Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Eugene Singing

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Eugene, Oregon

Saturday, July 30, 2005

The eighth annual Eugene Singing was held in the sanctuary of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church on the last Saturday of July. Martha Johnson called the class to order at 9:30 a.m. leading 34b. Gary Plouff offered the morning prayer.

The slate of officers was announced: Chairperson—Martha Johnson; Secretary—Carolyn Gilkey; Treasurer—Jane Grant; Arrangements—Jim Brock, Martha Sherwood, Tom Payne, Martha Johnson, Steve Helwig, Jean Murphy, and Carolyn Gilkey; Memorial Committee—Karen Stingle and Kathy Vlach; Chaplain—Gary Plouff; Kitchen—Seda Seine, Cobb Breedlove, Jean Murphy, Jane Grant, and Steve Helwig; Registration—Jean Marcotte and Dorothy Antteneave.

Leaders: Kathy Vlach 171; Karen Stingle 85; Pat Nida 79; Meg Larson 270; Karen Willard 198; Susan Helf 61; Tom Payne 86; Steve Helwig 274t; Connie Hendrickson 503; Dan Thoma 128; Erik Schwab 162; Leigh Van Sickle 133; Phil Rempel 267; Ken Cofield 344; Janice Bridges 565; Dave Tobin 385t; Fran Ross 184; Dick Lewis 549; Jack Lofton 328; Molly Whedbee 457; Linda Dorsey Peterson 152; Erica Wilson 332.


John Carson brought the class back to order with 312 (t? b?). Leaders: David Landazuri 497; Ann Dhu McLucas 159; Cobb Breedlove 445; David Wright 212; Jessica Beer 436; Thom Farhbach 452; Rachel Foster 335; Suzanne Denker 56t.

Karen Stingle conducted the memorial lesson and led 163b in memory of the deceased. Those remembered were Melvin Thompson, Chris Gum, Tevina Benedict, Diane Lewis-Moles, Catherine Vandertuin, Robert Gault, Marvin Harrison, Robert Clark—Oregon; Leslie Close, Jane Perry—New York; Aikin Connor and Jean Kaufman—California; Ruth Recher—Indiana; John Rupp—Michigan; Elizabeth Jones—Colorado; Martin Mauer and Bob Eastman—Washington.

Kathy Vlach led 340 for the sick and shut-ins. Those remembered were David Hendricks—Washington; Peggy Dearborn—California; Everen Lacy Miller—Wisconsin; Rose Normand and Laura Jimenez—Ecuador; Didie Kenna—Texas; Marjorie Cooney, Jeanette Denke, Doug Ebbitt, and River Kennedy—Oregon; Beauler Dyoko and Forward Kwenda—Zimbabwe. The memorial lesson was concluded.

Leaders: Cindy Reuter 138t; Jenn Dolan 53; Tom Gerber 47b; Gary Plouff 318; Jim Brock 100; Sarah Hauser 106; Erik Hold 48t; Carolyn Gilkey 528. Chaplain Gary Plouff asked a blessing on the food.


Jessica Beer brought the afternoon session to order leading 82t. Leaders: Audrey Karabinus 369; Jayne Mondello 65; Kathy Vlach 143; Pat Nida 496; Karen Stingle 569b; Karen Willard 456; Scott Kennedy 146; Susan Helf 112; Tom Payne 504; Tom Adams 277; Martha Johnson 442; Dan Thoma 276; Marcia Cutler 361; Erik Schwab 84; Leigh Van Sickle 40.


Karen Willard brought the class back to order with 30t. Leaders: Jean Murphy 189; Ken Cofield 28b; Janice Bridges 268; Dorothy Atteneve 126; Fran Ross 236; Jack Lofton 362; Cindy Zarzycki 350; Molly Wedbee 102; John Carson 38b; Jessica Beer 163t; David Landazuri 454; Anne Dhu McLucas 479; Martha Sherwood 117; Cobb Breedlove 384; David Wright 203; Thom Farhbach 448t; Tamara Harris 179; Rachel Foster 532; Suzanne Denker 180; Cindy Reuter 282; Gary Plouff 330 (t? b?); Erika Wilson 178.

Reports from Committees were given. Jane Grant gave the Treasurer’s Report. Carolyn Gilkey reported that seventy-five were registered for the singing.

Cobb Breedlove and Jessica Beer offered the Resolutions Report. John Dinsmore, pastor of Good Shepherd, was thanked for the use of the church and all were invited to sing at the Sunday morning service. Fran Ross and John Bredesen were thanked for hosting the Friday night party, and the class was invited to a salmon bake Saturday night at Tom Payne’s house.

Martha Johnson led 62 as the closing song, and the class was dismissed.

Chairperson—Martha Johnson; Secretary—Carolyn Gilkey.