Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Central Ontario All-Day Singing

Detweiler Meetinghouse, North Dumfries, Ontario, Canada

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The 7th annual Central Ontario All-Day Singing was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Pleasance Crawford leading 350. Anne Evers offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Pleasance Crawford 171; Gillian Inksetter 84, 392; Frank Griggs 106, 189; Gerry Hoffman 145b, 500; Hugh Thomas 64, 126; Anne Evers 268, 53; Anne Missavage 157, 128; Will Fitzgerald 29t, 285t; Nicoletta Rogers 501, 50b; Jo Schultz 77t (in memory of Jerry Enright), 454; Brian How 183, 86; John Seaton 47b, 47t; Katie White 163b, 146 (both in memory of George Seiler); Laurel Dempsey 155, 523; Tom Evers 135, 448t.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Pleasance Crawford; Arranging Committee—Gillian Inksetter; Treasurer—Chuck Crawford; Secretaries—Karen Westhouse and Susan Slottow.


Chuck Crawford brought the class to order leading 101t. Leaders: Ann Miczulski 168, 569b; Cindy Dymond 217, 538; Nathan Zweig 41, 49b. Chuck Crawford 68b; Jan May 99, 276; Martha Beverly 504, 196; Gloria Thomson 452, 198; Greg Creech 74b, 209; Judy Hauff 542, 224; Melanie Hauff 421, 277; Samuel Sommers 132 (in memory of Billy Williams), 430; Marian Mitchell 335, 532. Anne Evers led 49t, substituting the words “Be present at our table, Lord” as the blessing for the noon meal.


Jo Schultz brought the class to order leading 30t. Leaders: Ted Mercer 42, 192; Lynn Wilson and Judy Hauff 547; Lynn Wilson 282; Steve Rogers 34b; Steve Rogers and Will Stoltz “Geneva” NHS/HS 85/96; Ellen Torrie 45t, 457; Tom Siess 81t, 324; Cecelia Kramer 300, 313b; Chuck Crawford 39t, 480; Pleasance Crawford 184, 112.

Martha Beverly read the names of the deceased as follows and led 176 (t? b?) in their memory: Stu Allen, Irene Harrison, John Hart, Will Munro—Ontario; Patrick Blake—Quebec; Uel Freeman, Charlotte McCarn, Willie Mae Moon, Thurman Nall, Corene White, Billy Williams—Alabama; Ray Tate—Arkansas; Jerry Enright—Illinois; Victoria Bolles, Jean Sheppard—Massachusetts; Cindy Kissee—Minnesota; David Bornick, George Seiler—New York; Arthur Payton—Oregon.

Lynn Wilson read the names of the sick and shut-ins as follows and, with Laurel Dempsey, led 503 in their honor: Lonnie Rogers, Beth Todd, Stepen Murdock, Juanita Thompson, and Cathryn Bearov. In ending the lesson, Martha Beverly read the prayer George Seiler offered during the memorial lesson at the 2009 New York State Convention: “We thank you, God, for this blessed community, for the wonderful heritage that we have, for the caring that exists here, for the opportunity to make ourselves vulnerable in our grief and gracious in our joy with one another. We thank you for all that have come before. We thank you for the certain knowledge that when it is our time, we will know who sings for us. This loving grace is a precious gift for which I am grateful. Amen.”


Gillian Inksetter brought the class back to order leading 32t. Leaders: Gerry Hoffman 160b; Anne Missavage 312b; Will Fitzgerald 444; Brian How 114; Katie White 178; Nathan Zweig 416; Marian Mitchell 163t; Ann Miczulski 73b; Greg Creech 515; Martha Beverly 83t; Cecelia Kramer 497; Steve Rogers 33b; Jan May 31t; Judy Hauff 528; Jo Schultz 486; Melanie Hauff 411; Samuel Sommers 426b; Ted Mercer 267.

Pleasance Crawford thanked all who had helped, traveled to the singing, and sent good wishes. The Treasurer reported that expenses had been met. The Secretary and Arranging Committee reported that singers from two provinces and seven states had attended, with 33 leaders and 92 songs sung.

Following announcements, Pleasance Crawford led 347. Anne Evers offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Pleasance Crawford; Secretaries—Karen Westhouse and Susan Slottow