Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Ivey Memorial

Liberty Baptist Church, Henagar, Alabama

Sunday, March 30, 2014

The annual Ivey Memorial Sacred Harp Singing was held at Liberty Baptist Church, Henagar, Alabama, on the fifth Sunday in March. The class was called to order by David Ivey leading 82t. The morning prayer was offered by Phil Summerlin.

The following officers were previously elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—David Ivey; Vice Chairman—Shane Wootten; Secretary—Cheyenne Ivey; Arranging Committee—Jackie Tanner and Richard Ivey.

Leaders: Shane Wootten 65; Cheyenne Ivey 129; Rodney Ivey 376; Richard Ivey 47t; Nate Green and Norma Green 566; Marlon Wootten and Eloise Wootten 108t; Jackie Tanner 73t; Dennis George and Tom George 310; B.M. Smith 389; Boyd Scott 358; Judy Chambless 527; Jack Nelson 95; Anna Hinton 282; Max Bruce 285t; Daniel Lee 354t; Jared Wootten, Hayden Wootten, and Jamey Wootten 441; Eli Hinton 77t; Margaret Thacker 565; Louis Hughes 408; Dylan Feezell 435; Shirley Figura 361; Morgan Bunch and Sue Bunch 475; Daniel Bearden 185.


David Ivey and Reba Windom led 203 to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Michael Thompson 316; Jerry Creason 415; Henry Johnson 322; Rebekah Gilmore and Grace Gilmore 445; Hubert Nall 440; Buell Cobb and Linda McKay 47b; Hobert Ivey, Scott Ivey, Jared Wootten, Hayden Wootten, and Jamey Wootten 39b; Aaron Wootten and Sarah Vaughn 460; Linton Ballinger and Lomax Ballinger 187; Drew McGuire 183; Nicole Bowman 542; Rick Hoffman 192; Stuart Ivey and Beth Anne Clay 178; David Brodeur 273; Karen Rollins 168; Paul Figura 38t; Paula Oliver 383; Nicholas Thompson 318; Ed Thacker 528 (for the Sheppard family); Roberta Strauss 436 (in memory of Tat Bailey); Delone Cobbs and Jennifer Clay 480; Robert Chambless 503 (for Raymond Hamrick); Judy Caudle and Angela Myers 411; Terry Wootten 378b; Anne Drexler 277; Phil Summerlin 270; Marty Wootten 472; Ryan Bowman 300; Gaston White 155; Lauren Bock 423; David Carlton 504. The blessing before the noon meal was offered by David Gooch.


The afternoon session began with David Ivey leading 36b. Leaders: Bridgett Hill Kennedy 434 (for Daphene Causey); John Plunkett 562; Brenda Carroll 442; David Light 200; Rachel Rudi and Micah Spence 138t; Karen Ivey and Kelsey Ivey 30b; Eddie Mash 558; Nathan Rees 193; David Gooch, Paul Davis, and Richard Ivey 112; Reba Windom, Shelby Castillo, and Betty Shepherd 216; Darrell Swarens 208; Susan Harcrow 430; Jessica Slighter and Martin Larsen 106; Jesse P. Karlsberg 421 (in memory of Bud Oliver); Cindy Tanner 512; Becky Browne 448t (in memory of Jeanette Lowry); Loyd Ivey, Marian Biddle, Martha Underwood, Lilly Underwood, Louise Ivey, Teresa Bethune, and Hallie Sizemore 424; Isaac Lloyd, Gideon Lloyd, and Ezra Lloyd 86; Coy Ivey and Shirley Figura 384; Mark Carroll 31t; Christopher Mann 108b; Elene Stovall and Rodney Ivey 564 (in memory of Karen House and Diane Mennella); Matt Hinton 139; Judy Mincey 180; Eschol Hughes 456; Beth Ann Clay and Anna Grace Sipe 49b; Rex Wilks 68b; Tony Ivey, Sandy Ivey, and Loretta Smith 324; S.T. Reed and Wayne Reed 270 (in memory of Bud Oliver), 540; Anna Grace Sipe and Sonya Sipe 32t; Robert Dupree 117; Edna Ruth Phillips 452; Coy Ivey, Eloise Wootten, Rex Wilks, Hobert Ivey, Loyd Ivey, Norma Green, Jack Ivey, Lois Baugh, and Betty Shepherd 465 (CB).

David Ivey led 56t as the closing song. Bro. Chester Shankles offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—David Ivey; Vice Chairman—Shane Wootten; Secretary—Cheyenne Ivey