Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Texas State Sacred Harp Convention

College Station, Texas

February 21-22, 2009

Saturday, February 21

The Texas State Convention was held at the Wellborn Community Center just outside of College Station, Texas, on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in February. The convention was called to order by Katie Mahoney leading 48t and 88t. The morning prayer was offered by Tom Owen.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Katie Mahoney; Vice Chairman—Crystal Meadows; Secretary/Treasurer—Liz Owen.

Leaders: Crystal Meadows 155; Liz Owen 74b; Cheryl Foreman 53; Mike Moseley 503; Gaylon Powell 500; Bruce Coates 535; Jonathan Pendleton 354b; Reed Coates 565; Sonny Erwin 454; Riley Owen 401; Leon Ballinger 313b; Michele Rogan 31t; Owen Ross 362; Bill Giesenschlag 59; Scott Curran 532; Peter Golden 99; Rich Lee 377; Jeb Owen 472; Jo Pendleton 452; Alexa Gilmore 475; Gary Rogan 300.


Crystal Meadows brought the class back together leading 171. Leaders: Robert Vaughn 61; Amanda Bowles 350; Lindsey Wiggins 183; Beverly Coates 180; Justin Latimer 480; Donald Ross 327; Greg Bowles 30b; Sarah Huckaby 163b; Tammy Powell 542; Tom Owen 528; Amanda Deardorff 143; Vivian Rogan 84; Sonny Huckaby 70b; Bill Bailey 63; Evelyn Lamb 373; Diane Ross 168; Anne Moseley 86; Jessica Garris 217; Liz Owen and Alex Muller 159. The noon prayer was offered by Owen Ross.


The class was called back together by Katie Mahoney leading 81t. Leaders: Catherine Rogan 186; Ron Ryan 145t; Owen Ross 442; Mike Moseley 338; Bill Giesenschlag 103; Olivia Powell 274t; Jo Pendleton 448b; Robert Vaughn 280; Donald Ross 399b; Jonathan Pendleton 388; Anne Moseley 270; Sonny Huckaby 430; Diane Ross 347; Gaylon Powell 457; Bruce Coates 147t; Sonny Erwin 568; Reed Coates 67; Leon Ballinger 273; Michele Rogan 39t; Peter Golden 120; Rich Lee 138b; Scott Curran 328.


The class was called together by Crystal Meadows leading 36b. Leaders: Jeb Owen 385 (t? b?); Evelyn Lamb 456; Kevin Powell 448t; Alexa Gilmore 142; Gary Rogan 203; Amanda Bowles 47b; Lindsey Wiggins 182; Beverly Coates 492; Greg Bowles 268; Jessica Garris 455; Sarah Huckaby 209; Tammy Powell 222; Cheryl Foreman 546; Justin Latimer 192; Tom Owen 316; Amanda Deardorff 40; Vivian Rogan 49t; Bill Bailey 451; Catherine Rogan 35; Kevin Powell 201.

Katie Mahoney led 323t. The closing prayer was offered by Robert Vaughn.

Sunday, February 22

The Sunday session of the Texas State Sacred Harp Convention was called to order by Katie Mahoney leading 131b and 27. The opening prayer was offered by Kevin Powell.

Leaders: Crystal Meadows 276; Liz Owen 110; Catherine Rogan 82t; Mike Hinton 340 (in memory of John Etheridge); Sonny Erwin 501; Greg Bowles 163b; Alexa Gilmore 68b; Riley Owen 274t; Amanda Deardorff 47t; Leon Ballinger 195; Tom Owen 477; Evelyn Lamb 58; Peter Golden 52t; Olivia Powell 146; Justin Latimer 300; Lindsey Wiggins 481; Sarah Huckaby 299; Michele Rogan 178; Rich Lee 466; Gary Rogan 234; Jessica Garris 278t; Jeb Owen 277.


Crystal Meadows brought the class back together leading 112. Leaders: Bruce Coates 86; Scott Curran 460; Tammy Powell 189; Vivian Rogan 344; Bill Bailey 324; Ron Ryan 294; Kevin Powell 200; Cheryl Foreman 354t; Amanda Bowles 34b; Gaylon Powell 505; Beverly Coates 531; Liz Owen 208; Catherine Rogan 137; Mike Hinton 534; Sonny Erwin 312b; Greg Bowles 38b; Alexa Gilmore 319; Leon Ballinger 424; Tom Owen 532.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Bruce Coates, Beverly Coates, and Jeb Owen. Bruce Coates led 129 for the following sick and shut-ins: Beau Caldwell, Marion Grant, Ruth Redmon, Molly Appleberry, Dick Steil, Ophelia Matthews, Myra Palmer, Curtis Owen, Edith Owen, Leland Owen, Doris Hanks, Cindy Kissee, and Richard DeLong.

Beverly Coates led 122 in memory of the following deceased: Monnie Ross, Adele Reed—Texas; Peggy Bergman, Kim Jenkins—Alabama; John Etheridge—Florida. The memorial lesson was closed with prayer offered by Jeb Owen.

Leaders: Evelyn Lamb 271 (t? b?); Peter Golden 38t; Justin Latimer 518; Lindsey Wiggins 348b; Sarah Huckaby 499; Michele Rogan 215; Rich Lee 220. The noon prayer was offered by Gary Rogan.


The class was called together once more by Katie Mahoney leading 33b. A business meeting was convened, and reports were given from the Placement and Nominating Committees and the Financial Report was read by Liz Owen.

Leaders: Gary Rogan 218; Jessica Garris 106; Jeb Owen 318; Bruce Coates 150; Olivia Powell 480; Scott Curran 283; Tammy Powell 216; Amanda Deardorff 148; Ron Ryan 515; Kevin Powell 107; Amanda Bowles 441; Gaylon Powell 434.

The officers led 62 as the closing song. The convention was closed with prayer.

Chairman—Katie Mahoney; Vice Chairman—Crystal Meadows; Secretary—Liz Owen