Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Michiana Singing

Goshen, Indiana

Saturday, July 17, 1999

The twelfth annual Michiana Singing was held at the New Testament Baptist Church on Saturday before the third Sunday in July. The class was called to order by Matthew Lind leading song on page 34b. Rachel Miller Jacobs led the morning prayer. Samuel Sommers led song on page 36b.

Leaders: James Nelson Gingerich 171; Rachel Miller Jacobs 344; Kent Beck 137; Christine Guth 379; Jan Wright 178; Roger Williams 73 (t? b?); Laura Short 368; Michael Miller 551; Martha Beverly 77b; Joe Todd 125; Charlotte Wolfe 64; T.J. Willard 98; Marlen Rust 203; Brad Oglesby 192; Charles Wells 148; Jan Ketelle 168.


The class was called together by James Nelson Gingerich leading song on page 39t. Leaders: Ann Miczulski 63; D.J. Hatfield 385b; Kate Lind 28b; Ted Johnson 376b; Pauline Childers 318; Kiri Miller 330t; Jenny Willard 434; Richard DeLong 470; Pat Fosberg Smith 65; Anne Heider 191; Ted Mercer 416; John Fink 186; Karen Arnett 66; John Bealle 217; Joan Aldridge 475; Henry Schuman 111b; Laurel Cornell 143.


Christine Guth brought the class back with song on page 146. Leaders: Dean Slaton 498; Bill Beverly 272; Linda Speck 49 (t? b?); Janet Fraembs 91; Anne Steel 268; Melanie Hauff 278b.

The memorial lesson was held. Pauline Childers began the lesson with thoughts that reminded us of how we miss our loved ones, but should not grieve for them. We should think of them singing with the angels and praising our Lord. Those deceased remembered were: Ralph Heath, Roy Avery, Lindburg Lacy, and Phillip James—Alabama; Don Jolly—California; Ethel Kline and Libby Dukes—Florida; Horace DeLong, Ruth Redding, and Roxy Duffy—Georgia; Janet Borman and Gerald Harner—Illinois; Angela Muncie and Monique Wilson—Iowa; Alta Short—Ohio; Robert Goode—Massachusetts; Howard Critchlow—New Jersey; Cleo Hawkins—Mississippi; and Nancy Holt—Wisconsin.

Richard DeLong spoke of the power of a memorial lesson. When we lose a loved one, we carry that person in our hearts and minds at memorials always, not just during the year the name appears on our lists. Richard DeLong led song on page 285t for the deceased.

Pauline Childers read the names of those sick and shut-in which included: Woodie Walker, Marie Aldridge, Ruby Phillips, and Virgil Phillips—Alabama; Christine Weaver, Vivian Wenger, Debbie Einswald, and Pat Ludlow—Indiana; Jerry Pieske, Susan Smith, Milton Kemnitz, and Ede Kemnitz—Minnestoa; Bernice Embry—Mississippi; Perry Arnett.

Reba Dell Windom led song on 378 (t? b?) for the sick and shut-ins. Matthew Lind concluded the memorial with prayer.

Announcements were made. Rachel Miller Jacobs said grace for the noon meal.


The class was called together by Samuel Sommers leading song on page 319. Leaders: Lisa Grayson 419; Johanna Fabke 122; Al Frank 163b; Elizabeth Fink 59; Warren Steel 376; Molly Williams 479; James Page 505; Marcia Johnson and Pauline Childers 288; Keith Willard 144; Elizabeth Todd 373; Reba Dell Windom 282; Eloise Clark 85; Judy Hauff 222; David Rust 80t; Suzanne Flandreau 117; Julie Vea “Bangor”; Pauline Childers 269; Samuel Sommers 112.


Matthew Lind called the class to order by leading song on page 99. Leaders: Anne Heider 532; Stanley Chang 455; Doug Stapleton 327; Jan Ketelle 556; Melanie Hauff 392; Keith Willard and Jenny Willard 460; Reba Dell Windom 196; John Bealle 442; Joan Aldridge 270; Ted Mercer 383; Lisa Grayson 448 (t? b?); James Nelson Gingerich 236.


Samuel Sommers brought the class to order with song on page 100. Leaders: Julie Vea 195; Janet Fraembs 45t; James Page 411; Pat Fosberg Smith 347; Eloise Clark 369; Dean Slaton 345b; Johanna Fabke 74b; Judy Hauff 200; Richard DeLong 39b; Charlotte Wolfe 47t; Ted Johnson 430.

Announcements were made. Matthew Lind led song on page 62 as the closing song with the class taking the parting hand. Rachel Miller Jacobs dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Matthew Lind; Treasurer—James Nelson Gingerich; Chaplain—Rachel Miller Jacobs; Secretary—Samuel Sommers.