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Georgia State Sacred Harp Convention

Emmaus Primitive Baptist Church, Carrollton, Georgia

March 26-27, 2011

Saturday, March 26

The 50th session of the Georgia State Sacred Harp Convention was held the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in March at Emmaus Primitive Baptist Church, Carrollton, Georgia. Michael Thompson called the class to order leading 32t. Blake Sisemore offered the morning prayer. Michael Thompson welcomed the singers and led 61t.

Leaders: Richard DeLong 39b; Charlene Wallace 129; Helen Bryson 179; Jeannette DePoy 300; John Plunkett 176t; B.M. Smith 141; Stanley Smith 442; John Kelso 499; Karen Rollins 327; Donna Bell 208; Jonathon Smith 48t; Wendy Futral 35; Buck Lea 351; Daryl Chesney 485; Mary Elizabeth O’Neal and Shane O’Neal 348b, 178; Tom Ivey 189; Ellen Lea 371.


Michael Thompson brought the class back to order leading 30t. Leaders: Syd Caldwell 560; Lloyd Ivey 283; Deidra Montgomery 548; Charles Woods 197; Ted Mercer 275t; Mary Brownlee 556; Jonathan Wood 99; Steve Kick 475; Louis Hughes 408; Jim Aaron 503.

A business session was held with the following officers and committee members elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg; Vice Chairman—John Kelso; Secretary/Treasurer—Charlene Wallace; Assistant Secretary—Lela Crowder; Chaplain—Blake Sisemore; Arranging Committee—Lauren Bock, Richard DeLong, Anna Hinton; Memorial Committee—Helen Brown, Michael Thompson, Kathy Williams; Resolutions Committee—John Plunkett, Kelsey Sunderland, Michael Walker; Locating Committee—Jeannette DePoy, Buck Lea, Hugh McGraw, Karen Rollins; Finance Committee—Shannon Primm, Mike Spencer, B.M. Smith.

Leaders: Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 203; Cindy Tanner 436; Macy Crawford, Robyn Crawford, and Dinah East 162, 335; Helen Brown 542; Andrew Whaley 112; Andy Morris 176b; Sharon Strong 240.

An award was given to Charlene Wallace recognizing her for serving the longest tenure as secretary as well as her dedicated and distinguished service to the Georgia State Convention.


Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg brought the class back together leading 89. Leaders: Ted Brown 77t; Lauren Bock and Anna Hinton 313t; Anna Hinton 40; Hayden Arp 380; Judy Chambless 501; Oscar McGuire 229; Leigh Cooper 432; Phillip Langley 440; Mandy Brady 276.


Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg called the class together leading 101t. Leaders: Rodney Ivey 426b; Wade Kotter 218; Reba Windom 411; Ian Quinn 377; Sharon DuPriest 546; Aldo Ceresa 532; Michael Walker 522; Kelsey Sunderland 328; Ricky Harcrow 564; Judy Caudle 496; Eddie Mash 263; Daphene Causey 236; Blake Sisemore 454; Kathy Williams 455; Rachel Rudi 306; Nathan Rees and Wade Kotter 434; Nate Green and Norma Green 418; Eugene Forbes 280; Bridgett Hill Kennedy 383; David Ivey, Karen Ivey, and Richard Ivey 492; Susan Harcrow 500; Morgan Bunch 354t.


John Kelso led 47t to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Jack Nelson 480; Sue Bunch 547; Billy Hollingsworth 250; Rosemarie Yntema 228; John Hollingsworth 82t; Michael Spencer 382; Shannon Primm 163t; Molly Ellis 56b; Joyce Heath 143; George Burnette 81t; Mark Godfrey 312b; Cheyenne Ivey 76b; Philip Denney 84; Christopher Webb 124; Matt Hinton and Erica Hinton 460.

Announcements were made. Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg, John Kelso, and Lauren Bock led 209 as the closing song. Blake Sisemore closed with prayer.

Sunday, March 27

The Sunday session of the Georgia State Convention was brought together by Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg leading 31t. Henry Johnson offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: John Kelso 83t; Kelsey Sunderland and Lauren Bock 47t; Mike Spencer 308; Shannon Primm 370; Faye Hollis 299; John Plunkett 466; Judy Chambless 28t; Kelsey Campbell 448t; Michael Thompson 448b; Jeannette DePoy 426t; Buck Lea 200; Angela Myers 512; Tony Hammock 83b; Elene Stovall 483; Sharon Strong 417; Robert Chambless 303; Catherine Grisso 77t; Hayden Arp 384.


John Kelso, Mary Elizabeth O’Neal, Shane O’Neal, Robyn Crawford, and Macy Crawford brought the class back to order by leading 145t. Leaders Molly Ellis 332; Donna Bell and Paige Gilbert 87; Oscar McGuire 344; Ellen Lea 372; Shane O’Neal 49b; Susan Cherones 63; Cecil Roberts 163b; Lindsey Popper 107; Cheri Taylor 178; Matt Hinton 278t; Judy Mincey 468; Karen Rollins 45t.


Lauren Bock brought the class back together leading 60. Leaders: Linda Thomas 123t; Kathy Williams 437; Erica Hinton 111b; Kendra Strickland and Dinah East 282; Malinda Snow 86; Daphene Causey 304.

Helen Brown, Michael Thompson, and Kathy Williams conducted the memorial lesson. Helen Brown reminded us all to remember those who could not be with us. Kathy Williams spoke about the importance of remembering sick and shut-in singers. She then led 472 and 340 for Violet Thomason, Cath Oss Tyler, Bud Oliver, Sammie Oliver, Jimmie Gilmore, John Grant, Maureen Gamlin, Lee Johnson, Corine Lacy, Charles Pietri, John Naegle, Lois Bowman, Charlie Poor, Lonnie Rogers, Teenie Moody, George Garner, Lucy Garner, Lula Bradford, Teresa Parker, Carlene Griffin, Nick Griffin, and William Thompson.

Michael Thompson led 275b for the deceased singers, including George Seiler, Frances Ceresa, Jerry Enright, Phyllis Bruce, Billy Williams, Joanne Bowman, Reba Norton, Mary Florence Smith, Bob Meek, Sammy Harlan, Jeannette McCready, and Myrtle Wootten. Cecil Roberts closed the memorial lesson with prayer.

Leaders: B.M. Smith 34t; Judy Caudle 518; Rodney Ivey 389; Tom Ivey 195; Mary Elizabeth O’Neal 142.


Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg, Andy Ditzler, and David Brodeur brought the afternoon session to order by leading 270. Leaders: Wade Kotter 235; Steve Kick 373; Philip Denney and family 159; Richard Delong, Doug Wick, and Lucy Fisher 39t; Ian Quinn 528; Morgan Bunch 324; Blake Sisemore 507; Ted Mercer 215; David Ivey, Karen Ivey, and Syd Caldwell 481; David Ivey and Karen Ivey 422; Michael Walker 302; Reba Windom 216; Helen Brown 192; Richard Ivey 272; Ted Brown 496; Deidra Montgomery 187; Kelsey Sunderland 349; Jeff Sheppard 186; Cheyenne Ivey and Rachel Rudi 182; Sharon DuPriest 269; Aldo Ceresa 456; Lisa Webb 454; Bridgett Hill Kennedy 506; Riley Lee 551; Richard DeLong 74t.


Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg called the class back to order leading 274t. Leaders: Nate Green and Norma Green 354t; Rachel Rudi 201; Henry Johnson 102; Rene Greene 137; Sue Bunch 497; Elene Stovall, Angela Myers, and Deidra Montgomery 558; Faye Hollis 318; Lela Crowder 67.

The convention went into a business session to hear reports from the various committees. The Finance Report was given by Charlene Wallace. The Resolutions Committee submitted their report that thanked everyone involved in making this a successful convention. The Locating Committee reported that next year’s Georgia State Convention will be held at Emmaus Primitive Baptist Church in Carrollton, Georgia. All reports were approved and the business session was closed.

Announcements were made. Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg, John Kelso, and Charlene Wallace led 62 as the parting song. Blake Sisemore offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg; Vice Chairman—John Kelso; Secretary/ Treasurer—Charlene Wallace; Assistant Secretary—Lela Crowder