Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Berkshire Foothills Sacred Harp Singing

Lenox Community Center, Lenox, Massachusetts

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The 8th annual Berkshire Foothills Sacred Harp Singing was called to order by Christine Andrews leading 31t. John Holbrook offered the morning prayer.

The following officers were elected or appointed: Chairman—Matthew Léger-Small; Vice Chairman—Sally Langendorf; Secretary—John Davis.

Leaders: Matthew Léger-Small 171; Sally Langendorf 32t; John Davis 47t; Alison Steel 95; Jeremy Galvagni 100; Leland Kusmer 89; Maggie Shar 33b; John Holbrook 480; Joanne Fuller 290; Tarik Wareh 162; Pattie Wareh 66; Don Herold 523; Wendy Sibbison 99; Ron Woodland 163b; Michael Nord 421; Jean Seiler 209; George Sigut 122; Paula Picton 101t; Mary Skidmore 564.


Mary Andrews called the class to order leading 81t. Leaders: Terry Ryan 218; Cora Wareh 212; Fred Henson 474; Richard Schmeidler 120; Sarah Underhill 182; Mason Shefa 135; Mike Richards 492; Laura Hodges 58; Will Fesperman 504; Buck Wanner 77t; Sophie Soloway 481; Noel Phillips and Ben Bath 65; Alex Hovet 86; Eli Petzold 452; Gabriel Kastelle 232; Jeremy Galvagni and the Finance Committee 67; Mowgli Giannitti 324; Dev Crasta 277.


Elsa Phemayotin called the class to order leading 312b. Leaders: Bill Holt 121; Julie Botnick 410b; Angus MacDonald 179; Kitty Kagay 195; Cory Noel 172; Pat Callahan 379; Robert Stoddard 423; Charles Biada 390; Anya Skibbie 340; Joan Frankel and Philippa Stoddard 71; Nancy Mandel 43.

Emma Rose Brown remembered the sick and housebound, especially Martha Waide, David and Toni Strother, Leon Pulsinelle, Thomas Wisera, Maria Louisa Mendoza, Margaret Davis, Carol Sherbeck, David Hanson, Robin Gillespie, Rose Warnour, Katherine Glatter, and Virgina Linehan. She led 499.

Linda Shea directed the memorial lesson. She led 229 in memory of the following deceased: Somen Goodman—Canada; Bill Aplin and Betty Wright—Alabama; Addison Cate, Anne Musser, Mubu Kwame, Joyous Judy, Olive Shea, and Jeremiah Shea—Massachusetts; Pete Domachuk—Australia; Jenny Mathias—New York; Will Fielding and Richard Dukette—Vermont; John Van Soronson—Maine; Gina Shar—North Carolina; Scott Fisher—New Hampshire; Barbara Morcom and Terence Morcom—New Jersey;. John Holbrook closed the memorial lesson with a prayer.

Leaders: Liz Cantrell 123t; Sam Kleinman 216; Claudia Smegelski 503; Gwen Gethner 548; Leonard Spencer 40. John Holbrook offered the blessing before the midday meal.


Jean Seiler called the class to order leading 87. Leaders: Mary Andrews 142; Aldo Ceresa 522; Carol Huang 460; Dean Jens 300; Angharad Davis 428; Philippa Stoddard 220; Neely Bruce 189; Alma Marquez 42; Faiz Wareh 456; Cecelia Kramer 157; Elizabeth Stoddard 196; Myles Louis Dakan 327; Ellen Lueck 112; Alvaro Witt Duarte and Emma Rose Brown 227; Lynn deBenedette 384; Ben Bath 73t; Emily Hancock 270; Phil Brown Dupont 129; Rain Haynes 56b; Rachel Weisberg and Neely Bruce 299; Jesse C. Polhemus 322; Rachel Speer 328; Magdalena Eriksen 335; Liora O’Donnell Goldensher 30b.


Linda Shea called the class to order leading 128. Leaders: Christine Andrews 448t; Alice Maggio 274t; Gideon Dresdner 426t; Sara Triggs and Mowgli Giannitti 282; Nancy Britton 131b; Deborah Marsh 155; Paula Picton and Julie Botnick 546; Christina Wallin 497; Dane Whitman 457; Cassie Lang 145b; Nathan Liu 178; Elsa Phemayotin 542; Sam Kleinman 272; Dev Crasta 47b; Tarik Wareh and Pattie Wareh 472; Mary Jane Wilkie 547; Mason Shefa 41; Cora Wareh 313b; Laura Hodges 203; Faiz Wareh and Alison Steel 146.

A business meeting was held to hear reports from the various committees. Jeremy Galvagni gave the Finance Committee report, declaring that all expenses had been met. John Davis gave the Secretary’s Report, announcing that one hundred five songs had been led by ninety-two leaders, representing ten states. One hundred thirty-nine singers registered from eleven states and one foreign country. Joanne Fuller and Alexis Drum gave the Resolutions Committee Report, thanking the officers, committees, and everyone who made the singing possible. The Committee resolved to reconvene for the 9th annual session in 2015. The business meeting was concluded.

Matthew Léger-Small, Sally Langendorf, and John Davis led 62 as the closing song. John Holbrook offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Matthew Léger-Small; Vice Chairman—Sally Langendorf; Secretary—John Davis