Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Eugene Singing

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Eugene, Oregon

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The 14th annual Eugene Singing was held in the sanctuary of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church on the last Saturday of July. Jean Murphy called the class to order at 9:30 a.m. leading 171. John Dinsmore offered the invocation.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairperson—Jean Murphy; Secretary/Treasurer—Carolyn Flatley-Gilkey; Arranging Committee—Steve Helwig; Memorial Committee—Dave Tobin; Chaplain—John Dinsmore.

Leaders: Steve Helwig 37b; Carolyn Flatley-Gilkey 170; Karen Stingle 114; Tom Payne 146; Rachel Foster 84; Martha Sherwood 53; Marla Elliott 503; Jennifer Russell 229; Kate Fine 442; Dave Tobin 122; Gosia Perycz 288; Jane Grant 277; Steve Cackley 161; Anna Stoerch 142; John Dinsmore 479; Fran Ross 497; Mary Ditson 455; David Kreiss-Tomkins 49b; Anne Huckins 163b; Meg Larson 147b; Martha Johnson 532.


Steve Helwig brought the class back to order by leading 82b. Leaders: Audrey Karabinus 542; Susan Helf 112; Erik Schwab 391; Justyna Orlikowska 300; Gary Plouff 101b; Karen Willard 197; Dorothy Robinson 34b; David Landazuri 59; Scott Kennedy 86; Reed Schilbach 318; Nell Whitman 107; Clarissa Fetrow 206; Cornelia Stanton 473.

Dave Tobin conducted the memorial lesson. Karen Stingle led 549 in memory of the following deceased: Lynda Czajkowska-Thompson, Todd Leam, Wally Jones, Sue Hinger, Sunny McHale, Betty Moomaw, Mary Hendra Fouch, Demetrius Jones, Alexander Lucas Lofton, Amy Winehouse, Lillian Lea, Stanley Johnson, Harry Brendle, John Leuck, Paul Prensky, Warren Argo, Kathryn Gough, Dorothy Jean Kuhlmey, and Jack Pearson.

John Dinsmore offered a prayer for the sick and shut-ins. Those remembered were Renee Karabinus, Ruby Karabinus, Diane Karabinus, Robert Karabinus, Mary Bullock Johnson, Jean Williams, Heidi Lahey, Mona Linstromberg, Linda Liang, Pat Gration, Mary Jacobson, Jessica Hahn, Phyllis Quigley, Mamie Sommers, and Joan Bray. The memorial lesson was concluded.

Leaders: Tom Farhbach 133; Marcia Stedman 351; Kathy Vlach 45t; David Wright 88t; Jack Lofton 456; Jean Murphy 384; Steve Cackley 359; John Dinsmore 344. Chaplain John Dinsmore asked a blessing on the food.


David Wright brought the afternoon session to order leading 85. Leaders: Steve Helwig 550; Mary Ditson 312b; Melissa Stephenson 361; Erik Schwab 411; Martha Johnson 480; Karen Willard 528; Justyna Orlikowska 148; Thom Fahrbach 304; David Landazuri 350; Gosia Perycz 269; Carolyn Flatley-Gilkey 474; Carmen Doerge 235; Marla Elliott 504; Matthew Rasmussen 46t; Tom Payne 282; Jennifer Russell 154; Kate Fine 106; Karen Stingle 236; Reed Schilbach 501; Vicki Morgan 472; Anne Huckins 313b.


Fran Ross brought the class back together by leading 569b. Leaders: Anna Stoerch 354t; Nell Whitman 209; Meg Larson 452; Audrey Karabinus 369; David Wright 173; Gary Plouff 328; Jack Lofton 168; Marcia Stedman 547; David Kreiss-Tomkins 276; Kathy Vlach 213b; Dorothy Robinson 481; Connie Stanton 454; Scott Kennedy 347; Susan Helf 270; Clarissa Fetrow 203; Dave Tobin 410 (t? b?).

Reports from Committees were given. Carolyn Flatley- Gilkey announced that 44 were registered for the singing, and 82 songs were sung. She reported that the expenses of the singing were met. Kathy Vlach offered the resolutions report, thanking everyone who helped make the singing a success. David Kreiss-Tomkins of Sitka, Alaska, won the coveted flamingo croquet trophy.

Jean Murphy led 155 as the closing song, and the class was dismissed.

Chairperson—Jean Murphy; Secretary—Carolyn Flatley-Gilkey