Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Bob Burnham Memorial Singing

Jacksonville, Alabama

February 2, 2003

The thirty-sixth session of the Bob Burnham Memorial Sacred Harp Singing was held on the first Sunday in February and was called to order by Chair Ruth Brown who welcomed everyone. Ruth Brown and Jeff Sheppard led 59. Louis Hughes, Sr. offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Jeff Sheppard 460 (in memory of Uncle Bob Burnham); Shelbie Sheppard 200; Pam Nunn 300; Pearl Guier 358 (in memory of Nell Temple), 448b; Mary Smith 318 (for I.V. McWhorter, Mozelle Sheppard, and Alice Edwards); S. T. Reed 428; Bobby Jackson 568; Tommy McGraw 475; Lou Cotney 218 (for Jesse Cotney); John Plunkett 547 (in memory of the Columbia shuttle crew); Carlene Griffin 159 (in memory of Cindy Huckeba Cole); Willie Mae Moon 283; Milton Oliver 176t; Lela Crowder 374; B.J. Harris 503; Jimmie Denney 143 (in memory of Vivian Rogers); LaRue Allen 280 (in memory of the Morris family); Nathan Green and Norma Green 322 (in memory of Leola Smith).


Rodney Ivey brought the class back to order leading 186.

A business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed: Chair—Pearl Guier; Vice Chairman—Jeff Sheppard; Secretary—Shelbie Sheppard; Arranging Committee—Pam Nunn.

Leaders: Jewel Wootten 110; Felton Denney 405 (in memory of Wilford Denney and Everette Denney); Margie Smith 499; Evelyn Harris 155; Jimmy Cates 137; Scott DePoy 74b; Sherry Lovvorn 454; Eunice Webb 229; B.M. Smith 28b; Glenda Collins 81t; Jackson Harcrow 153; Mattie Townsel 317; Alex Makris 313t; Betty Wright 108t; Richard Mauldin 36b; Daphene Causey 422; Bud Oliver 274t; Kenneith Calvert 52t; Max Berueffy 377; Ruth Brown, Pearl Guier, Jane Galant, Mary Ann Brown 68b (in memory of five family members who had passed away this last year: Pat Burnham, Gene Burnham, Nell Temple, Jim Temple, and Floy Driskell; and Polly Moore). Felton Denney offered prayer for the noon meal.


Jeff Sheppard brought the class to order leading 373. Leaders: Elene Stovall 142 (for Ruth Brown); Jeannette DePoy 183; Stuart Ivey 479; Coy Ivey 384; Susan Harcrow 208; Buell Cobb 138t; Reba Windom 192; Lonnie Rogers 348b; Cassie Franklin 328; Charlene Wallace 354b; Karen Ivey 498; Richard DeLong 395; Terry Wootten 370; Sarah Jenkins 340; Teenie Moody 222; David Ivey 172; Eloise Wootten 171; Louis Hughes, Sr. 179; Henry Johnson 418; Philip Denney 112; Joan Aldridge 228; Dennis George 215; Randall Smith 276b; Linda Thomas 134; Bobby Watkins 48t; Amanda Denson 430; Earlis McGraw 284; Ruth Daniels 378t; Chris Green 543; Mary Grace Green 66; Reba Windom and Bill Windom 196; Jeff Sheppard and Shelbie Sheppard 556; David Ivey and Karen Ivey 327; B.M. Smith and Margie Smith 225t; Nathan Green and Norma Green 332; Coy Ivey and Eloise Wootten 456; B.J. Harris and Evelyn Harris 303; Willard Wright and Betty Wright 323b.

Announcements were made. Pearl Guier led song on page 46 as the closing song. Chris Green offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chair—Pearl Guier; Vice Chairman—Jeff Sheppard; Acting Secretary—Charlene Wallace; Secretary—Shelbie Sheppard.