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Union Musical Sacred Harp Singing Convention

Sweetwater Memorial Chapel, Lawrenceville, Georgia

October 28-29, 2006

Saturday, October 28

The 138th session of the Union Musical Sacred Harp Singing Convention was called to order by Judy Mincey leading 32t. Scott DePoy led 277 and Helen Bryson led 568. Elder Jesse Roberts offered the morning prayer and led the introductory lesson: 390, 104, 473, 368, and 328.

Leaders: John Plunkett 207; John Redman 38b; Erica Hinton 501; Tony Hammock 60; Cathy White 84; Rachel Carlisle 145t; Debora Gross 61; John Hollingsworth 460; Charles Woods 319; Carlene Griffin 70t; Andy Anderson 159; Mary Brownlee 280; Eric Tweedy 327; Faye Hollis 373.


Scott DePoy brought the class to order leading 201. Leaders: Junie Wooten 503; Carri Grindon 497; Oscar McGuire 441; Robert Kelly 178.

The convention entered into a business session. The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Jeannette DePoy; Vice Chairman—Cathy White; Secretary—Helen Bryson; Arranging Committee—Lela Crowder, Richard DeLong, and Janice Paulk.

Leaders: Jeannette DePoy 106; Charlene Wallace 385b; Herman Wilkerson 215; Loy Garrison 74b; Molly Melvin 58; Carol Hanson 299; Karen Rollins 163b; Jonathan Smith 282; Janice Paulk 478; Philip Langley 110; Don Clark 232; Mike Thompson 34t.


The class was brought back to order by Cathy White leading 146. Leaders: Matt Hinton and students 47b; Lela Crowder 203; Karen Clark 127; Hugh McGraw 267; Judy Caudle 433; Danny Creel 196; Sandra Wilkinson 448t; Al Grindon 213t; Lonnie Rogers 389; Richard DeLong 522; Malinda Snow 300; Judy Caudle 540; Don Clark 542; Mary Brownlee 183; Mike Thompson 72b; Danny Creel 384; Cathy White 268; Karen Clark 466; Eric Tweedy 479; Karen Rollins 34b; Robert Kelly 66; Jonathan Smith 148; Rachel Carlisle 75; Lonnie Rogers 348b; Janice Paulk 446; Ellie Soler 142; Erica Hinton and Lela Crowder 535.

Following announcements, Jeannette DePoy led 323t as the closing song. Elder Jesse Roberts dismissed the class with prayer.

Sunday, October 29

Chairman Jeannette DePoy called the class to order leading 82t. John Plunkett offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Jeannette DePoy 31t; Richard DeLong 27, 109; Helen Bryson 72t, 418 (for her father); John Plunkett 370, 374; Sandra Wilkinson 182, 473; Tony Hammock 321, 112; Janice Paulk 337, 295; Matt Hinton and students 99, 448t; Cathy White 168, 66; Judy Mincey 571, 475.


The class was called back to order by Richard DeLong leading 331. Leaders: Andy Anderson 107, 441; Malinda Snow 510, 472; Kelly Morris 49b, 159; Erin Mills 76b, 196; Paul Robinson 128, 494.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Matt Hinton. He led 134 for the following deceased: Lydia Geesum, Beth Hancock, Bobby Jackson, Lamar George, Donnie McGraw, and Olin Gresham—Georgia; Marcia Tucker—California; Jon Frey—Minnesota.

Judy Mincey led 50b in honor of the following sick and shut-ins: Violet Thomason, Herby Bailey, John Shippe, Dorothy Garrison, Loy Garrison, Gladys McGraw, Gertrude DeLong, and Helen Plunkett. John Hollingsworth offered the prayer to close the memorial.

Leaders: Jonathan Smith 47t, 45t; Susan Posey 77b, 198.


The afternoon session began with Jeannette DePoy leading 430. Leaders: Jeff Sheppard 403, 325; Reba Windom 172, 411; John Hollingsworth 236; Erica Hinton 77t, 287; Andy Morse 210, 454; Shelbie Sheppard 352, 327; Hugh McGraw 37t; Karen Clark 122, 218; Eric Robinson 101t; Charlene Wallace 197; Don Clark 149, 174; Lauren Harrison 138b, 178; Oscar McGuire 573, 344; Rachel Carlisle 318; Eric Tweedy 292; Martha Ann Steeger 63; Debora Gross 155, 47b.

A business session for the purpose of giving reports was held.

Andy Anderson and Tony Hammock presented the financial report.

The Resolutions report, thanking everyone who helped make the convention a success, was presented by Sandra Wilkinson and Philip Langley.

Following announcements, Jeannette DePoy and Richard DeLong led 62 as the closing song. Prayer was offered by John Hollingsworth, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Jeannette DePoy; Vice Chairman—Cathy White; Secretary—Helen Bryson

NOTE: The location for the convention in 2007 will be Oak Grove Primitive Baptist Church near Alpharetta, Georgia.