Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Alexander, Hullett, Lowe, Brothers, and Hyatt Memorial

Hopewell Primitive Baptist Church, Oneonta, Alabama

October 5, 1997

The thirty-first session of the annual memorial singing for Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander, Jimmy Hullett, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Brothers, Maudine Alexander, Alvin Alexander, Arville Hyatt, and J. B. Lowe was called to order by Terry Hullett leading song on page 32t. The morning prayer was led by Lamar Smith. Terry Hullett led songs on pages 29t and 31t. Leaders: Jewel Wootten, Roie Alexander, and Joy Hullett 87, 101t, 340; Roy Nelson 321, 97; Thurman Nall 523, 503; Stanley Smith 500, 373; Martha Woodard 74t, 75; Henry Johnson 569b, 338; Louise Nelson 350, 282; Joe Nall 276, 216; Tommie Spurlock 446, 440; Aubrey Barfield 283, 351; Margie Smith 335, 393; Eron White 436, 408.


The singing resumed with Terry Hullett leading song on page 73t. Leaders: Bud Oliver 82t, 480; Virgil Phillips 475; Lamar Smith 36b, 76b; Flarce Creel 269, 454; Velton Chafin 439, 225t; Ann Jett 141, 495; Freeman Wootten 448b, 448t; Corene White 317, 403; B. M. Smith 473, 384; Milton Oliver 270, 222; Lonnie Rogers 137, 560; Henry Guthery 558, 465; Jeff Sheppard 460, 549. Terry Hullett read a card of thanks from the children of Mrs. Nora Collett to the Sacred Harp singers who sang at her funeral.


The class was called together by Elder Philip Gilmore leading songs on pages 272, 47b, 47t, 39t, and 39b. Jeff Sheppard led 549 in memory of the late George Phillips. Leaders: Eloise Wootten 171, 299; Harrison Creel 530, 498; Bob Watkins and Virgil Phillips 64, 37t; Loyd Ivey 66, 438; Marlon Wootten 31b, 441; Eloise Avery 108t, 426b; Leola Smith 43, 113; Linda Thomas 48t; Elder Marshall Avery 85, 278b; Marie Hyatt 30t, 145b; Carmon Brothers 354b, 175; Herb Bailey 70t; Paula Gilmore 29t, 144; Lydia Baswell 168; Lawrence Underwood 300, 434; Terry Hullett 189, 384. Members of the Alexander family led song on page 68b for the closing song. Elder Philip Gilmore dismissed the class with prayer.

Co-Chairmen—Terry Hullett, Richard Hullett, Doyle Alexander, and Elder Philip Gilmore; Secretaries—Jewel Wootten and Paula Gilmore.