b; Sam Sommers 205; Amanda Parkes 204; Steve Brett 41; Sam Sommers 384, 206. There was discussion between each selection led, and accent improved throughout the class time. Class was dismissed.

Elective: What I Learned From My Sacred Harp Elders

4:45 p.m. Teacher—Kathy Williams. Kathy welcomed the class, and led 108t. She said it was the first song she ever led. She talked about spending time with her grandparents, and attending a two-week singing school in 1958. Kathy related that she fell in love with the music and the people. She led 504. Kathy talked about decorum and etiquette that she learned from her elders. She led 77b. She pointed out that Camp is a fun place to get to know fellow singers. She led 186, and related a story about her Aunt and Uncle. She spent time with them and traveled to singings with them. She told of her acquaintance with Lonnie and Vivian Rogers, and led 343. Kathy led 517, and encouraged campers to write down stories about singing during their lifetime. Class was dismissed.

Elective: Discussion of Future of Camp FaSoLa Europe

6:45 p.m. David Ivey began the meeting by thanking the singers for all they did to market Camp Europe and made it such a success. Richard Schmeidler asked that SHMHA offer Camp Europe every year. He suggested asking those who came this year if they would come again in a year. You could ask them to send their fees as a commitment to coming. Camilla Marie Widholm commented that she would love it if it was every year, but said it was a lot of work, so she understood why it was offered once every two years. Gail Doss said in 2016, the Alaskan cruise was held and she had to decide between the cruise and the 2016 Camp Europe. She wondered if that cruise might be part of the reason the attendance was so low in 2016. George Simms asked if there could be a condensed weekend of camp on the off years. There was a comment that then it would not be connected to the UK Convention and the Polish Convention which is part of the reason people want to come. Dan Brittain suggested in off year, they could do a one-day singing school in Warsaw. This has been done in the past. People agreed that scheduling the camp for this particular week is good. One attraction for US participants is nine days of singing. There was discussion of what would attract US singers, hard core singers, and new singers. Harald Grundner suggested waiting and seeing what happens in 2020, if it remains a full group or not. Someone asked if other locations had been considered. They have, but none is as inexpensive as this camp. Gosia Perycz’s help has been essential to our success. Kari Lundgren suggested in the off year, you could offer a short “boot-camp”, an intensive 3 day workshop, in another part of the country or in another country, that the boot-camp in Alaska had been a big success. Werner said there are not as many traveling singers in Europe. He suggested having a Friday evening singing school before the Polish Convention. People agreed that they like coming to this beautiful place for camp. Eimear O’Donovan asked what the full capacity is. Gosia was not sure, as you can put different numbers of campers in some rooms, but thought it would be one-hundred. Someone suggested if you paid in full in advance, you might get a discount rate, sort of a very early bird special. One person asked why some classes were lessons and some were electives. David explained that classes that were related to the Rudiments were lessons, while those having to do with history were typically electives. There were suggestions that Bridgett Hill Kennedy and Buell Cobb come back to camp to teach. There was a suggestion that the website should make it more clear there is a tour available for US singers and that there is a bus available for both Gdansk to camp and from camp to Warsaw. It was suggested that we have a Travel Chair. We are dependent on Gosia and Kuba for arranging our travel help, but we will try to do it better in 2020.

Class Singing

7:00 p.m. The class was called to order. Kari Lundgren and Elene Stovall led 528 in memory of Steve Helwig. Colleen Jones and Liz Tarleton led 142, and welcomed the class. Jagoda Perycz offered the opening prayer. Leaders: David Brodeur 389; Rosalind Oldham 127; David Ivey 83t; Mary Jane Wilkie 121; Jeannette DePoy and Karen Ivey 318 (for Karen Rollins); Susan Peters 271t; Mali Dray 46; Kathy Williams 208; Hyke Sakaras 163b; Phillipe Doyle-Gosselin 27; Ann Riley 155; Lloy Cook 452; Lauren Bock 542; Ailish McMahon 42; Joyce Smith 313b; Ingrid Johanne Raedergard 201; Maureen Uney and David Brodeur 209; Jagoda Perycz 49t; Ulla Schlobohm and Lauren Bock 278t; Richard Schmeidler 474; Ulrike Tietjen 385t; Bill Beverly 547; Inga Huebner 359; Dan Brittain 333; Claire Welford 372; Blandine Gaydon and Judy Whiting 40; Gerben Vos 99; Joshua Lant 196; Helen Peake 91. Colleen Jones and Liz Tarleton led 475 as the closing song. Richard Schmeidler presented the devotional reading from Psalms =37 (t? b?). Hyke Sakaras dismissed the class with prayer.

Thursday, September 20

Lesson: Rudiments III / Beginner

9:00 a.m. Teacher—Lauren Bock. Lauren welcomed the class, and reviewed the lessons from the last two days. She talked about slurs and ties, first and second endings, and choice notes. The class turned to page 65, and identified the features of the song (fugue or not, time signature, when to start singing, optional or mandatory repeats). Lauren led 65. She talked about dotted notes, and what’s the deal with 213b? She used a 2016 camp t-shirt for a quick review, and the class was dismissed.

Lesson: Rudiments III / Basics

9:00 a.m. Teacher—Samuel Sommers. The class was brought to order by Sam leading 100. He offered prayer, and welcomed everyone. Sam explained that the focus of the class was learning songs using the STARS method. STARS is an acronym for start, time, accent, repeats, special and is used for identifying the features of a song: start with rest or note; time signature; placement of accent; mandatory or optional repeats; and special features, such as double endings, bird’s eyes, or unwritten dynamics. He further explained that a fermata (bird’s eye) stops time, and the leader should pause rather than beating through the measure. Steve Brett led 291, which in some areas is sung with an unwritten time change in the second brace. Watch the leader! The class discussed the song on page 285b using the STARS method. Teresa Maguire led 285b. The class discussed the song on page 118, noting the accent. Inga Huebner led 118. There was discussion about etiquette at singings, and Sam stressed the importance of encouraging each other. The class turned to page 408, and talked about the unwritten repeat used most often. Sam led 408, thanked the class for their participation, and class was dismissed.

Lesson: Rudiments III / Advanced

9:00 a.m. Teacher—Aldo Ceresa. Aldo welcomed the class, commented on the beautiful day, and began by introducing the minor scale. The class sang the minor scale, then intervals, and then chords. Aldo referred to the Rudiments, pages 18-=19, and discussion followed. The class sang portions of songs on pages 332, 56b, 74t, and 360. Emphasis was noted on open chords, rhythmics, and accent. Rosalind Oldham led 342. Caro Stamm-Reusch keyed the song. The class noted that accent was difficult. Caro Stamm-Reusch keyed 170, and led the song. The class discussed rhythm and accent. Johannes Sauer keyed and led 333, followed by discussion. Kate Fine led 429, an unfamiliar tune to most campers, and discussion focused on tempo and accent. The class sang 213b, 408, and 414. Aldo thanked the class, and class was dismissed.

Elective: The Tune Chmielno… In Many Tongues

10:45 a.m. Teacher—P. Dan Brittain. Dan welcomed the class. He wrote the song “Chmielno” after the first Camp Europe held in 2012. Leaders: Dan Brittain Original English version; Jan Geerts Dutch translation; Elisabeth Schallwig French translation; Caro Stamm-Reusch German translation; Camilla Marie Widholm Norwegian translation; Kuba Choinski Polish translation; Katie Ahern Irish translation; Lauren Bock Hebrew translation. Dan thanked the translators and campers. Class was dismissed.

Elective: Front Bench

10:45 a.m. Teachers—Andy Ditzler and David Brodeur. David welcomed the class, and quoted from Luke (the parable of the lowest seat). He said sitting on the front bench is a form of service. Front bench guidelines and etiquette are not explicitly mentioned in the Rudiments, but there are some hints; such as follow the leader precisely. Andy talked about the special role of the front bench, and gave some examples: help keep the class together; singing stronger, which audibly keeps the class together; maintain tempo, pitch, and accent; sound the beginning note; broadly assist and encourage. He said that one should have some degree of experience before moving to the front bench. David talked about some of the things a person would be expected to do, such as sounding the chord, clarification of verses, and being engaged in the action. Phone calls or texts and audible conversation is distracting. Andy invited campers to fill the front bench. He led 59, and performed some common things that happen at a singing. He beat time out of sync, he didn’t communicate with the front bench, and he changed tempo. He then led 546, and turned to the wrong part at the fugue. Andy led 480, 269, 138t, and 153. David led 472. The teachers and campers discussed communication techniques, how to recognize a tempo when hand and mouth do not match, and ways to support a weak leader. Class was dismissed.

Elective: Minor Music

1:00 p.m. Teacher—P. Dan Brittain. Dan welcomed the class, and reviewed the information about minor music found on pages 18-=19 of the Rudiments. There was discussion about minor songs in the Sacred Harp, and pages 159, 32b, 28t, 71, and 180 were explored. Dan led 32b, 163t, 168, 214, 296, and 313b. Dan gave campers a note on leading, saying that a leader shouldn’t let the chord die away completely before beginning time keeping when a tune begins with a rest. Dan talked about the practicality of many of the customs Sacred Harp singers observe. He talked about two song lessons at smaller singings.

Elective: The Wesley Brothers

1:00 p.m. Teacher—Chris Brown. Chris welcomed the class, and began by stressing the importance of words. He noted that the song “Stafford” is rarely sung because of the words. He also noted that the poetry of Amazing Grace practically disappeared in Europe until “New Britain” was written. When the Wesleys were at Oxford, religion was at a low ebb. They, Whitfield, and others sought to revive it. Charles Wesley compiled a collection of hymns for the use of the people called Methodists. Johannes Sauer led 350. The Wesleys sailed to Oglethorpe’s Savannah with a group of Morovians. They soon returned to London, and translated hymns from German and Swedish. Rosalind Oldham led 84. Charles wrote over 5,000 hymns, advocated learning well, and singing lustily. Jeannette DePoy led 270. Samuel Sommers led 81b, and Ted Brown led 40. Charles Wesley’s words contrasted to Watts. Wesley aimed more for poetry, and a more literate audience. He liked complex metaphors, such as those depicting the struggle of faith. Leaders: Derek Buckland 95; Aldo Ceresa 502; Hyke Sakaras 103; Judy Whiting 328; Helen Brown 48b. The second Great Awakening began with Presbyterians, but was soon taken over by Methodists. Camp meetings, designed to draw people to the mourner’s bench, used easily remembered, repetitive choruses. Inga Huebner led 124; Kari Lundgren led 274b, and Richard Mayers led 77t. Class was dismissed.

Lesson: The Memorial Lesson

2:15 p.m. Teachers—Scott DePoy and Jeannette DePoy. Jeannette led 274t to begin the lesson. She and Scott related several traditional practices of conducting a memorial lesson including time of day, topics, and tunes. She said the memorial lesson is spiritual food, and related her experience of being on the sick and shut-in list. So many friends reached out with calls and cards, and it really mattered. Ted Brown related his story of his mother’s death while he was visiting the US, and how the Sacred Harp community embraced him. David Carlton, Steve Brett, and Chris Brown told their stories of physical injuries, and how hearing from the singing community kept their spirits high and helped them heal. The class was turned over to the memorial committee. Rosalind Oldham spoke about the potter, who creates something beautiful of clay. She read the following list of names of the sick and shut-is: Karen Rollins, David Elliott, Curtis Owen, Philip Ralls, Charlie Miller, Laura Densmore, Chris Densmore, Bob Patten, James John, Marie Raedergard, Melanie Hauff, Lynn Basham, Roy McGregor, Ann Jett, Regina Contrino, and Cath Tyler. She led 146, and offered prayer. Richard Mayers presented his reflections about death and dying. He related his experience of hearing about the death of singers from other singers, and that many times the stories are more personal, giving strangers an insight into a person’s life. Inga Huebner read the following list of names of the deceased: Kamilza Zahno, Ivan Bainbridge, Michael Ridge, Michael Seifert, John Mars, Charlie Hicks, Peter Golding, Rollo Woods, Janet Winstanley, Steve Harrison, Susan Carr, Rev. Michael Pain, and Reginald Brett—United Kingdom; Gisela Sakaras, Jana Rosenstein, and Jurn Otten—Germany; David Gasi—Australia; Vlad and Allan William Jones—Canada; Victor Griffin—Northern Ireland; P.J. O’Grady—Ireland; Franck Marynower—France; Daphene Causey, Glenda Hopper, Arthur Gilmore, J.A. Moseley, Verlon Stiefel, Mike Jones, and Willodean Barton—Alabama, USA; Daniel Evans, Thomas Sanders, Louise Holland, and Florice Akin—Georgia, USA; Freddie Briggs—Florida, USA; Elizabeth Rechenberg—Ohio, USA; Mary Ellen Schrock—New York, USA; Peter Nichols and Amy Denison—Texas, USA; Darrell Swarens—Indiana, USA; Steve Helwig—Oregon, USA; Barbara Willard and Rodney Willard—Arizona, USA; Bill Davis—Alaska, USA; Julie Vea—Wisconsin, USA; Ann Sleeva and Berkley Moore—Illinois, USA; and James B. Walker. Inga led 330b in memory of the deceased. Lloy Cook closed the memorial service with prayer, and class was dismissed.

Lesson: And Then I’ll Be At Rest

3:30 p.m. Teacher—Samuel Sommers. Sam led 334. He stated that rests are periods of silence. He referred to page 15 of the Rudiments, and reviewed the values of rests and their positions on the staff. There was discussion about foot stomping during rest periods, and Sam related a camp story about Jeff Sheppard and Steve Helwig. The class practiced leading and singing songs with rests. Leaders: Judy Whiting 28b; Derek Buckland 335; Caro Stamm-Reusch 280; Sue Peters 457; Inga Huebner 98; Samuel Sommers 412; Amanda Parkes 446; Anne Webster 29t; Aldo Ceresa 254. Samuel Sommers led 24b, and class was dismissed.

Lesson: Leading Workshop

3:30 p.m. Teacher—Helen Brown. Helen led 56t to bring the class to order. She told the class that the goal of leading workshop was to help campers get the best experience from their singing. She asked campers to lead a selection. There was discussion and constructive advice between songs. Leaders: Camila Marie Widholm 240; Diane Heywood 452; Ingrid Raedergard 99; Betsy Jeronen 391; Mary Jane Wells 455; Josh Lant 293; Richard Schmeidler 504; Jeannette DePoy 196; George Simms 340. Class was dismissed.

Elective: Team Tunesmith II / Composium

4:45 p.m. Teacher—Aldo Ceresa. Aldo welcomed the class, and welcomed feedback from the participants in the tune writing exercise, as well as feedback from campers present to help sing. There were seven groups of composers, and as the compositions were performed, discussion was held afterwards. Steve Brett led “There Is No Rest” (his own composition), and then led “Warsaw” (a composition by Aldo Ceresa). Aldo thanked the class, and complimented well done efforts. Class was dismissed.

Elective: Organization and Conduct of Singings and Conventions

4:45 p.m. Moderator—David Ivey. David welcomed the class, and introduced the panel: Elene Stovall, Jeannette DePoy, Kathy Williams, Judy Whiting, and Helen Brown. David referred to the Rudiments, page =25, and mentioned some essentials, such sitting in a hollow square, singing the notes, and prayers for opening, closing, and meal time. There was discussion with panel members about practical and efficient ways of holding all-day singings and conventions. Topics included venue, date, publicity, food, how to raise funds, and allowing ample time for planning. There was discussion about points of etiquette: for example, don’t move song books and share the front row. The panel agreed that a singing or convention doesn’t just happen. Lots of little things must be considered by the organizers of a successful singing. Class was dismissed.

Class Singing

7:00 p.m. The class was called to order, and Gosia Perycz spoke in memory of Steve Helwig. She led 86. Laurie Burk, Steve Brett, and Inga Huebner led 90. Ted Brown offered the opening prayer. Leaders: Joyce Smith, David Carlton, and Elisabeth Schallwig 48t; Kerry Cullinan 467; Idy Kiser and Kate Fine 74b; Mali Dray and Helen Brown 189; Jasmina Graf and Constantin Dorsch 224; Betsy Jeronen and Carolyn Deacy 422; Rachel Wemyss and Lloy Cook 503; Milda Lauzikaite and Kathy Williams 178; Lauren Bock and Ruth Dennis 36b; Ann Riley 142; Helen Peake and Tom McTighe 269; Kari Lundgren and Dan Brittain 353; Blandine Gaydon and Judy Whiting 410t; Camilla Marie Widholm and Richard Mayers 328; Teresa Maguire and Diane Heywood 31t; Margaret Gillanders and Rosalind Oldham 480; Caro Stamm-Reusch and Phillippe Doyle-Gosselin 512; Martha Beverly, Johannes Sauer, Hyke Sakaras, and Bill Beverly 106; Elene Stovall and Samuel Sommers 316; Joshua Lant, Eimear O’Donovan, and Victoria Elliott 113; Chris Brown and Judy Whiting 540; Vella Dailey, Jared Pope, and Amy Pope 63; Ted Brown and Helen Brown 546; Jeannette DePoy and Scott DePoy 67; Andy Ditzler and David Brodeur 395; David Ivey and Karen Ivey 182; Maureen Uney and Jan Geerts 203; Mary Jane Wilkie, Aldo Ceresa, and Susan Peters 528; Paul Kolenbrander and Gerben Vos 344; Betsy Jeronen and Kathy Williams 560; Derek Buckland 275t; Bristol singers 378t; Poland singers 411; Norway singers 354t; Ireland singers 472; London singers 100; Canada singers 276; Germany singers 506; Camp teachers 313t. Laurie Burk presented gifts to each of the teachers, expressed appreciation to each one, and the class applauded. Laurie Burk, Steve Brett, and Inga Huebner led 347 as the closing song. Ted Brown offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Friday, September 21

Campers awoke early, had breakfast, and loaded the bus. They departed for Warsaw at 9:00 a.m.

SHMHA President and Camp Director—David Ivey