Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Moore, Graves, and Calvert Memorial
Addington Chapel, Cullman County, Alabama
Saturday, June 15, 2024
The 114th session of the Moore, Graves, and Calvert Memorial Sacred Harp singing was held on Saturday before the third Sunday in June. The class was called to order by Danny Creel leading 49t. The opening prayer was offered by Butch White. Danny Creel welcomed everyone.
The following officers were retained to serve: Chairman—Danny Creel; Secretary/Arranging—Ann Jett.
Leaders: Danny Creel 48t; Prisca Rice 298, 56b, 475; Samuel Williams 523, 505, 501; Jeff James 117, 145t, 146; Tom Booth 147t, 204, 34t; Butch White 34b, 178, 86 (for Henry Guthery); Hazel Heinze 99, 515, 438.
The class was called back together by Danny Creel leading 170. Leaders: Philip Gilmore 47b, 76b, 77t; Linda Booth 84 (for Cornelia Van Den Doel), 137, 350; Mark Davis 132, 203, 142; Lisa Geist 527 (for Mary), 228, 327; Marlin Beasley 512, 336, 61; Jackie Tanner 138t, 101t, 89; Beth Branscome 150, 474, 76b; Virginia Watts 274t; Ken Tate 53, 345b, 348b; Brenda Chafin 187, 192, 434; Larry Ballinger 182 (in memory of Gravis Ballinger), 439, 151; Ru Perry-Mize 159, 457, 45t.
The afternoon session began with Danny Creel leading 111b. Leaders: Cindy Tanner 155, 208, 198; Joyce White 480, 481; Nicholas Thompson 431, 436 (in memory of Ozella Blackmon), 80b (in memory of Earl Ballinger), 140 (for Larry Ballinger); Cassie Allen 299, 389, 205, 322; Prisca Rice 521; Mark Davis 134; Samuel Williams 80t; Ann Jett 269, 498, 440; Ru Perry-Mize 72b; Jeff James 31t. Announcements were made.
Danny Crell led 46 as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Jeff James, and the class was dismissed.
Chairman—Danny Creel; Secretary—Ann Jett