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Fayette County Singing Convention

Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church, Fayette, Alabama

Sunday, August 3, 2014

The 115th session of the Fayette County Sacred Harp Singing Convention was held at Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church near Fayette, Alabama, on the first Sunday in August. Chris Ballinger called the class to order by leading 49t. Buddy Ballinger offered the morning prayer.

Following welcoming comments, the class was organized by electing or appointing the following officers to serve: Chairman—Chris Ballinger; Vice Chairman—Lisa Geist; Secretary—Beth Wallace; Arranging Committee—Linton Ballinger and Lomax Ballinger.

Leaders: Chris Ballinger 129; Lisa Geist 228, 527; Lomax Ballinger 144, 145b; Linton Ballinger 186, 187; Jimmy Ballinger 565, 84; Amanda Hardiman 47t, 454; Mike Hankins 111b, 480; Betty Baccus 166, 134; Gravis Ballinger 182, 120; Wanda Capps 222, 546; Wayne Baines 298, 155; Earl Ballinger 439, 177.


Chris Ballinger, Kahe Ballinger, and Lauren Ballinger led 145t and 45t to bring the class back together. Leaders: Teresa Hope 212, 384; Arlon Gardner 278t, 277; Amber Davis 214, 389 (for Ozella Blackmon); Drew McGuire 498, 332; Stephanie Fida 485, 486; Danny Creel 66 (for Richard Mauldin), 196; Buddy Ballinger, Jill Porter, Ella Porter, and Eady Porter 343, 399b.


Larry Ballinger brought the class back to order by leading 56t and 551. Leaders: Judy Caudle 195, 170; Darrell Swarens 36b, 358; Linda Sides 106, 556 (in memory of Jeff Sheppard); Glenn Keeton 328, 475 (for Lena Keeton); Willodean Barton 75, 77t; Tim Cook 507, 543. Danny Creel offered the blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with Chris Ballinger leading 101t. Leaders: Jack Pate 503, 282; Angela Myers 29t, 436; Betty Baccus and family 100; Ken Tate 530, 446; Ann Jett 440, 172 (for Yancey Jett); David Ivey 110 (in memory of Hamilton Ballinger), 224 (in memory of D.T. White); Loretta Whitman 147t, 48t; Jerry Kitchens 108t, 108b; Ernestine Parker 72b; Steve Adams and Amber Davis 378t, 99 (for Kermit Adams); Elene Stovall 183 (in memory of Mr. Malone), 198 (for Joan Aldridge); Henry McGuire 171, 113; Becky Strickland 40 (in memory of Dennis Beasley), 481; Ashley Hopkins 517 (WB), 388; Greg Allred and Susan Allred 146, 385b; Ashton Carroll and Alyssa Carroll 274t, 275b; Robert DuPree 178, 47b.

Announcements were made. Chris Ballinger led 46 as the closing song. Earl Ballinger offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Chris Ballinger; Vice Chairman—Lisa Geist; Acting Secretary—Amanda Hardiman