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Swannanoa Shape Note Singing

Swannanoa, North Carolina

Saturday, July 27, 2024

The 16th annual Swannanoa Shape Note Singing was held in Morris Pavilion, Warren Wilson College, in conjunction with The Swannanoa Gathering’s Old Time Music and Dance Week. Sarah Kehrberg brought the class to order with announcements, and by leading 73b, followed by the opening prayer.

Leaders: Clarke Williams 47t; Jonathan Wood 48b; Eli Snyder 30b; Ron Pen 146; Maddy Mullany 171; Emma Parrish 270; Robert Kelley 419; Jane Cannon 383; Larry Hall 168; Kevin Slaughter 268; Mary Baumeister 449; Esther Morgan-Ellis 440; Kyle Johnston 162; Lily Hammond 472; Leslie Booher 274t; Jeremiah Ledbetter 81t; Chris Wilhelm 481; Dave Farmer 288; Kevin Kehrberg 149; Sarah Kehrberg 547.


Eli Snyder brought the class to order by leading 101t. Leaders: John Plunkett 297; Andy Morse 280; Brian Boris 282; Judy Mincey 538; Steven Cook 59.

Maddy Mullany and Clarke Williams led the memorial lesson. Maddy Mullany read the names of the sick and shut-ins and led 374. Clarke Williams led 48t after reading the following list of names of the deceased: Chloe Webb—Texas; Mary Grace Walrath—Tennessee; Jeannie McLerie—New Mexico; Scott Swanton, David Wilson, and Zoe Clay—North Carolina; Charles Hiroshi Garrett and Richard Crawford—Michigan; Dan Brittain—Arkansas; Henry Guthery—Alabama.

Leaders: Michael Spencer 354t; Kevin Kehrberg 184 (CH); Jonathan Wood 25t (CH); Emma Parrish 493b (CH); Mary Baumeister 389 (CH); Leslie Booher 543 (CH); Esther Morgan-Ellis 20 (CH). Ron Pen offered a blessing on the meal.


Maddy Mullany began the afternoon session by leading 40b (CH). Leaders: Kyle Johnston 64 (CH); Lily Hammond 142 (CH); Jeremiah Ledbetter 258 (CH); Clarke Williams 33 (CH); Ron Pen 117 (CH); Chris Wilhelm 402b (CH); Jane Cannon 281t (CH); Judy Mincey 397b (CH); Andy Morse 36t (CH); Eli Snyder 276 (CH); Michael Spencer 495 (CH); Sarah Kehrberg 546b (CH); John Plunkett 250 (CH); Dave Farmer 544 (CH); Robert Kelley 213 (CH).

The class entered a business meeting. The class voted to keep the same slate of officers. The class voted to meet again in 2025 on the Saturday in July in conjunction with The Swannanoa Gathering’s Old Time Music and Dance Week. The business meeting was closed.


Sarah Kehrberg brought the class to order leading 16 (SoH). Leaders: Andy Morse 72t (SoH); Mary Baumeister 274 (SoH); Jonathan Wood 13t (SoH); Esther Morgan-Ellis 254 (SoH); Jane Cannon 119 (SoH); Jeremiah Ledbetter 277 (SoH); Clarke Willliams 114 (SoH); Kevin Kehrberg 115 (SoH); Chris Wilhelm 330b (SoH); Michael Spencer 41 (SoH); Judy Mincey 278b (SoH); Dave Farmer 46 (SoH); Robert Kelley 108 (SoH); Eli Snyder 134 (SoH); Ron Pen 322 (SoH); Maddy Mullany 331b (SoH); John Plunkett 125 (SoH); Larry Hall and Graham Thomason 276b (SoH).

Eli Snyder reported that fifty-one singers from eight states registered, and twenty-seven leaders led seventy-one songs. Following announcements, the officers led 267, and Sarah Kehrberg offered the closing prayer.

Chairperson—Sarah Kehrberg; Vice Chairman—Ron Pen; Secretary—Eli Snyder