Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Kalamazoo Singing

Wesley Foundation, Kalamazoo, Michigan

July 20, 2003

The fifth annual Kalamazoo Singing was held at the Wesley Foundation on the campus of Western Michigan University on the third Sunday in July. The class was brought to order by Chairman Bill Beverly leading 171. John Fink offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: John Fink 159, 186; Jan Wright 313b, 155; Martha Beverly 283, 344; Samuel Sommers 386, 24b; Lynne deBenedette 36b, 182; Warren Steel 396, 392; Reba Dell Windom 442, 142; David Rust 95, 154; Shelbie Sheppard 543, 183.


The class was called back to order by Roger Williams leading 350 and 222. Leaders: B.J. Schnorenberg 354b; Hannah Baker 300; Rachel Baker 335; Jeff Sheppard 360; Joan Aldridge 228; Emmie Barford 113; Dennis George 224; Nancy Yeager 347; Ann Miczulski 84; Mary List 334; Nathan Barford 245; Pauline Childers 318; Gaston White 236; Pam Carson 369.


The class was called to order by Ann Miczulski leading 146. Leaders: Joe Todd 103; Lela Crowder 215; Beth Todd 234; Bill Beverly 63; Cathryn Baker 436; James Nelson Gingerich 34t; Dan Huger 209; Mary Ellen Schrock 143; Richard DeLong 214; Jo Schultz 198.


Bill Beverly brought the afternoon session to order leading 68b. Leaders: James Page 188; Kiri Miller 430; Jerry Enright 542; Julie Vea 419; Jim Helke 540; Molly Williams 163 (t? b?); David Yeager 143; Judy Mincey 504; Mary Postellon (in memory of Lillian Maschmeyer) 66; David Barford 522; Karen Freund 411; Megan Jennings 472; Ted Mercer 217; Diane Mennella 501; Aaron Girard 320; Debbie Barford 368; Judy Holst 37b.


The class resumed singing with Jan Wright leading 107. Leaders: Lela Crowder 374; Jeff Sheppard 293; Judy Mincey 538; Dan Huger 61; Joan Aldridge 475; Annie Grieshop 72b; Richard DeLong 399b; Shelbie Sheppard 106; Shelbie Sheppard and Reba Dell Windom 269 (by request); Reba Dell Windom 172; Gaston White 40; Dennis George 270; David Yeager 64; Diane Mennella 77t; Lynne deBenedette, Karen Freund, and Jerry Enright 378b; Henry Schuman 530, 532 (by request).

Announcements were made. Bill Beverly led 62 as the closing song. Samuel Sommers offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Bill Beverly; Secretary—Henry Schuman.