Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Eugene Singing

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Eugene, Oregon

Saturday, August 7, 2004

The seventh annual Eugene Singing was held in the sanctuary of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church on the first Saturday in August. Karen Stingle called the class to order at 9:30 a.m. leading 178. Reed Schilbach gave the invocation.

The slate of officers was announced: Chairperson—Karen Stingle; Secretary/Treasurer—Jane Grant; Arrangements—Jean Murphy, Suzanne Denker, Bruce Rowland, Jessica Beer, Martha Johnson, Leigh Van Sickle, Rachel Foster, and Fran Ross; Memorial Committee—Martha Johnson; Chaplains—Gary Plouff and Reed Schilbach; Registration—David Landazuri and Gary Plouff; Publicity—Jane Grant and Karen Schilbach; Food—Jean Murphy, Tom Payne, Rachel Foster, and Jean Marcotte; Hospitality—Fran Ross, John Bredesen, and Tom Payne.

Leaders: Jack Lofton 48 (t? b?); Jim Brock 100; Bruce Rowland 335; Jessica Beer 77t; Scott Kennedy 68b; Martha Johnson 282; Greg Saue 99; Anne Huckins 84; Gary Plouff 328; Dave Tobin 47b; Betty Jones 312b; John Carson 50t; Jane Grant 171; Reed Schilbach 324; Tom Payne 362; Sara Houser 108t; Connie Stanton 143.


Fran Ross brought the class back to order leading 455. Leaders: Meg Larson 37b; Rachel Foster 384; Jenn Dolan 131t; Kathy Vlach 145 (t? b?); Jacob Priestly 106; Martie Hoadley 159; Leigh Van Sickle 86; Arcana 122; Jean Marcotte 114.

Martha Johnson conducted the memorial lesson and led 146 in memory of the deceased. Those remembered were: Roy Settlemeyer, Chris Gum, Ernie Goertzen, Elbert Little, Craig Miller, Joyce Zemlak, Valerie Poust, Sherrie Schulke, Gene Lander, Mike Christy, Kathy Blago, Leah Polachek, John Hartman, Merritt Herring, and Ira—Oregon; Leona LePenske—Washington; Robert Batchelor and Sterling Dixon Grant—North Carolina; Rhonda Fraser—Central African Republic.

Martha Johnson led 510 for the sick and shut-ins. Those remembered were: Frank Gillis, Gladys Morgan, and Everen Lacy Miller—Oregon; Mary Bullock Johnson—Alabama; Laura Raul Jimenez—Ecuador. The memorial was concluded.

Leaders: Tom Gerber 117; David Landazuri 59; Karen Stingle 566; Jack Lofton 198; Greg Saue 31t; Gary Plouff 70b. Reed Schilbach offered prayer for the noon meal.


Jean Murphy brought the afternoon session to order leading 47t. Leaders: Jim Brock 569b; Bruce Rowland 318; Jessica Beer 383; Scott Kennedy 454; Martha Johnson 270; Anne Huckins 200; Dave Tobin 457; Betty Jones 421; John Carson 361; Zack Bain 183; Jane Grant 277; Reed Schilbach 39t; Tom Payne 236; Sarah Hauser 36b; Connie Stanton 66; Fran Ross 254.


Meg Larsen brought the class to order leading 330 (t? b?). Leaders: Suzanne Denker 497; Rachel Foster 128; Jenn Dolan 49b; Kathy Vlach 40; Jacob Priestly 313b, 376; Leigh Van Sickle 35; Arcana 50t; Tom Gerber 108b; Jean Murphy 385b; David Landazuri 373; Jack Lofton 442; Greg Saue 163b; Gary Plouff 67; Jim Brock 350; Jessica Beer 142; Bruce Rowland 426b; Scott Kennedy 347; Anne Huckin 107.

Reports from various committees were given.

Jane Grant gave the Treasurer’s Report.

Bruce Rowland offered the Resolutions Report.

Fran Ross and John Bredesen were thanked for hosting the Friday night party.

Announcements were made. The class was invited to dinner at the home of Tom Payne.

Reed Schilbach led 62 as the closing song, and then offered the closing prayer. The class was dismissed.

Chairperson—Karen Stingle; Secretary/Treasurer—Jane Grant.