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Alabama Sacred Harp Musical Association

Partridge Crossing Baptist Church, Warrior, Alabama

November 25-26, 2023

Saturday, November 25

The 122nd meeting of the Alabama Sacred Harp Musical Association was held on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in November. The class was called to order by Mary Amelia Taylor leading 70t. The opening prayer was offered by Jeff James. Mary Amelia Taylor welcomed the class and visitors.

Leaders: Mary Amelia Taylor 36b; Cassie Allen 40; Jeff James 117; Ainslie Allen 546; Robert Chambless 317; Ken Tate 335; David Ivey 353 (for Dan Brittain); Karen Rollins 354t; Jeremiah Ledbetter 123t; Hazel Heinze 145t; Judy Mincey 540; Bill DuPre 49b; Karen Ivey 472; Jeannette DePoy 89; Bill Denney 128.


Mary Amelia Taylor led 155 to bring the class together. Leaders: John Plunkett 476; Cindy Tanner and Jim Carnes 436; Berrett Patton 340 (in memory of Edna Graves); Susan Lee 349; Tim Taylor 228; Winfred Kerr 516; Lisa Bennett 328; Reba Windom 196; Tom George 321; Matt Hinton 318; Judy Caudle 177 (for Earl Ballinger).

A business session was held at this time. The following officers and committee members were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Cassie Allen; Vice Chairman—Butch White; Secretary—Ainslie Allen; Chaplain—Jeff James; Arranging Committee—Cindy Tanner and Jackie Tanner; Memorial Committee—Tom Booth and Dennis George; Resolutions Committee—Sarah George and Linda Booth; Finance Committee—Rodney Ivey and Pam Nunn; Locating Committee—David Ivey and Tom George. The business session was closed after all committee members were announced.


The class was brought back to order by Cassie Allen leading 106. Leaders: Thom Fahrbach 316; Racheal Geary 162; Butch White 547; Linda Booth 198; Emily Stutzman 339; Anna Hinton 383; Gail Doss 107; Marlin Beasley 336; Leanne Carter 86; Eli Hinton 455; Rodney Ivey and Cheyenne Ivey 432; David Smead 434; Jane Cannon 306; Nicholas Thompson 411; Jim Carnes 440; Calum Woods 399b; Pam Nunn 183; Nancy Phillips 276 (for Margaret Keeton). Danny Creel asked a blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with Cassie Allen leading 343. Leaders: David Carlton 481; Judy Chambless 222; Daniel Lee 302; Sarah George 428; Dylan Feezell 438; Wanda Capps 200; Bridge Hill Kennedy 454; Alex Forsyth 480; Brenda Chafin 338; Danny Creel 485; Jackie Tanner 314; Cheyenne Ivey 172; Erica Hinton 534; Lauren Bock 464; Dennis George 344; Tom Booth 475; Jesse P. Karlsberg 511; Ann Jett 269; Larry Brasher 513; Nathan Rees 447. Announcements were made.

Cassie Allen and Butch White led 46 as the closing song. Jeff James dismissed the class with prayer.

Sunday, November 26

The Alabama Sacred Harp Musical Association met again at Partridge Crossing Baptist Church for another day of singing and fellowship. The class was called to order by Cassie Allen leading 30t. The opening prayer was offered by Jeff James. Leaders: Cassie Allen 138t; Butch White 287; Ainslie Allen 498; Jeff James 124; Cindy Tanner 208; Larry Brasher 385b; Charlie McGuire 460; Karen Rollins 227; Roma Rice 50b; Gail Doss 66; Louise Yeager 276 (for Margaret Keeton); Rodney Ivey and Karen Rollins 472 (in memory of Dan Brittain); Daniel Lee 489; Elene Stovall 440; Larry Ballinger 477 (for Earl Ballinger and Johnnie Ballinger).


Butch White led 313b to bring the class together. Leaders: Marlin Beasley 378b; Buell Cobb 103; Lisa Bennett 458 (in memory of Dan Brittain); Robert Chambless 560 (for Oscar McGuire); Judy Mincey 186; Stefani Priscos 187; Jeremiah Ledbetter 426b; Henry McGuire 532; Lisa Geist 527 (for Johnnie Ballinger); Winfred Kerr 146; Anna Hinton 203.


The class was brought back together by Cassie Allen leading 345b. Leaders: Alex Forsyth 228; Meredith Ivey 153; Erica Hinton 391; Everett Ivey 143.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Tom Booth and Dennis George. Dennis read the following list of names of the sick and shut-ins aloud: Earl Ballinger, Johnnie Ballinger, Linda Patton, Barry Rollins, Margaret Keeton, Ozella Blackmon, Betty Shepherd, Beverly Rollins Thompson, Richard Mauldin, Loyd Ivey, Louise Ivey, Joyce Walton, Linda Thomas, Julia Poston, Faye Donaldson, Mrs. Janice Caldwell, Nate Green, Rosie Lindsay, Henry Guthery, Darrell Parker, Ernestine Parker, John Hollingsworth, Elsie Hollingsworth, Bill Hollingsworth, and Don Bowen. Tom Booth spoke of remembering friends in song, but also of sending cards, making phone calls, and showing love and appreciation for others. They led 70t.

Tom Booth spoke, and read the following list of names of the deceased: Juanita Beasley, Hubert Nall, Marlon Wootten, Norma Green, Geraldine Sharpton, Carol Fannin, Boyd Scott, Doug Ivey, Jeanette Dewberry, Chita Blakeley, Pearl Guier, Jerry Kitchens, Leslie Gilmore, Joe Jones, Claudene Townson, Gaston White, Ellen Brasher Harris, and Elvin White—Alabama; Matt Plunkett, Philip Denney, George Burnette, and Cathy White—Georgia; Cora Beasley Jones—Tennessee; Esther Mann—Mississippi; Melanie Hauff—Illinois; Becky Browne—Missouri; Lydia Lewallen, Zoe Clay, and David Wilson—North Carolina; Dan Brittain—Arkansas; Charlotte Ehrman—New York; Cheryl Foreman—Texas; Mary Wright—Virginia; Eva Striebeck—Germany. Dennis George spoke, referring to John’s writing about Lazarus, sleeping, and resting in Christ. Tom and Dennis led 285t in memory of the deceased. Sarah George closed the memorial service with prayer.

Leaders: Sarah George 512; Sharon DuPriest and Rodney Ivey 299; Nathan Rees and Cassie Allen 444; Reba Windom 384 (in memory of Coy Ivey); Carl Walls 100 (in memory of Walls family members); David Smead 412; Judy Chambless 282. Jeff James asked a blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with Cassie Allen leading 89. Leaders: Dennis George 543; Bridge Hill Kennedy 192; Thom Fahrbach 315 (in memory of Dan Brittain); Racheal Geary 335; Richard Ivey 202; Ken Tate 530 (in memory of Edith Tate); Pam Nunn 224; Jane Cannon 456; Tom George 422; Matt Hinton 556; Nicholas Thompson 528; Calum Woods 291; Tom Booth 49t; Judy Caudle 216; Wanda Capps 222; Karen Ivey 182; Danny Creel 170; Linda Booth 273; Cheyenne Ivey and Reba Windom 30b; Ann Jett 327; Dylan Feezell 331.

A business meeting was held in order to hear committee reports. Pam Nunn gave the financial report, stating that due to generous contributions, expenses were met.

The Resolutions Committee, Linda Booth and Sarah George, submitted the following report: We resolve to thank the Lord for allowing us to come together in song and fellowship. We would like to thank Partridge Crossing Baptist Church for the use of its facilities. We thank the officers of the convention for their work and dedication. We thank all those who provided food, and special thanks to Shelley Calvert for her work in the kitchen. We give thanks for the life and music of Dan Brittain, and all those who have contributed words and music to the Sacred Harp. We resolve to hold all those who could not attend in prayer. We resolve to meet again next year on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in November for the 123rd session of the Alabama Sacred Harp Musical Association, at a location to be announced at a later date.

Ainslie Allen gave the Secretary’s report, stating that singers came from seven states (Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Oregon, and North Carolina) and two countries (US and UK). On Saturday, sixty-four leaders led sixty-nine songs and on Sunday, fifty-eight leaders led sixty-four songs. The business meeting was closed. Announcements were made.

Cassie Allen and Butch White led 323t as the closing song, and those who wished took the parting hand. Jeff James offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Cassie Allen; Vice Chairman—Butch White; Secretary—Ainslie Allen