Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Wakefield Memorial
(Ganus, Wilford, Clifford, Gene, and Cecil)

Mt. Vernon (King School House), Natural Bridge, Alabama

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The 37th session of this memorial was called to order by Travis Keeton leading 73t. The morning prayer was offered by Harrison Creel.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Travis Keeton; Vice Chairman—Glenn Keeton; Arranging Committee—Faye Donaldson; Secretary—Josie Hyde.

Leaders: Travis Keeton 129; Glenn Keeton 430, 77t; Ken Tate 106, 107; Willodean Barton 454; Don Roberson 151,182; Stella Pratt 317, 379; Henry Guthery III 434, 269; Clarence McCool 428, 349; Chris Ballinger 76b, 350; Andrew Farris 408, 120; Margaret Keeton 276; Mathew Cook 87, 388; Larry Ballinger 384, 215.


Glenn Keeton called the class back together leading 104 (in memory of John Hyde). Leaders: Danny Creel 112, 532 (for Edith Tate); Kermit Adams 426t, 99; Richard Mauldin 146 (in memory of his mother), 358 (in memory of his father); Beth O’Dell 222, 224; Max Berueffy 81b, 200; Amber Davis 391,192; Earl Ballinger 217, 389; Leona Haynes 277, 501 (CB); Henry Guthery 512 (for Harrison Creel), 475 (in memory of Flarce Creel); Faye Donaldson, Nadine Willis, Julie Poston, Betty Baccus, Clare Stults, Helen Langston, Wendell Wakefield, Larry Wakefield, Wayne Wakefield, Cathy Bohannon, and Aloxie Langston 333 (in memory of their parents and grandparents), 339 (in memory of Hazel Wakefield).


Travis Keeton called the class back to order leading 400. Leaders: Lisa Geist 377, 528; Gravis Ballinger 410t, 142; Velton Chaffin 464, 463; Steve Miles 234, 235; Debra Hall and Mike Hall 33b,138t; Josie Hyde 280, 506; Betty Baccus and Amanda Miles 480, 145t; Harrison Creel 342; Andrew Farris 186, 94; Danny Creel 503; Henry Guthery III 426b; Larry Ballinger, Chris Ballinger, and Lisa Geist 270; Henry Guthery 549; Richard Mauldin 312b; Earl Ballinger 546; Clarence McCool 111b; Don Roberson 282; Amber Davis 495, Beth O’Dell 442; Ken Tate 362; Velton Chafin 487; Steve Miles 163t; Mathew Cook 59.

Travis Keeton and Glenn Keeton led 62 as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Henry Guthery, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Travis Keeton; Vice Chairman—Glenn Keeton; Secretary—Josie Hyde