Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Lamar and Pickens County Convention
Zion Church, Near Gordo, Alabama
Saturday, June 1, 2024
The 106th session of the Lamar County and Pickens County Sacred Harp singing convention was held on Saturday before the first Sunday in June. The class was called to order by Amber Davis leading 36b. Glenn Keeton offered the opening prayer. Amber Davis led 129.
Leaders: Lisa Geist 492, 269; Will Gatewood 565, 163b; Maggie Zavgren 45t, 63; Roma Rice 323b, 108t; Louise Yeager 480, 426b; Mike Hankins 59, 527; Glenn Keeton 504, 475 (for Henry Guthery); Larry Ballinger ‘Mercy Seat’, 119.
Amber Davis brought the class back to order by leading 373 (for Paula Springfield). Leaders: Chris Ballinger 76b, 44; Mark Davis 564, 47b; Wayne Baines 75, 339; Philip Gilmore 68b, 49b; Laurie Keeton 72b, 282; Beth Wallace 528, 120.
The afternoon session began with Amber David leading 436. Leaders: Laurie Keeton 542; Lisa Geist 392; Beth Wallace 560; Will Gatewood 283; Maggie Zavgren 379; Roma Rice 64; Louise Yeager 276; Larry Ballinger 235; Glenn Keeton 365; Mike Hankins 168; Chris Ballinger 270; Mark Davis 234; Wayne Baines 155; Philip Gilmore 176b; Amber Davis 177 (in memory of Earl Ballinger). Announcements were made.
Amber Davis led 62 as the closing song. Mike Hankins dismissed the class with prayer.
Chairman—Amber Davis; Secretary—Lisa Geist