Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Oxford Sacred Harp Singing Day

Seacourt Hall, Botley, Oxford, England

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The 12th annual Oxford Sacred Harp Singing Day was held on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in June. Sheila Girling Macadam called the class to order at 10:00 a.m. leading 34b. Dilwyn Scott offered the opening prayer.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman/Secretary—Sheila Girling Macadam; Vice Chairman—Edwin Macadam; Arranging Committee—Steve Fletcher, Nick Hall, and Sofi Mogensen; Chaplains—Ken Baddley and Bernard Collard.

Leaders: Edwin Macadam 47t; Rachel Jordan 287; Bernard Collard 171; Sofi Mogensen 52t; Nick Hall 147t; Linda Reed 107; Tony Singleton 277; Rebecca Over 131b; Ken Baddley 73b; Chris Brown 72b; Mandy Townsend 318; Stephen Biggs 178; Jacqui Selby-Macleod 282; Steve Marini 532; Steve Fletcher 131t.

Steve Marini conducted a short singing school for new leaders, working with Rebecca Over, Sofi Mogensen, and Linda Reed, and using 32t, 312b, and 569b.


Bernard Collard called the class back to order leading 362. Leaders: Sheila Girling Macadam 189; Sofi Mogensen 84; Edwin Macadam 550; Elspeth Hannen 276; Nick Hall 485; Rebecca Over 562; Rachel Jordan 269; Linda Reed 534; Adrian Bolge 82t; Tony Singleton 300; Chris Brown 354t; Jacqui Selby-Macleod 141; Stephen Biggs 86; Ken Baddley 481; Mandy Townsend 105; Steve Marini 236; Steve Fletcher 183; Edwin Macadam 528; Bernard Collard 63; Linda Reed 210; Rachel Jordan 200; Sofi Mogensen 40; Sheila Girling Macadam 142. Mary Bolge offered the prayer before lunch.


The afternoon session was brought to order by Tony Singleton leading 128. Leaders: Jacqui Selby-Macleod 134; Rebecca Over 56b; Mandy Townsend 448t.

Ken Baddley conducted the memorial lesson, drawing on the writings of German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and leading 72t for the following: Jerry Enright—Illinois; Jim Clay, Olive Meddom, Joe Hall, Mel Browne, Carl Lawrence, Jenny Reeves, Suzanne Parker, Alf Reeves-Easton, Edgar Bateson, Alan White, Betty Thompson—England; David Williams, Glynne Williams—Wales; Erik Mogensen—France.

The sick and housebound were honored by Bernard Collard. Sheila Girling Smith led 28b for the following: Olga Dellaway, Joyce Over, Judy Whiting, Lisbeth Poulsen, Penny Verrier, Anne Milne, Nicola Macadam, and Lucy Chadwick. The memorial was closed.

Leaders: Nick Hall 503; Steve Marini 48t; Chris Brown 31t; Steve Fletcher 383; Elspeth Hannen 146; Ken Baddley 121; Adrian Bolge 68b; Stephen Biggs 288; Edwin Macadam 217; Sofi Mogensen 228; Bernard Collard 454; Sheila Girling Macadam 155.


The final session commenced with Linda Reed leading 99. Leaders: Rachel Jordan 474; Tony Singleton 457; Rebecca Over 274t; Nick Hall 177; Chris Brown 211; Jacqui Selby-Macleod 179; Stephen Biggs 45t; Elspeth Hannen 299; Adrian Bolge 49t; Ken Baddley 350; Mandy Townsend 480; Steve Fletcher 148; Steve Marini 250.

Announcements were made. Sheila Girling Macadam and Edwin Macadam thanked all the officers, committees, and anyone else who helped in any way to make this singing possible, and led 347 as the closing song. Rev. David Chantler offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman/Secretary—Sheila Girling Macadam; Vice Chairman—Edwin Macadam