Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Burnham and Brown Memorial

Jacksonville, Alabama

Sunday, February 6, 2005

The annual memorial singing for Uncle Bob Burnham and Leman and Ruth Brown was held on the first Sunday in February at the Recreation Center in Jacksonville, Alabama. The class was called to order by Pearl Guier, granddaughter of Bob Burnham, leading 59. Lonnie Rogers offered the morning prayer. Pearl Guier welcomed everyone, and then led 40.

Leaders: Jeff Sheppard 61; Charlene Wallace 105 (in honor of Kelly Beard); Willie Mae Moon 138t, 225t; Bobby Watkins, Mercy Watkins, and April Watkins 426b; Bobby Jackson 480; Felton Denney and Josephine Denney 405; Robert Chambless 68b; Robert Walker 477; Lou Cotney 222; S.T. Reed 229; Carlene Griffin 81t; Milton Oliver 314; Bud Oliver 170.


The class resumed singing with Pearl Guier leading 32t. A business session was held in which the following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairlady—Pearl Guier; Vice Chairman—Jeff Sheppard; Secretary—Charlene Wallace; Arranging Committee—Pam Nunn and Margie Smith.

Leaders: Jeff Sheppard 77b; Jewel Wootten 565; Stanley Edwards 141; Karleen Williams 373; Jerry Creason 38b; Judy Chambless 159; Bridgett Hill 37b; Terry Hullett 276; Sharon DuPriest 189; Nate Green and Norma Green 167, 206; Jo Schultz 489; Lonnie Rogers 389, 348b; Jeannette DePoy 542; Ed Thacker 354t.


The class was brought back to order by B.M. Smith leading 475. Leaders: Daphene Causey 151; Alexandra Makris 282; Scott DePoy 179; Henry Johnson 416; Sandra Wilkinson 186; Louis Hughes 440; Elene Stovall 216; Richard DeLong 396; Karen Ivey 187; Aaron Wootten 176t; Shelbie Sheppard 269; David Ivey 336; Joan Aldridge 142; Max Berueffy 517 (in honor of Amanda Denson); Terry Wootten 71; Evelyn Harris 39b; Donna Bell 87; Buell Cobb 303; Louise Holland 323b; John Plunkett 466.

Buell Cobb presented a plaque to the family of Ruth Brown from The Sacred Harp Publishing Company for her outstanding contributions in the promotion of Sacred Harp. Two members of Ruth’s family, daughter-in-law Mary Ann Brown, and niece Pearl Guier, accepted the tribute/honor with grateful appreciation. Henry Johnson asked the blessing on the noon meal.


The afternoon session was called to order by Jeff Sheppard leading 124. Leaders: B.J. Harris 503; LaRue Allen 546; Margie Smith 317; Ann Simmons 45t; Pam Nunn 220 (for Rene Greene); Alexandra Makris 84; Bobby Jackson 499; Bobby Watkins and Mercy Watkins 49b; Scott DePoy and Jeannette DePoy 112 (in honor of Violet Thomason); Tom Schultz and Jo Schultz 198; Joan Aldridge and friends 273; Jewel Wootten and Terry Hullett 426t; Elene Stovall and Bridgett Hill 436; Bud Oliver 421; Louis Hughes 512; Carlene Griffin and Charlene Wallace 192; Daphene Causey and Sharon DuPriest 434; LaRue Allen and Rodney Ivey 328; David Ivey and Karen Ivey 120; Richard DeLong and John Plunkett 458; Ed Thacker and Henry Johnson 479; Nate Green and Norma Green 418; Felton Denney and Josephine Denney 145t; Max Berueffy and Sandra Wilkinson 384; Stanley Edwards and Sherrie Gaither 425; B.M. Smith and Margie Smith 34t; Lonnie Rogers, Karleen Williams, and Rodney Ivey 560 (in memory of Marshall Avery); S.T. Reed and Milton Oliver 76b; Robert Chambless and Judy Chambless 143; Willie Mae Moon, Donna Bell, and Louise Holland 208; Robert Walker and Jerry Creason 146; B.J. Harris and Evelyn Harris 47t; Jeff Sheppard, Shelbie Sheppard, and Pam Nunn 556.

Announcements were made. Pearl Guier and Jeff Sheppard led 46 as the closing song. Louis Hughes offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairlady—Pearl Guier; Vice Chairman—Jeff Sheppard; Secretary—Charlene Wallace.