Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Mt. Adams Singing

Trout Lake Community Hall, Trout Lake, Washington

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Mt. Adams All-Day Singing was called to order by Thom Fahrbach and Melissa Stephenson leading 448b. Bradley Knoke offered the morning prayer.

A business meeting was held and the following officers were elected: Chairperson—Thom Fahrbach; Vice Chairperson—Melissa Stephenson; Treasurer—Janet Vorvick; Secretary—Anna Stoerch.

Leaders: Dorothy Robinson 34b; Anna Stoerch 33b; Bradley Knoke 72b; Ana Tighe 228; Bob Schinske 77b; Nancy Price 496; Kate Fine 282; Steve Cackley 441; Dan Thoma 457; Concetta Branson 472; Marie Brandis 168; Lyle Lindsey 215; Kate Coxon 141; William Price 229; Linda Berkemeier 480; Katy Kanfer 406; Chris Cotter 410b.


Steve Helwig called the class back to order leading 569b. Leaders: Kathy Vlach 32t; John Berendzen 284; Daniel Hunter 483; John Wiens 53; Jessica Beer 300; Kevin Barrans and Delia Barrans 160b; Erik Schwab 477; Thom Fahrbach 553; Melissa Stephenson 63; Marie Brandis 422; Lyle Lindsey 47b; Linda Berkemeier 330b; Anna Stoerch 327; Bradley Knoke 158; Kate Fine 384; Dorothy Robinson 474; Ana Tighe 112; Dan Thoma 276; Kate Coxon 274t; Thom Fahrbach 499 (for Betsy Jeronen). Bradley Knoke asked the blessing before the noon meal.


Steve Cackley called the class back to order leading 378t. Leaders: Bob Schinske 498; Katy Kanfer 377; Chris Cotter 506; Daniel Hunter 403; Jessica Beer 105; John Wiens 318; Erik Schwab 214; Nancy Price 146; Kevin Barrans 270; John Berendzen 88t; Concetta Branson 323b; Steve Cackley 73b; William Price 86; Kathy Vlach 200; Melissa Stephenson 361; Steve Helwig 111b; Bradley Knoke 340; Anna Stoerch 505; Thom Fahrbach 428; Marie Brandis 445; Dan Thoma 201; Janet Vorvick 28t.


Katy Kanfer called the class back to order leading 435. Leaders: Chris Cotter 515; Dorothy Robinson 370; Ana Tighe 328; Kate Fine 369; John Wiens 179; Steve Helwig 213b; Erik Schwab 102; Jessica Beer 378b; Linda Berkemeier 145b; Kathy Vlach 551; Kevin Barrans 400; John Berendzen 64; Nancy Price 163t; Kate Coxon 42; Daniel Hunter 99; Bob Schinske 106; William Price 504; Steve Cackley 29b; Melissa Stephenson 89.

The business meeting was re-opened to hear reports. The Arranging Committee and Secretary reported 83 (t? b?) tunes led and 40 attendees.

Melissa Stephenson and Thom Fahrbach led 347 as the closing song. Bradley Knoke offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairperson—Thom Fahrbach; Vice Chairperson—Melissa Stephenson; Secretary—Anna Stoerch