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Pikes Peak Sacred Harp Singing

Chapel of Our Saviour, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The 4th annual Pikes Peak Sacred Harp Singing was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Pete Mathewson leading 369. The opening prayer was offered by Lance Lloyd.

The class was organized with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Pete Mathewson; Secretary/Treasurer—Susie Mathewson. Singing was from the Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition, and the Sacred Harp, Cooper Revision, 2006 (CB).

Leaders: Kelly Townsend 145b; Lindsey Wiggins 567 (CB), Priscilla Wiggins 400 (CB), Chris Wiggins 299; Mo Morrow 159; Eric Mason 515; LaVerne Lewis 147t; Hans Guttman 559 (CB), Deborah Johnson 504; Arlene Strickland 45t; Lance Lloyd 178; Isaac Lloyd 148; Bonnie Dolan 441; Elyssa Lloyd 144; Wynonia Horn 141; Karl Dise 200; Susie Mathewson 569b; Mary Lou VanLaanen 474; Sonia Lee 378b.


Pete Mathewson read the names of the deceased: John Etheridge of Baker, Florida, and Elder Gerald Hand of Las Cruces, New Mexico. He spoke briefly about John, and the families affected by the recent shooting at Samson, Alabama were mentioned. Carol Selleck spoke of her father, Gerald Hand, and his lifelong connection with Sacred Harp. Pete and Carol led 96 (CB) in memory of the deceased.

Leaders: Paul Lindholm 377; Carol Selleck 198; Sharon Kermiet 380b (CB); Pete Mathewson 542 (CB); Kelly Townsend 282; Lindsey Wiggins 38t (CB); Priscilla Wiggins 78 (CB); Kris Wiggins 522 (CB); Mo Morrow 155; Eric Mason 479; LaVerne Lewis 288; Hans Guttmann 511t (CB); Deborah Johnson 277; Arlene Strickland and Delorese Lee 133 (CB); Lance Lloyd 59; Isaac Lloyd 47b; Bonnie Dolan 447; Elyssa Lloyd 33b. The class sang the dinner grace “Be Present at Our Table, Lord”.


Sonja Lee of Waycross, Georgia, was presented with a memento of Pikes Peak in recognition of having traveled the greatest distance to the singing. The singing resumed with Wynonia Horn leading 65 (CB). Leaders: Les Doggrell 515 (CB); Judy VanDuzer 202; Karl Dise 365 (CB); Mary Lou VanLaanen 99; Delorese Lee, Sonia Lee, and Arlene Strickland 503; Paul Lindholm 68b; Carol Selleck 524; Sharon Kermiet 507b (CB); Pete Mathewson and Maxine Dale-Jackson 501; Kelly Townsend 146; Lindsey Wiggins 481; Priscilla Wiggins 163b; Kris Wiggins 528.


The singing resumed with Keeley Sandoval, Todd Winkler, and Amy Winkler leading 32t. Leaders: Mo Morrow 106; Mia Alvarado 147b; Eric Mason 228; LaVerne Lewis 39b; Hans Guttmann 505 (CB); Paul Lindholm 236; Deborah Johnson 207; Arlene Strickland 285t; Lance Lloyd 49b; Isaac Lloyd 34b; Bonnie Dolan 538.

The closing prayer was offered by Lance Lloyd. Mary Lou VanLaanen led 323t as the closing song, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Pete Mathewson; Secretary—Susie Mathewson