Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Cincinnati New Year’s Day Singing
Cincinnati, Ohio
Sunday, January 1, 2006
The fifteenth annual Cincinnati New Year’s Day Singing was held in the home of Elizabeth Keller in Cincinnati, Ohio, and began with Eloise Clark leading 59. Jim Herr offered the opening prayer.
Leaders: John Bealle 268 (request of Bob Meek, who was not able to attend due to illness); Sheryl Pockrose 564; Judy Schutz 270; Rich Overturf 100, 68b (for Christine Cox); Regina Bayer 142; Steve Duff 454; Judy Crawford 155; Hans Bayer 385b, Marlen Rust 148; Sharon Hill 361; Loraine Bayer 225t; Wendy Gilchrist 569t; Sue Duff 569b; Eloise Clark 69b. Eloise introduced Elizabeth Keller, who graciously offered her home for the singing this year due to conflicts with services at the church where the singing is normally held.
Sheryl Pockrose brought the class together leading 49b. Leaders: Debbie Hall 528, Jackson Pieterzak 117; David Rust 144; Daniel Coppock 319; Jim Herr 475; Bruce Kokernot 344; Jubal Bayer and James Eldridge 274t; Mike Hieber 276; Karen Arnett 373, Clara Herr 209; John Bayer 300; Mary Brinkman 313b; Eloise Clark 513, 73t (in memory of Stanley Keller, Elizabeth’s father, who had recently died. Mr. Keller liked to take his family caroling, and the song was led in honor of that family tradition); Sheryl Pockrose 524, 448b. Sharon Hill gave the blessing before the noon meal.
The class resumed singing with Sheryl Pockrose leading 146. Leaders: Mary Brinkman 178; Joan Redd 496; Carol Medlicott 312b; Linda Coppock 236; Laura Russell 32t; Michelle Cull 448t; Jim Coppock 377; Catherine Kohn and Debbie Hall 86; Judy Schutz 200; Judy Crawford 159; Bruce Kokernot 183; Regina Bayer 203; Sharon Hill 504; Jim Herr 163t; Marlen Rust 66; Steve Duff 189; Jackson Pieterzak 388; Richard Palmer 485; David Rust 123b.
The class was called to order by Sheryl Pockrose leading 348t. Leaders: Loraine Bayer 47t; Daniel Coppock 89; Hans Bayer 455; Sue Duff 196; Karen Arnett 269; Wendy Gilchrist 56b; James Eldridge 45t; Christine Cox and Rich Overturf 515; John Bayer 110; Michele Cull and Annaliza Jane Cull 192; Joan Redd 40; Clara Herr 503; Catherine Kohn and Debbie Hall 556; Jubal Bayer 277; Laura Russell 47b; Debbie Hall 362; Richard Palmer 273; Jim Coppock 31t; Carol Medlicott 282; Rich Overturf 347. Steve Duff offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.
Chair—Sheryl Pockrose; Arrangements—John Bealle and Rich Overturf; Secretary—Marlen Rust.