Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Middle Georgia Sacred Harp Singing
Union Primitive Baptist Church, Johnstonville, Georgia
Saturday, April 20, 2024
The 19th annual Middle Georgia Sacred Harp Singing was held on Saturday before the third Sunday in April. Bill DuPre welcomed the class and led 32t. John Plunkett offered the morning prayer. A business session was held, and the class voted to elect the following officers: Chairman—Bill DuPre; Vice Chairman—Lisa Bennett; Secretary—David Smead.
Leaders: Bill DuPre 229; John Plunkett 93, 90; Lisa Bennett 34t (for Beverly Thompson and Pat Coghlan), 83b; David Smead 378t, 92; Daniel Williams 510, 503; Samuel Williams 274b, 326; Glenda Collins 282, 283; Bert Collins 274t, 63; Michael Spencer 278t, 531; Oscar McGuire 171, 155 (in memory of Charlene Wallace).
Leaders: Bill DuPre 31t, 475; John Plunkett 371, 416; Lisa Bennett 329, 405; Samuel Williams 539; David Smead 401, 400; Daniel Williams 74t, 448t; Glenda Collins 105, 290; Bert Collins 35, 542; Michael Spencer 499; Oscar McGuire 163b (in memory of Bentley McGuire). Daniel Wiliams offered the blessing of the noon meal.
Bill DuPre called the class to order leading 122. Leaders: John Plunkett 459, 458; Lisa Bennett 418, 419; Samuel Williams 26, 320; David Smead 240, 288; Daniel Williams 38b, 131t; Glenda Collins 99, 98; Bert Collins 300, 340; Michael Spencer 467, 354t; Oscar McGuire 515, 34b. After announcements, Bill DuPre led 148. Lisa Bennett led 347 as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Bill DuPre, and the class was dismissed.
Chairman—Bill DuPre; Vice Chairman—Lisa Bennett; Secretary—David Smead