Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
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Huntsville Sacred Harp Singing
Burritt On the Mountain, Huntsville, Alabama
Saturday, May 4, 2024
The annual Huntsville Sacred Singing was held on the Saturday before the first Sunday in May in the Old Country Church at Burritt on the Mountain, Huntsville, Alabama. The class was called to order by Linton Balinger leading 144. Linton Ballinger offered the opening prayer.
The class was organized by electing or appointing the following officers to serve: Chairman—Mark Carroll; Vice Chairman—Charles McCravy; Secretaries—Teresa Hope and Amanda Hardiman; Arranging Committee—Lomax Ballinger and Linton Ballinger.
Leaders: Charles McCravy 87, 176b; David Ivey 374, 375; Amanda Hardiman and Addie Hardiman 454, 30t; Lomax Ballinger 277, 45t; Vella Dailey 34b, 164; David Jackson 499, 225t; Carolyn Thompson and Melissa Snow-Clark 442; Ron Harper 29t, 284; Gail Doss 35, 76b; David Ballinger and James Ballinger 108t, 565; Judy Mincey 250; Samuel Sommers 56b, 397; Teresa Hope 101t, 110; Buddy Ballinger 399b.
Mark Carroll brought the class back to order leading 445 and 283. Leaders: Butch White 313b, 547; Susan Lee 32b, 107; Larry Ballinger 151; Matt Hinton 32t, 195; Chelsea Miller 148, 480; Dennis George 345b, 542.
The memorial lesson was conducted by David Ivey. He spoke for the sick and deceased. David then read the names of the sick and deceased and led 83b. Charles McCravy closed the memorial lesson with prayer.
Leaders: Lisa Geist 528, 472; Daniel Lee 106, 489; Tom George 103, 382. Mark Carroll asked the blessing before the noon meal.
The afternoon session was called to order by David Ivey leading 273. Leaders: Shane Wootten 275b, 394; Bridge Hill Kennedy 411, 276; David Carlton 275t, 183; Nathan Rees 317, 217; Daniel Bearden and Brittany Bearden 344, 474; David Smead 447, 216; Christopher Mann 138b, 467; Lisa Bennett 518 (for Mary Brownlee); Will Fitzgerald 89; Meredith Ivey 153; Everett Ivey 421; Margaret Evey 178; Brad Bahler and Karen Bahler 155, 550; Sam Wright 465, 71; Jesse Latimer 34t; Sarah George 224; Scott Ivey 108b; Leann Carter 504; Karen Ivey 108t; David Light 112, 436; Zena Tucker 36b.
Following announcements, David Ivey led 45b as the closing song. Samuel Sommers offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.
Chairman—Mark Carroll; Vice Chairman—Charles McCravy; Secretaries—Teresa Hope and Amanda Hardiman