Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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University of West Georgia

Food Services Building (Z-6), Carrollton, Georgia

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The annual Sacred Harp singing at the University of West Georgia in Carrollton, Georgia, was held on the third Sunday in February. Myron House called the class to order, welcomed everyone, and then led 59. Henry Johnson offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Jan House 84; Donna Bell, Donna Vinyard, and Gloria Mitchell 490; Donna Bell 441; Myron House 70t.

A business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed: Chairman—Myron House; Vice Chairman—Jan House; Secretary—Donna Bell; Arranging Officer—Judy Chambless; Memorial Lesson—Karen Rollins; Chaplain—Henry Johnson.

Leaders: Phillip Denney 535, 340; Malinda Snow 27, 29t; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 135, 134; Donna Duke 63, 40; Earlis McGraw 171, 225t (for Carlene Griffin); Henry Johnson 230, 390 (in memory of Vivian Rogers); Charlene Wallace 155, 283; Karen Rollins 297, 354t; Tony Hammock 61, 83b; B.M. Smith 389, 318.


Myron House brought the class back to order leading 48t. Leaders: Robert Chambless 480, 89 (by request); Sandra Wilkinson 168, 274t; Sheri Taylor 186, 278b; Jan House and Linda Grisham 45t, 143; Michael Spencer 467, 73b; Cecil Roberts 97, 30b; Jason Stanford 35, 548; Oscar McGuire 481, 485. Henry Johnson asked the blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session of singing convened with Myron House leading 479. Leaders: John Plunkett 403, 295; Judy Chambless 146, 82t; Margie Smith 108t, 101t; Gene Duke 282, 343.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Karen Rollins. She quoted a portion of “Sacred Mount”, stating that we should sing whether we are happy, sad, or troubled to show our faith. Karen read the following names of the sick and shut-ins: Bud Oliver, Sammie Oliver, S.T. Reed, Lessie Reed, Fallon Cook, Floy Wilder; Carlene Griffin, Danny Griffin, Henry Guthery, Josephine Denney, Raymond Hamrick, Jeff Sheppard, and Shelbie Sheppard. Oscar McGuire led 348b in their honor.

Karen Rollins read the following names of the deceased: Dr. Julietta Haynes, Harrison Creel, Inez Chambless, Gordon Keeton, Nancy Yeager, Susan Muse, Violet Thomason, Gertrude DeLong, and Lonnie Rogers. She led 456. Cecil Roberts closed the memorial lesson with prayer.

Leaders: Donna Bell 383; Charlene Wallace 269; Henry Johnson 55; Earlis McGraw 148; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 349; Tony Hammock 430; Robert Chambless 303; Phillip Denney 120; Karen Rollins 347; Jason Stanford and Joel Stanford 335; B.M. Smith 208; Cecil Roberts 477; Sheri Taylor 142; Michael Spencer 393; Malinda Snow 512; Oscar McGuire 163b; Sandra Wilkinson 400; John Plunkett 271t; Jan House 361; Donna Duke 100; Gene Duke 111t; Judy Chambless 549.

Several visitors were in attendance due to the Smithsonian Institute’s Museum on Main Street traveling exhibition, “New Harmonies: Celebrating American Roots Music,” which is on display at the Warren P. Sewell Memorial Library at Bremen, Georgia, through March 23, 2013. Dr. Keith Hebert, Professor of History at the University of West Georgia, was instrumental in securing the “New Harmonies” exhibit in the West Georgia community. Due to this, Myron House, at various times during the singing, took time to explain various traditions associated with the singing, such as election of officers, collection of minute money, the memorial lesson, and closing the singing with the “Parting Hand”. Following announcements, Myron House introduced Carol Hogan, a representative from the “New Harmonies” committee of events for the Smithsonian exhibit.

Myron House and Jan House led 62, and those who wished took the parting hand. Henry Johnson offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Myron House; Vice Chairman—Jan House; Secretary—Donna Bell