Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Mt. Zion Memorial

Mt. Zion, Georgia (off Hwy. 16)

July 23-24, 2005

Saturday, July 23

The one hundred-thirteenth session of the Mt. Zion Memorial Sacred Harp singing was held at Mt. Zion United Methodist Church on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in July. Earlis McGraw called the class to order leading 30t and 32t. Hugh McGraw offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Phillip Langley 72b, 274t; Judy Henry 225t, 77t; Charlene Wallace 135, 203; Oscar McGuire 336, 441; Jimmie Denney 222, 176t; Danny Griffin 569b, 34t (for Carlene Griffin and Nick Griffin); Felton Denney and Josephine Denney 48t, 68b; Bentley McGuire 101t, 146; Lonnie Rogers 97, 318; Mildred Patterson 100, 319; Robert Chambless 452, 303.


The class was called together by Earlis McGraw leading 369. Leaders: S.T. Reed 389, 388; Katie Rice and Sherry Lovvorn 143, 373; Jason Hollis 36b, 145t; Bobby Jackson 290, 499; Judy Chambless 159, 490; Bud Oliver 345t, 343; Martha Ann Stegar 59; Richard Mauldin 29t, 35; Elder Homer Benefield and Katherine Benefield 335, 56t; Faye Hollis 217, 283; Ed Thacker 291, 298; Louise Holland 186, 43.


The afternoon session was called together by Earlis McGraw leading 155 and 544. Leaders: Phillip Langley 299; Hugh McGraw 210; Lela Crowder 89, 495; John Plunkett 420, 483; Jenny Acton 340, 112; Eugene Forbes 438, 208.

A motion was made to go into the business session. The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Earlis McGraw; Vice Chairman—Phillip Langley; Arranging/Memorial Committee—Carolyn Huckeba and Judy Henry; Secretary/Treasurer—Charlene Wallace.

Leaders: Connie Stanton 496, 108b; Matt Hinton 56b, 168; Donna Bell 48b, 282; Erica Hinton 34b, 42; Joyce Lambert 127, 82t; Teenie Moody 40; Carol Chapman 317; Jane Spencer 338, 421; S.T. Reed 425; Ed Thacker 532; Bud Oliver 145t; Oscar McGuire and Bentley McGuire 276, 47b; John Plunkett 47t; Richard Mauldin 129; Connie Stanton 480; Audress Gurley 334, 37t; Lela Crowder 138t; Hugh McGraw 463.

Announcements were made. Earlis McGraw led 235 as the closing song, and Elder Homer Benefield dismissed the class with prayer.

Sunday, July 24

The class was called to order by Earlis McGraw leading 32t and 77b. Louis Hughes offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Phillip Langley 151, 475; Charlene Wallace 186, 192; Judy Henry 74b, 117; Hugh McGraw 75; Bentley McGuire 385t, 457; Judy Chambless 531, 102; B.M. Smith 222, 393 (for Margie Smith); Mary L. Smith 283, 276; Bobby Jackson 34t, 408; Faye Hollis 155, 297; John Plunkett 88b, 90; Louise Holland 49b; Myron House 227, 136; Sharon Hamrick 269, 84; Tony Hammock 148, 42.


The class was called together by Nick Griffin leading 96 and 551. Leaders: Robert Chambless 503, 72b; Jeannette DePoy 67, 318; Louis Hughes 201, 456; Raymond Hamrick 234, 231; Rita Haley 46, 268.

The memorial lesson was held with Hugh McGraw leading 420 in memory of Gary McGraw, Naomi Sailors, Jap Walton, Kelly Beard, Dot Estes, Marie Tant, Henry George, Preston McClendon, Ivalene Donaldson, John Hocutt, Sherry Guthery, and Robert Garner.

For all the sick and shut-ins, Oscar McGuire led 452. Those remembered were Alice Edwards, Hester Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Hubbard, I.V. McWhorter, Jeff Sheppard, Shelbie Sheppard, Tommy Crawford, Mary Hackney, Sherrie Edwards, George Garner, Brent Coppock, Lucy Garner, and Clarence McCool. The memorial was closed.

Leaders: Stanley Edwards 58, 340; B.J. Harris 225t, 303.


The afternoon session was called together by Charles Woods leading 213t and 91. Leaders: Brandon Acton 53, 282; Milton Oliver 270, 321; Jenny Acton 112, 143; Bud Oliver 39t, 39b; Reba Windom 460 (in memory of Kelly Beard), 300; Jane Spencer and Mike Spencer 207, 86; Oscar McGuire 573; Henry Guthery, Sr. and Andrew Guthery 543; Lela Crowder 111b; Wesley Haley 45t; Evelyn Harris 47t; Jason Hollis 63, 473; Arlene Woods 147t, 178; Henry Guthery III 319 (for his granddad), 290; John Wall 236; Audress Gurley 145t, 164; Debra Grosse 146; Sheri Taylor 546, 278b; Gene Duke 80b, 87; Lisa Webb 28b, 566; Richard Mauldin 349 (for Clarence McCool), 84; Laura Frey 163b, 133.

Announcements were made. Earlis McGraw, Phillip Langley, and Judy Henry led 62 as the closing song. Henry Guthery offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Earlis McGraw; Vice Chairman—Phillip Langley; Secretary—Charlene Wallace.