Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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H.R. Avery Memorial Singing

Rocky Mount Primitive Baptist Church, Daviston, Alabama

Sunday, February 11, 2024

The annual H.R. Avery Memorial Sacred Harp singing was held on the second Sunday in February. The class was called to order by Charlotte Bishop leading 32t. Bill DuPre offered the opening prayer. Charlotte Bishop led 61 and 63.

In a business meeting, the motion was made to keep the same officers as follows: Chairman—Charlotte Bishop; Secretary—Isabelle Green; Arranging—Jordan McGuire. The motion carried and the business session was closed.

Leaders: Oscar McGuire 34b, 171; Winfred Kerr 77b, 182; Jack Nelson 229, 228; Bill DuPre 49b, 378b; Lynda Fagan 335, 45t; Shane Brown 114, 65.


Stanley Smith led 81t to bring the class back together. Leaders: Stanley Smith 82t, 100; Sarah George 275b, 204; Ted Price 39b, 340; Sharon Whitehead 112, 480; Audrey Blakeley 109, 146; Charlotte Bishop 268, 229 (CB); Isabelle Green 569b, 176b; Diane Avery 186, 145b; Jordan McGuire 68b, 143; Tom George 108t, 560. Jack Nelson asked a blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with Charlotte Bishop leading 294. The memorial lesson was held at this time. Stanley Smith led 86 for the following sick and shut-ins: William Futral, Virginia Futral, Robert Chambless, Judy Chambless, and Lavelle Hawkins. Oscar McGuire led 566 in memory of the following deceased: Tommie Spurlock, Clyde Avery, Norma Green, Philip Denney, Hubert Nall, and Nellie Estes.

Leaders: Jordan McGuire 535; Lynda Fagan 288; Stanley Smith 134; Sarah George 47b; Audrey Blakeley 123t; Bill DuPre 148; Winfred Kerr 89; Oscar McGuire 452; Shane Brown 99; Tom George 267; Charlotte Bishop 110; Jack Nelson 475; Ted Price 28b; Isabelle Green 137; Sharon Whitehead 565; Justine Whitehead and Jordan McGuire 282. Announcements were made.

Charlotte Bishop led 62 as the closing song. Ted Price offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Charlotte Bishop; Secretary—Isabelle Green