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Oliver Kindig-Stokes Memorial Singing

HBIC Church, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Saturday, April 27, 2024

The 7th annual Oliver Kindig-Stokes Memorial Singing was held at HBIC Church, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in April. The class was called to order by Ruth Wampler Hissong leading 394, followed by Ruth Wampler Hissong and Dennis Hissong leading 475. Dennis Hissong offered the opening prayer.

During a brief business meeting, the following officers were appointed: Chairman—Joyce Forry; Vice Chairman—Jeff Shenk; Treasurer—Tom Stokes.

Leaders: Joyce Forry 101t, 354b; Jeff Shenk 39t, 569b; Tom Stokes 100, 335; Elizabeth Patton 467, 367; Lyn Koehnline 59, 73b; Molly Sauder 178, 155; Pete Sandeen 47b, 163b; Hollie Long 72t (for Lou Long), 34t.


Hayden Arp led 345t to bring the class back together. Leaders: Korey Guerrieri 61, 340; Jonathan Kadar-Kallen 225b, 362; Doe Lowinger 162, 40; Ted Stokes 60, 112; Rachel Farber 111b, 418; Matthew Kaufmann 170, 84; Sophie Sokolov 48t (for Jo’an Dunn), 379.


Molly Sauder led 282 to bring the class back together. Leaders: Tom Stokes 486; Thomas Ward 68b; Rachel Hall 498; Greg Holt 123t; Lindsey Falbo 56b; Blake Sisemore 411; Susan Loucks and Sam Adioetomo 122; Kevin Griffin Moreno 566 (in memory of Don Goodson); Hayden Arp 436; Jessica Keyes 270; Kyle Johnston 317; Matt Drumheller 383; Ben Cocchiaro 182; Elizabeth Patton 120; Joyce Forry 500; Jeff Shenk 283; Lyn Koehnline 81t. Dennis Hissong asked a blessing before the noon meal.


Ruth Wampler Hissong led 279 to bring the class back together. Leaders: Thomas Ward 30t; Blake Sisemore 426t; Jessica Keyes 384; Ted Stokes and Jeff Geib 49t; Rachel Hall 396; James Griffin 547; Susan Loucks and Sam Adioetomo 454; Kevin Griffin Moreno 99; Lindsey Falbo 38b; Hayden Arp 292; Sophie Sokolov 204; Matt Drumheller 448t; Kyle Johnston 448b; Molly Sauder 455; Greg Holt 391; Ben Cocchiaro 497; Rachel Farber 426b; Pete Sandeen 288. Tom Stokes gave the treasurer’s report, saying all expenses were met.


James Griffin led 128 to bring the class back together. Leaders: Robin Betz 504; Korey Guerrieri 441; Ruth Wampler Hissong and Dennis Hissong 318; Matt Kaufmann 129; Rachel Hall 542; Hollie Long 30b; Doe Lowinger 69t; Jessica Keyes 472; Blake Sisemore 556; Rachel Farber 89; Thomas Ward 95; Tom Stokes 192; Ted Stokes 227.

Elizabeth Patton gave the secretary’s report, stating that forty-eight singers from five states were registered, and thirty-five leaders led eighty-five songs.

Jeff Shenk led 425 as the closing song. Ted Stokes offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairperson—Joyce Forry; Vice Chairman—Jeff Shenk; Secretary—Elizabeth Patton