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Ivey Memorial Singing

Liberty Church, Henagar, Alabama

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The annual Ivey Memorial Sacred Harp Singing held at Liberty Church, Henagar, Alabama, on the first fifth Sunday was called to order by Richard Ivey leading 82t. Henry Johnson offered the opening prayer.

The following officers were previously elected to serve: Chairman—Richard Ivey; Vice Chairman—Shane Wootten; Secretary—Donna Wootten; Arranging Officer—Jackie Tanner.

Leaders: Richard Ivey 33b; Shane Wootten 74b (in memory of Eulas Ivey); Jackie Tanner 89; David Ivey and Rodney Ivey 39b (in memory of Marie Ivey); Loyd Ivey 34t; Donna Wootten 512; Nate Green and Norma Green 147b; Tony Ivey 144; Stanly Edwards 283; Karen Rollins and Denney Rogers 389 (for Lonnie Rogers); David Brodeur 472; Roberta Strauss 436; Hobert Ivey 426t; Molly Ellis 567; Eugene Forbes 168; Cheyenne Ivey 222; Gaston White 66; Daniel Lee 448t.


Scott Ivey led 88t to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Henry Johnson 60; Floy Wilder 227; Jonathan Woods 569b; Judy Caudle 276; Gresham Davis 36b; Hubert Nall 128; Anne Drexler 277; Darrell Swarens 208; Shirley Figura 348b; Lomax Ballinger 67; Lynne deBenedette 426b; Tammy Heinsohn 294; Hayden Arp 408; Emily Woods and Jonathan Woods 162; Jackson Harcrow, Drew Smith, and Blake Sisemore 385b; Sandie Scott 340; Phil Summerlin 411.


Blake Sisemore and Hayden Wootten led 145t to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Eloise Wootten 480; Jonathon Smith 444; April DuPriest and Sharon DuPriest 63; B.M. Smith 489; Paul Figura 314; Jeannette DePoy 293; Linton Ballinger 224; Susan Cherones 209; Michael Thompson and Joyce Walton 456; Kelsey Sunderland 328; John Plunkett 107 (in memory of John Shippee); Steve Helwig 377; Ed Thacker 192; Scott DePoy 48t. Phil Summerlin offered the blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session was brought to order by Richard Ivey leading 56t. Leaders: Dennis George 434; Matt Hinton 142; Nathan Rees 211; Aaron Little 354t; Marian Biddle, Ivey Biddle, Martha Underwood, Doug Ivey, Loyd Ivey, Teresa Bethune, Lilly Underwood, and Adam Biddle 424; Bud Oliver 270; Claudia Dean 462; Jared Wootten and Jamey Wootten 440; S.T. Reed and Wayne Reed 176b; Judy Chambless 501; Reba Windom and Lynne deBenedette 542; Angela Myers 112; Susan Harcrow and Gabby Jenkins 215; Karen Freund and Rodney Ivey 300 (in memory of Jerry Enright); Shelbie Sheppard and Jeff Sheppard 327; Judy Mincey 492; Laura Clawson 186; Elene Stovall, Karen Ivey, and Gresham Davis 182; David Carlton 376 (in memory of John Merritt); Eschol Hughes 146; Sarah Jenkins, Joel Jenkins, and Leah Jenkins 77t; Lauren Bock 216; Stuart Ivey 546; Tat Bailey and Buell Cobb 436.


Richard Ivey and Drew Smith led 101t to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 500; Daryl Chesney 454 (in memory of Herman and Eva Andersen); Rene Greene and Jeff Sheppard 137; Jerry Creason and Rodney Ivey 421; Syble Adams and Shane Wootten 496; Erica Hinton and Anna Hinton 40; Mary Ruth Stiefel 234; Levon Wootten 46; Rex Wilks and Bud Oliver 73t; Jeffrey Wootten 460; Eli Hinton 268; Coy Ivey 384; Daniel Wootten 47b; Verlon Stiefel, Jeanette Dollar, and David Ivey 572 (CB); Phillip Ballinger 200; Leigh Cooper and Mark Godfrey 441; Cindy Tanner 76b.

Richard Ivey, Shane Wootten, and Loyd Ivey led 267 as the closing song. Tony Ivey offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Richard Ivey; Vice Chairman—Shane Wootten; Secretary—Donna Wootten