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New York State Regional Singing

Old Songs Community Arts Center, Voorheesville, New York

Saturday, June 9, 2007

The Albany area New York State Regional singing was called to order by Jean Seiler leading 47t. The opening prayer was offered by Judy Henningson.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Jean Seiler; Secretary—Pam Regan.

Leaders: Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 34b; Terry Ryan 63; Sue Ulrich 504; Margaret Bornick 352; George Seiler 503; Russ Vernon-Jones 99; Dean Jens 540; Michael Ryan 178; Bill Holt 82t; Barbara Swetman 312t; Jenna Strizak 37b; Dan Adams 270; Aldo Ceresa 271t; Kelsey Sunderland 107; Dennis Leipold 300; Linda Shea 203.


The class was called back to order by Justin Squizzero leading 111b. Leaders: Ron Bornick 454; Rachel Speer 222; Chris Holley 480; Joanna Lampert 318; Greg Mulkern 215; Phil Rubin 126; Jennie Brown 114; Nathan Rees 298; Laura Borrelli 159; Kelsey Wessels and Jenna Strizak 30b; Justin Squizzero 77t; George Seiler 68b; Ellen Flanders 27; Steven Jens 163t; MaryAnn Morrison 547.


The class was called back to order by Barbara Swetman leading 148. Leaders: Allison Schofield 564; Lucy Roberts 442; Laurel Miazga and Paula Picton 457; Matthew Wojcik 499; Anna Hendrick 192; Sheldon Finlay 217; Michael Ryan 163b; Paula Picton 411; Amy Finlay 440; Rosie Wojcik and Marian Wojcik 429; Dan Adams 59; Anne Johnston 55; Phil Rubin 211; Terry Ryan 335. Blessing for the noon meal was offered by George Seiler.


The class was called back to order by Laura Borrelli leading 29t. Leaders: Kelsey Sunderland 430; Dennis Leipold 189; Matthew Wojcik 532; Nathan Rees 434; Paula Picton 168; Linda Shea 302; Rachel Speer 296; Aldo Ceresa 360; Joanna Lampert 142; Chris Holley 277; Greg Mulkern 273; Allison Schofield 269; Jenna Strizak 218; Bill Holt 550; Sheldon Finlay 460; Margaret Bornick 455; Dean Jens 477; Anna Hendrick 87; Justin Squizzero 81t; Amy Finlay 106; Kelsey Wessels 157; Ron Bornick 334; Rosie Wojcik 377; Lucy Roberts 290; Barbara Swetman and Dan Adams 122 (in memory of his father, Nelson Adams); Jennie Brown 384; Russ Vernon-Jones 448b.


The class was called back to order by Margaret Bornick leading 228. Leaders: MaryAnn Morrison 479; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 492; Laura Borrelli 47b; Jean Seiler 475; Anne Johnston 294; Steven Jens 117; Ellen Flanders 209; Rachel Speer and Dean Jens 278t; Matthew Wojcik, Rosie Wojcik, and Marian Wojcik 144; Greg Mulkern, Aldo Ceresa, and Nathan Rees 522; Chris Holley and Bill Holt 146; Justin Squizzero and Anna Hendrick 112; Jenna Strizak, Kelsey Wessels, and Kelsey Sunderland 421; Joanna Lampert and Jennie Brown 102; George Seiler and Jean Seiler 299; Amy Finlay and Sheldon Finlay 383; Ron Bornick and Margaret Bornick 268; Allison Schofield and Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 567; Barbara Swetman and Dan Adams 128; Linda Shea and Jeremy Galvagni 348b; Dennis Leipold and Paula Picton 272; Phil Rubin 329; Lucy Roberts 330t; Dean Jens and Steven Jens 38b.

Jean Seiler, George Seiler, Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg, Regina Daly, and Pam Regan led 62 as closing song while those who wished took the parting hand. Bill Holt offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Jean Seiler; Secretary—Pam Regan