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Alabama Sacred Harp Musical Convention

Jefferson State Community College, Birmingham, Alabama

November 21-22, 2015

Saturday, November 21

The 116th session of the Alabama State Sacred Harp Musical Convention met at the Jefferson State Community College on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in November. The class was brought to order by Nate Green leading 32t. Danny Creel offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Ken Tate 354t; B.M. Smith 208; Rodney Ivey 422; Bridgett Hill Kennedy 212; Judy Caudle 85; Cindy Tanner and Sharon DuPriest 269; Nikos Pappas 99; Sarah Underhill 155; Micah Walter 411; David Bahler 203; Richard Mauldin 35; Jenny Acton 100; Steve Adams 331; Keillor Mose 228; Katlin Bailey 107; Jack Nelson 408; Eddie Mash 75; Ann Riley Gray 178; Wyatt Denney 347; Eugene Forbes 318; Daniel Bearden 292.


Nate Green and Norma Green called the class back to order leading 569t. Leaders: Phillip Langley 396; Karis Askin and Eva Grace Horsley 168; Marlin Beasley 270; Alex Forsyth 329.

A business session was held and the following officers and committee members were elected or appointed: Chairman—Ken Tate; Vice Chairman—Rodney Ivey; Chaplin—Eddie Mash; Resolutions Committee—Chris Coughlin and Richard Ivey; Memorial Committee—Mary Amelia Taylor and Henry Johnson; Location Committee—David Ivey and Linda Thomas; Arranging Committee—Cindy Tanner and Sharon DuPriest; Secretaries—Linda Thomas, Elene Stovall, and Cheyenne Ivey; Finance Committee—B.M. Smith, Rodney Ivey, and Wyatt Denney.

Leaders: Vivian Rogan 56t; Kelsey Ivey 392; Erica Martinez 171; Judy Chambless 527; Chris Coughlin 322; Lisa Bennett 317; Daniel Lee 565; Samuel Sommers 560; Kathy Williams 479; Tim Taylor 474; Judy Mincey 34t; Linda Thomas and Cheyenne Ivey 217; Bea Aaron 456; Ben Bath 304; Logan Green 442 (in memory of Graham Pritchett); John Huffman 350.


Ken Tate called the class to order leading 114. Leaders: Nathan Stewart 240; Nicholas Thompson 216 (for Betty Shepherd); Joe Nall 430; Sarah Trumbore 58; Geraldine Sharpton 496; Earl Ballinger and Larry Ballinger 349; Steven Huffman 29t; Nancy Thompson 384; Jim Aaron 47b; Matt Bell 468; Karen Ivey, David Ivey, and Grace Whitener 131b; David Carlton 272; Ann Jett, Yancey Jett, and Allison Whitener 440; Sarah Beasley 340; Jacob Acton 282; Robert Chambless 70t (for Tommie Spurlock); Tim Eriksen 31t; Louis Hughes 314; Mary Huffman 163t; Gary Smith 344; Karen Rollins 389; Ruth Wampler 279; Steve Helwig 351; Michelle Cull 73t; Lauren Bock and Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 423 (in memory of Oliver Kindig-Stokes).


The class was called to order by Rodney Ivey and Keillor Mose leading 111t. Leaders: David Smead 522; Tammy Heinsohn and Gail Doss 504; Scott DePoy and Jeannette DePoy 65; Linda Sides 319; Stephanie Fida 156; Sasha Hsuczyk 328; Anna Hinton and Annaliza Cull 209; Clarissa Fetrow 416; Jackson Fleder 296; Matt Hinton, Erica Hinton, and Lottie Hinton 460; Wanda Capps, Shelley Calvert, and Emma Calvert 196; Amanda Jokerst 445; Tom Fahrbach 428; Reba Windom 542; Cassie Allen 362; Daphene Causey 192; Catherine Rogan 454; Mike Richards 306; Karen Freund 383; Laura Hodges 500; Kevin Beirne 436; Holly Mixon 183; Angela Myers 348b; Hubert Nall 186; Bob Schinske 128; Richard Ivey and Stuart Ivey 345b; Ernest Chamberlain and Paula Picton 146; Julia Reischel 89; Susan Cherones and Jessa Cherones 300; Darrell Swarens and Cindy Tanner 198; Charlotte Ehrman 287; Elizabeth Gentry 64; Henry Johnson 82b; Adrian Eldridge 141; Jonathon Smith 83t.

Announcements were made. Ken Tate and Rodney Ivey led 46 as the closing song. Eddie Mash offered the closing prayer.

Sunday, November 22

The Sunday session of the Alabama Sacred Harp Musical Convention began at 9:30 a.m. with Ken Tate leading 303 (in memory of Jeff Sheppard). Eddie Mash offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Rodney Ivey 44; Chris Coughlin 145t; Richard Ivey 172; Eddie Mash 556; David Ivey 102; Henry Johnson 103; B.M. Smith 448t; Wyatt Denney 528; Cheyenne Ivey 106; Linda Thomas 81b; Sharon DuPriest 215; Elene Stovall 316 (for Toney Smith); Cindy Tanner 436; Philip Denney and Gail Denney 384; Ateven Snderson 315; Jane Spencer 113; Buell Cobb 50t; Sarah Huckaby 448t; Eli Hinton 99; Mary Amelia Taylor 472; Mike Hinton 534; John Plunkett 347 (in memory of Raymond Hamrick); Gavin Blakeley 196; Lela Crowder 42 (in memory of Bud Oliver); Arthur Fitzmaurice and Jason Stiedl 40; Louis Hughes 70b; Daniel Lee 497; Phillip Langley 546; Brandon Acton 186.


Ken Tate called the class to order leading 512. Leaders: Tom George and Dennis George 550; Scott Ivey 48t; Karis Askin and Eva Grace Horsley 100; Nathan Rees 462; Annaliza Cull 47b; Kelsey Ivey 214; Ben Bath 30b (in memory of Oliver Kindig-Stokes); Adrian Eldridge 569t (in memory of Bob Meek); Drew McGuire 34b (in memory of George Easley); Vivian Rogan 73b; Anna Hinton 300; Steve Helwig 311; Charlotte Ehrman 486; Micah Walter 426b; Holly Mixon 475; Erica Martinez 201; Tim Eriksen 379; Stephanie Fida 309; Sasha Hsuczyk and Alex Forsyth 72b (in memory of Oliver Kindig-Stokes); Jackson Fleder 283; Shelby Castillo and Reba Windom 411; Tom Fahrbach 212; Darrell Swarens 507; Jonathon Smith 126; Matt Hinton 139; Clarissa Fetrow 367; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 227; Cassie Allen 383; Amanda Jokerst 95; Julia Reischel 312b; Catherine Rogan 441; Keillor Mose 222; Karen Rollins 540; Bob Schinske 564; Laura Hodges 71.


Rodney Ivey, Ben Bath, Scott Ivey, and Chris Coughlin called the class to order leading 189. Leaders: Lauren Bock 498; Ruth Wampler 394; Scott DePoy and Jeannette DePoy 505 (for David Brodeur); Kevin Beirne 361; Paula Picton 224.

Henry Johnson and Mary Amelia Taylor conducted the memorial lesson. Mary Amelia Taylor spoke on behalf of the sick and shut-ins and read their names as follows: Jewel Wootten, Tommie Spurlock, Anne Drexler, David Brodeur, Loraine Bayer, Lynne deBenedette, Ottis Sides, Elsie Moon, Susan Bingham, Toney Smith, Lavoy Smith, Floy Wilder, S.T. Reed, Krystal Davis, Anne Chalker, Geneva Prichard, Richard DeLong, Melanie Hauff, Janie Harper, Don Fahrbach, Douglas Conn, and Velton Chafin. Mary Amelia Taylor led 566.

Henry Johnson spoke on behalf of the deceased and read their names as follows: Oliver Kindig-Stokes, Blake Thompson, Robert DePoy, Thompson Steadman, Dwight Speer, Charles Reischel, Jemera Rone, Martha Sue Thompson, Daniel J. Sommers, Robert DuPree, Sammie Oliver, Raymond Hamrick, Johnny Humber, Stella Pratt, Ann Henry, David Wampler, Joe Fothergill, Dan Adams, Joyce Harrison, George Garner, C.W. Garner, Evelyn Harris, Scott Willis, George Easley, and Mrs. Gilbert Pope. Henry Johnson led 122. Eddie Mash closed the memorial lesson with prayer.

Leaders: Erica Hinton 187; Sarah Underhill 28b; Tammy Heinsohn 547; Lisa Bennett 299; Gail Doss 148; Michelle Cull 86; Judy Mincey 492; Chita Blakeley 195; Daphene Causey 225b; Coy Ivey 137; Angela Myers 485; Stuart Ivey 29t; Kathy Williams 434; Judy Caudle 336; Richard Maudlin 43; Linda Sides 225t; Eugene Forbes 80b; Tim Taylor 480; Bridgett Hill Kennedy 277; Ann Jett, Wanda Capps, Cindy Tanner, and Cassie Allen 327; Mike Richards 291; Susan Cherones 460; Elizabeth Gentry 107; Hubert Nall 168; Bea Aaron 568; Karen Freund 77t (in memory of Jerry Enright).

A business meeting was held for the purpose of hearing reports. The Resolutions Committee thanked everyone who helped make the convention a success. The Finance Committee reported that expenses were met, and thanked those who had contributed. The Secretary’s report was given, stating that a total of 240 leaders from 20 states and British Columbia led 231 songs. The business meeting was closed. Announcements were made.

Ken Tate and Rodney Ivey led 62 as the closing song. Eddie Mash offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Ken Tate; Vice Chairman—Rodney Ivey; Secretaries—Linda Thomas, Elene Stovall and Cheyenne Ivey